Get by without a preamp?


John bon Donovich
Unregistered guest

I'm thinking of buying a Bryston 2b-lp which, like other power amps, has gain controls for each channel.

Can I use this amp without a preamp with a regular cd player? would the gain controls suffice as volume controls?

I will definitely get a preamp in the future, but I'm just curious if the system would be useable until then.


Silver Member
Username: John_a

Post Number: 328
Registered: Dec-03

I do not know the Bryston specifically. But, in general, the answer is "yes". A pre-amplifier is, first of all, a source selector and a volume control. The only real "pre-amp" amplification is done on a phono input, to bring it up to the same sort of level (usually a few Volts) as CD player.

I have a Sony power amp with a gain control and it works fine in the way you describe. If in doubt, look at the specs for the output from the CD player and the input to the Bryston. I ampretty sure it will be OK.
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