I recently purchased an Emerson EWR10D4 DVD recorder for use with rewritable DVD's. I got it with the intention of rudimentary assemble editing as you would with a standard vcr,you know, recording and pausing as you go along selecting the scenes you want. Now I'm not so sure I can do that with a DV recorder. I know from reading the manual, you can delete scenes, but I think they're referring to an entire recording from start to finish and not a few seconds here and there. So my question is can I record pausing and starting along the way, or would this be too tedious to be practical--especially since you have to name your scene and "fill out a form"pracitaclly? As far as deleting scenes can I delete only a part of the scene or only the whole I recorded start to finish? Also, can I go back and start a scene all over again if I didn't like something, say a few seconds back.