Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 865 Registered: Jan-05 | Wow, I think I drank too much last night, but I sure enjoyed the SVS. Heres the scoop. The PB12-plus/2 was shipped tuesday from ohio via Yellow Freight, and I was able to track it's progress on the web. At 358AM thurdsay, it arrived at it's destination dock in KC and was scheduled to be delivered today(friday)to me. Since today will be rainy, I called the local YF to determine a 'rough' estimate of when they'd be here because I didnt want my sub sitting out in the rain. As it turns out, the guy who schedules residential deliveries was off sick yesterday, and my sub wasnt going to arrive as planned for 'friday night movies'. That wasnt acceptable so I went to the dock to pick-up in person since it was only a 15-20 minute drive from my home. The sub was 160lbs in its crate, and it barely fit in the back of a Ford Explorer. I managed to unload, uncrate, and drag it down a flight of stairs to the theater without assistance, and it was no easy task. Needless to say, I worked up a hell of a sweat in the process, and a helper is recommended. The sub is massive and definitely not something you can hide. If you're spouse wears the pants in your household, and you worry about WAF, this is NOT the sub for you because it's freaking huge. It's performance?? I watched "The Incredibles" and "I Robot" last night as test DVDs. What can I say other than this sub is insane!!! Words dont exist that can describe it's output. It's ultra smooth and doesnt even break a sweat on the most demanding movie segments. It's power is unbelievable and I only have the gain set at around 35-40% to blend it with my 7 surround speakers in a room that measures roughly 20x25. It has a F.resp.,phase, & gain that allow you to adjust it's output. It also has 3 ports that you can either cover, or uncover to alter the output. For now, I have the selector set at 20hz and one port covered. I also experimented extensively with various crossovers. Since the sub is far superior to my regular speakers, I feel that a higher crossover is better and ended the night with it set at 200HZ. I felt that the more I allowed the sub to handle, the better things sounded. I was also suprised that with the crossover set so high, the subs output was still nondirectional and it's position wasnt detectable from the sound, although you could feel the direction of the sound pressure waves. In summary, this is one obscene sub, and highly recommended for those who want huge output. It left me in complete shock, and I doubt that anything in the <$4,000 price range can even touch this monster. All I have to say is.......WOW!!!!!!!! |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 422 Registered: Mar-05 | You have the sub's crossover at *200* freakin' Hz??? Face it Paul, you need to give those CVs to the local Salvation Army and get some decent fronts. Just goes to show that at least for speakers (not subs), size is NOT everything. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 869 Registered: Jan-05 | The way I figure....... Since the sub is so awesome, the more I allow it to do..... the better. Why cut off a good thing at 80hz when you can feed it more? |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 522 Registered: Feb-04 | Because you shouldn't have to? Let it handle the low end it excels at. Get stereo mid-bass to get the feel that a drum is in front of you. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 872 Registered: Jan-05 | This is no petite 'girlyman' sub. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 430 Registered: Mar-05 | 200Hz...Paul even the Ascend 170 *BOOKSHELVES* go lower than that for chrissakes! Why hold on to your old behemoths if you're running your sub at such a high crossover? |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 524 Registered: Feb-04 | What is that girlyman speaker next to it? |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 874 Registered: Jan-05 | That would be an AAL83 surround speaker. It's a 3-way design with an 8" woofer. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 876 Registered: Jan-05 | BTW......'shouldnt have to' has nothing to do with it. So far, Im just experimenting with crossovers for fun and trying different settings to experiment and see what offers the greatest 'overall' theater effect. As of right now, I'm leaning towards liking the 80-200hz range coming from the sub, rather than coming from the fronts. Keep in mind Ive only had the sub for 1 day, and I'll obviously be doing a lot more experimenting. Having that range coming from the sub gives more 'kick' than when coming from the front speakers, and 'wasting' potential of the fronts isnt a concern being that I'm looking for the greatest 'overall' effect. If gaining the greatest effects comes at the expense of the fronts, then so be it. I like it when little things like doors opening and closing can be felt deep in your chest. Now that I finally have this behemoth sub, my opinions of front speakers and their duties are changing. I would now consider smaller speakers since the big theater effect is easily supplied by the 'behemoth' sub. I'll never own bookshelf speakers simply because I dont like them, but I will consider smaller towers. My opinion has changed about behemoth fronts so long as behemoth sub is in place to add the dramatic movie effects I need. The SVS is exactly what I was looking for, and I'm glad that I finally joined the modern era by adding it to my home theater. Having the SVS in place, I dont believe I would lose a thing by switching to bookshelf speakers(even thought that will never happen). I'll go way out on a limb with this statement..... For HT purposes, one would be much better off with a $500 pair of fronts coupled with a high end sub, rather than the other way around. Hows that for a change in position? |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 877 Registered: Jan-05 | BTW...based on the type of responses, you couldnt possibly understand the type of output delivered by the SVS. I kid you not that this darn thing would make you soil your pants if you're not prepared for really big sound. This beast would make the top of the line HSU sound like a tomato can by comparision, and that's saying a lot since they make decent subs. The SVS is in an entirely different league. |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 525 Registered: Feb-04 | Paul, It's possible, but I wish you'd have heard a Hsu (not HSU) before saying such things. You didn't believe in subs a week ago, remember? What makes you think Hsu are weak if you haven't heard one? sigh. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 879 Registered: Jan-05 | by the contrary...... Hsu subs are nice subs. "Weak" is only relative. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 435 Registered: Mar-05 | Paul, > For HT purposes, one would be much better off with a $500 pair of fronts coupled with a high end sub, rather than the other way around. Hows that for a change in position? I'd actually agree with that. Music of course is whole other ballgame. Of course for me not being into special-effects laden movies like "The Incredibles," I'm afraid that your $1200 sub would probably just go to waste. I'd be very happy with a $500-700 SVS sub though. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 880 Registered: Jan-05 | Not into movies with good LFE tracks??.....that's half of all movies released on DVD!! You should hear "Master and Commander". Whoah..... Just about any good dramatic movie has a great LFE track. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 438 Registered: Mar-05 | Well, I'm more into movies like "Sideways," "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," and "I Heart Huckabees" not to mention a lot of foreign flicks. Only about 20% of my DVD watching is of the "Bourne Identity," "LOTR," "Kill Bill" type stuff. I have a hard time finding movies with stellar LFE tracks that also have stellar acting and dialogue, and interesting/original storylines and characters. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 881 Registered: Jan-05 | As it stands now, if and when I replace my CVs, it will be with modest towers, but I'll spare no expense on the center. With the behemoth SVS at my disposal, spending extra for huge fronts that go deep would be a waste. |
Silver Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 398 Registered: Feb-05 | Remember that the fronts and center should be timbre matched. Edster, I don't even use the LFE on the receiver I hook the sub up directly to 1 set of pre outs on the pre amp. I must say that my movie watching is more along the lines of what you watch. Great movie with great sound: Open Range. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 440 Registered: Mar-05 | Arthur, > Edster, I don't even use the LFE on the receiver I hook the sub up directly to 1 set of pre outs on the pre amp. What's the advantage in that? You may have explained this once a long time ago but I forget. |
Silver Member Username: Joe_cOakwood, Ga Post Number: 281 Registered: Mar-05 | that shotgun in open range about blows my windows out. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 882 Registered: Jan-05 | Eternal HuckaWho sunshine? LOL Never heard of that movie. Enjoy.... |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 447 Registered: Mar-05 | well, I may take the plunge and rent "The Incredibles" sometime at Blockbuster, since I hear that the 2-DVD set comes with a THX speaker calibrator. It actually got a very high rating at (invaluable resource!) so I'm curious. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 887 Registered: Jan-05 | It's just a fun animated movie. I liked it better than Shrek. It was probably my favorite of all the animated flicks. |
Silver Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 400 Registered: Feb-05 | Back from Seattle, great trip as usual. Best damn music stores anywhere. Movies cost a fortune there. All new releases are about $30 unless they're on sale then you might get them for $26. They cost at least $10 less down here in the Willamette Valley. I've been looking online and am thinking about getting a new sub. You know, one of those internet direct ones. Perhaps an SVS. Not the big boy Paul bought but perhaps one a couple of lbs below it. It has to sound good for music though because I do 80% or more music. Edster, the way I hook up the sub just sounds better for music, and if you tell the receiver that you don't have a sub it will send the low frequency effects that way. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 889 Registered: Jan-05 | $30 for movies?? I guess they dont call it the 'left' coast for nothing. As for the sub, if you dont want a giant, I'd recommend the HB12-plus. |
Silver Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 403 Registered: Feb-05 | It's only the big retailers in Seattle. I just paid less than $20 altogether for the special edition of Unforgiven, Hart's War, and (don't laugh) The Man in the Moon. I started a thread for my sub search here in the speaker forum. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 891 Registered: Jan-05 | I liked Harts War and Unforgiven, but didnt care for the other. I usually buy movies from walmart because you can often find good older titles from $5.50 and up. It's not unusual to find good classics for $10. For example, I think Braveheart was only $9. The sub forum has run amuck with kiddies talking about their 170db thumbers jammed into their $100 rustbucket cars. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 453 Registered: Mar-05 | Paul, movies from WALMART??? Ugh! Don't you know that Walmart automatically CENSORS all their DVDs without ever telling you? What you get is basically a made-for-TV bastardized version. It's part of their "family values" PR schtick. |
Silver Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 405 Registered: Feb-05 | Yeah, I buy my cheap DVD's from Fred Meyer and Target. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 893 Registered: Jan-05 | I realize Walmart is in the news for censorship because of the many titles they refuse to carry in their stores, and also for a DVD player soon to be marketed that filters bad language or n*dity, but dont believe for a moment that any "R" rated movie has been censored. The Scarface DVD from Walmart hardly sounds censored considering the 1,000+ times the 'f' was thrown around. That must be specific to the Walmart in Abubala because I've never gotten a movie that was altered from it's origional format. I also know for a fact that my copy of 'full metal jacket' came from walmart and I challenge anyone to find where it was edited from it's origional format. You're completely full of BS if you(for example)believe that the Terminator movie from walmart has somehow different from the one purchased at Best Buy or elsewhere. If they are guilty of censorship because they refuse to stock your favorite Gangster Rap songs, then so be it, however that's an entirely different topic, and their choice to make. You obviously(once again)have no clue about what you speak. |
Silver Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 407 Registered: Feb-05 | I know you're not talking to me! I'm black but I don't listen to no "G" music, And I would be proud of it if I did. And I wouldn't know what Walmart carries, I don't shop there. Oh and that would be "Gansta", umm umm umm. Hey ya'll focus on subs I need some help here. Goodnight. |
Silver Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 408 Registered: Feb-05 | Oops I meant "Gangsta". Today begins the research into affordability. Or to put it another way "how to sneak a behemoth sub into the home without the wife knowing it". |
Silver Member Username: Joe_cOakwood, Ga Post Number: 287 Registered: Mar-05 | *laughs at everyone verbally slapping each other at a moments notice* |
Silver Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 409 Registered: Feb-05 | True joseph. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 458 Registered: Mar-05 | Paul, to be honest I've never actually bought a movie from Walmart but that's only because I've always read from a wide number of reputable media (New York Times, Time magazine, CNN, etc.) about them censoring movies. Let's see, "Scarface"---do they show the part where Al Pacino's sister is about to get boinked in some restaurant bathroom? |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 894 Registered: Jan-05 | Arthur, Ooops, it's 'Gangsta'...ok, I stand corrected. Walmart clearly has taken a stance on lewd music and video games, and various other things and is free to stock(or not) whatever it chooses. The comment was directed to edster, and if he suggests that Walmart has a top-secret conspiracy to edit 'R' rated movies, then he's flipped his lid. As to the G-rap phenominen thats grown so popular with todays children, I think it's disgusting and will never allow that crap in my home. It has nothing to do with 'black' as your comment suggests considering the largest market for that garbage is white american suburbia. My comment was not directed to a race, but rather what seems to be the majority of american youth who buy that trash. Im not a Bible-thumper crusading to ban vulger music. My only point was that any retailer is free to choose what they place on their shelves, and that my children wont have such music in my household. If todays teeny-boppers are upset that the newest unedited '50Cent' CD isnt in walmart, then they need to shop elsewhere. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 895 Registered: Jan-05 | Edster....yes. You're clueless if you think Movies are 'secretly' edited. You obviously need more reliable sources. Listening to children crying about the CD and video-game selection probably isnt a very smart move on your part. |
Silver Member Username: KanoPost Number: 485 Registered: Oct-04 | Paul, not allowing it in your house is the best way to have your children end up listening to nothing but "G" music, but this is an audio forum, hardly a child psychology one. |
Silver Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 413 Registered: Feb-05 | I've never bought a movie at walmart but I'm not sure how much better it is to buy at Target or Fred's where I do buy. We don't have a Walmart here but they are threatening a superstore just down the street. Frankly, it doesn't bother me one way or the other. I'll buy wherever I can get unedited (which I don't think anybody edits) movies the cheapest. I just bought "Devil in a Blue Dress" for $7 at Fred's, that's the way I like it. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 461 Registered: Mar-05 | Paul, so your Walmart DVD of "Scarface" does contain all the groping, nu dity and near-sex of that bathroom scene? Just curious. As for the "sources"---yes they were referring specifically to movies, that's why it caught my attention since I have zero interest in video games or rap music. I hope you are right though, cause Walmart often does have good prices on DVDs. |
Silver Member Username: KanoPost Number: 488 Registered: Oct-04 | Unless some producers are producing specialty Wal-Mart friendly versions of DVDs, I don't see how it's possible Wal-Mart carries edited versions. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 896 Registered: Jan-05 | Edster has flipped his lid because he obviously believes there are 'secret' Walmart versions of rated 'R' movies. hahahaha |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 467 Registered: Mar-05 | Of course there are Paul, they come from the same warehouse where the black helicopters are kept! ; ) |