audio-oni Unregistered guest | Hello! 1st post here, and kinda a newbie. I've decided to jump into the world of good audio system despite my wife's reservation about cost and space it all would take in our living room. So I decided to make her happy by getting speakers that sound and look nice. NOTE: I want to show case the speakers, and not hide them in walls, behind faux rocks, or make them small like souveniers. I kinda want to make a stamement that big speakers can be pretty. Anyway, so which of the fllor standing speakers do you think looks the best? I like the look of NHT's fllor stander with their piano laquer, but maybe there's something else out there. Thanks, audio-oni |
Silver Member Username: CorneliusPost Number: 143 Registered: Jun-04 | I always thought Totems looked nice. Nice finishes and smaller sizes. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 855 Registered: Jan-05 | price range? |
audio-oni Unregistered guest | I'd say 2k is max for a pair. |
NADMAN Unregistered guest | That rules out the ultra-cool looking B&W's that go for $20,000 a piece... Form over function? |
Bronze Member Username: XsoundMyrtle Beach, SC United States Post Number: 71 Registered: Sep-04 | You don't mention what type of electronics you will be running, what types of music you will be listening to, or the percentage of music to movies you will be running. Also the room size and characteristics would be helpful: hardwood floors, or carpet, etc. I understand the Wharfedale Opus line is incredible in appearance and sound quality. They fit in your price range. I also hear very good things about Quad's l-series speakers. 2 very unusual speakers that sometimes achieve a high WAF are Magnepan and OHM. They are very different speakers appearance wise, but for some reason women sometimes think they are cool. Both have very distinctive sounds and rabid fan-bases. There may be a Maggie dealer near you, but OHM is only available on-line; however they have a very generous home demo period. Another on-line company that seems to have some of the best looking speakers around in Onix Rocket. You can check them out at I have never heard them, but reviewers seem to really like the sound, and their following is very hardcore. A more traditional looking speaker with nice real wood veneer finishes are Monitor Audio. Enjoy |
Silver Member Username: DmwileyPost Number: 590 Registered: Feb-05 | What difference does it make as to what the other posters think on this topic? Don't you have enough brains to figure out what looks best to you? If you don't, you need a lot more help than anyone in this forum can provide. |
audio-oni Unregistered guest | Dale, I am asking around for what others think. I happen to be quite open-minded. I have my own preferences, but there are probably more speakers out there than any one can throw a stick at, so it's good to see what others have to say. After all isn't that why we all come and participate in a forum? To hear what others have to say, to open our eyes and eras a little bit? Chill out, I feel sorry for those who have to deal with you on a daily basis... audio-oni |
Silver Member Username: Stealth_cDublin, CA USA Post Number: 206 Registered: Jan-05 | I personally like the wood veneers on Cambridge Soundworks speakers, but not too many people here much care for their stuff. |
Silver Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 207 Registered: Feb-05 | the wood veneers on usher audio speakers are to die for, as well as the sound. check 'em out! they sure LOOK expensive, and sound it as well. However they are really affordable. |
Bronze Member Username: MauimusicmanPost Number: 50 Registered: Apr-05 | Well....there are GMA Europas. They are made of "cast marble". Europa. Lemon pledge makes them shine nicely too. Europa. Plus nothing beats their sound. Europa. Those Usher speakers look pretty darned nice though, I must admit. Europa. Just can't help but think of the recording artist though. Europa. |
Silver Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 208 Registered: Feb-05 | here we go again with the impersonator pushing speakers he has never heard. |
Silver Member Username: EramseySouth carolina United States Post Number: 123 Registered: Feb-05 | Hey Gavin how much U.S.D. are those big speakers with the 15" drivers on the Usheraudio website? E.Ramsey |
Bronze Member Username: MauimusicmanPost Number: 51 Registered: Apr-05 | I wouldn't call it "pushing", merely suggesting. Europa. Even that is more of a joke than anything. Europa. Lighten up Gavin. Europa. |
Silver Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 210 Registered: Feb-05 | the horn speakers? they ARE expensive at $20,000 a pair, but must be totally awesome to listen to. for a run down on the prices on usher speakers this is the best link I have found. check it out. Usher Audio is dealer only, but they will sell to you if there isnt a local dealer close to you. Trust me, these speakers really do look (and sound) the part. Usher audio speakers (the sane ones) are priced anywhere from $400 up (the CP-730 are only $1400 a pair for towers) I think you will love them. |
Silver Member Username: EramseySouth carolina United States Post Number: 124 Registered: Feb-05 | Thanks for the info Gavin! Those dual 15" towers look VERY impressive and I'm sure they sound heavenly! E.Ramsey |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 502 Registered: Feb-04 | The best looking for me (he didn't say small) is the Klipschorn. It looks like a nice piece of furniture. For example, they sit in the corners in this picture: |
Bronze Member Username: PbdrPost Number: 13 Registered: Apr-05 | For something that is fairly traditional, but still nice to look at. Check out PSB: Their image line is well thought of and I like the way they look. For somehting VERY distictive, and also verywell thought of. Check out the Gallo Reference series: |
Bronze Member Username: PbdrPost Number: 14 Registered: Apr-05 | Oh, also, try and ignore Dale's abusive posting. Appearently he's a jerk... |
Silver Member Username: EramseySouth carolina United States Post Number: 125 Registered: Feb-05 | Ditto on that Peter! E.Ramsey |
Silver Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 211 Registered: Feb-05 | the ref. 3 is an OUTSTANDING speaker in every way. gets my acolades along with my Usher Audio post above |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3713 Registered: May-04 | When we know nothing about your tastes other than you want to make a statement, it is like opening the telephone book to find a name you like. Too many pssibilities. Might I suggest speakers do not have to be large to make a statement. Big speakers either sound horrible shoved into a space you can walk around or they sound much better 7' out into the middle of the room. Read some reviews if you doubt this fact. If you insist on a big speaker which can exist quitely in a corner until called upon, listen to the Allison line. If clarity and musicality are the goals to which you aspire, there are many speakers that do not require the side of a room to accomplish that task. Most people will be more impressed by the amount of sound they hear coming from a small speaker and subwoofer than a behemoth. If WAF is a concern, I would suggest there are better people to ask than a bunch of guys on an audio forum. (No offense, guys.) Why don't you ask your wife what she prefers and go from there. If she says she prefers Bose, get a divorce. FAST! |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 504 Registered: Feb-04 | If clarity and musicality are the goals to which you aspire, there are many speakers that do not require the side of a room to accomplish that task. That was aimed squared at me, but you don't say why? You're implying that's it a bad thing, but a lot of people like their khorns. |
Silver Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 388 Registered: Feb-05 | I'm sick I suppose but I really like the way the B&W 705 looks on its stands. I also like Totems, Usher, Sonus Faber, and Dali. These speakers aren't all unique but they look well make. At 2k most floorstanders look like....well....speakers. A beautiful bookshelf speaker at that price is the Paradigm S2, wonderful wood veneers under piano laqcuer finishes..quite the yummy speaker. |
cousin_it Unregistered guest | I agree with Arthur and Gavin about the Ushers. I was just looking into them yesterday at the site. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3714 Registered: May-04 | Well, golly gosh, Peter, certainly I remember every component every forum member owns. No, I was not speaking implicitly about K-Horns, yours or anyone else's. I would not suggest K-Horns to anyone unless I knew the speakers would work in their room. I have no information that suggests audio-oni can make the best of K-Horns. Unless the speaker is flush to the wall all along its rear edge, the horn loading will not work properly and the bass response will suffer. Though also corner loaded, the Allison's do not have this requirement for fit. Like Quads and Apogees, Dunlevy's and Wilsons, along with many other large speakers, a blanket recommendation of a K-Horn is out of the question. |
Bronze Member Username: DiabloFylde Coast, England Post Number: 97 Registered: Dec-04 | How about BeoLab 5 speakers? They don't look like speakers at all, just two identical works of art which will become more valuable as the years roll on (maybe). |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 506 Registered: Feb-04 | Jan, I wasn't making blanket recommendations on what to buy, just stuff he should look at that happens to look good. If they met the WAF criteria, then he can looks into them further. I don't own khorns, yet. But I posted about 'em and you had that wall comment... Am I getting too touchy? |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 398 Registered: Mar-05 | audi-oni, LOL, don't mind Dale, he's just...well, Dale. I normally love to recommend Ascend CMT-340s but since you listed "cool-looking" and "making a statement that big speakers can be pretty" I had to cross them off---exquisite sound quality at an unbelievable price but just a plain black box. Since I do like the Internet-direct business model, let me point you to these Swan 6.1s in Real Rosewood: Not sure how they actually sound but I love the top-cabinet tweeters (a B&W knockoff probably). Have heard positive feedback about them on other forums though. I also like how Magnepan speakers look, though your wife might not agree...LOL! |
Bronze Member Username: JimvmGonzales, Louisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 54 Registered: Apr-05 | audio-oni - Adhering to your criteria of floorstanding and around $2k, I'd have to say B&W 704's. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 858 Registered: Jan-05 | C'mon....Cerwin Vegas look the best!! How can anyone resist that beautiful orange ring?? HEH |
Silver Member Username: DmwileyPost Number: 595 Registered: Feb-05 | Jimvm, you neglected the most important criterion: they must be pretty. Although the original poster indicated he wanted something that sounded and looked nice, his question was: "Anyway, so which of the fllor standing speakers do you think looks the best?" Obviously, sound is not a primary consideration. At least Paul's somewhat facetious last entry responds directly to the inquiry. Most of the other responses do not. Pity. But not uncommon. |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 513 Registered: Sep-04 | audio-oni Not sure where you are so not sure what the prices are in your area, but here are some pretty speakers, some of which you will discount because they're standmounts (why do they have to be floorstanders?). Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder so if you don't like you're blind ![]() Wilson benesch ARC ( - the stand is part of the speaker) Sonus Faber (any - they're almost all gorgeous) Chario Totem Arro, Hawk and Forest B&W 704 Naim Allae Regards, Frank. |
Bronze Member Username: Divin11112000Michigan Post Number: 33 Registered: Dec-04 | I would have to throw my opinion in of Martin Logan's. The flatness of the electromagnetic is pretty awesome looking. Unfortunately I found that if your not in the "sweet spot" they lose some of their sound (at least the model that I heard, not sure if it is in all of their speakers) jmo chris |
Bronze Member Username: JimvmGonzales, Louisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 55 Registered: Apr-05 | "Jimvm, you neglected the most important criterion: they must be pretty. Although the original poster indicated he wanted something that sounded and looked nice, his question was: "Anyway, so which of the fllor standing speakers do you think looks the best?" Obviously, sound is not a primary consideration. At least Paul's somewhat facetious last entry responds directly to the inquiry. Most of the other responses do not. Pity. But not uncommon." My reply was to his question: Which looks the best -- given the criteria he stated regarding type and cost. I tried to be helpful. Did you? |
Silver Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 219 Registered: Feb-05 | the MartinLogan mosaic and montage are in the price range mentioned, which is about 2 grand fot the mosaic, and 1500 for the montage. The mosaic and montage use a driver similar to magnepan, called ATF, short for advanced thin film. These drivers are actually made by Bohlender Graebener (sp) and sold to Martin Logan for them to modify to their needs. These speakers sound awesome when broken in, but absolutly CAN NOT be driven by anything less than the best you can afford. Driven by cheap, mass market reciever (sony, onkyo, etc.) they will sound shrill and hollow. However, spend a little on a rotel or NAD reciever at the bare minimum, and you will reap all these speakers can give you. Thank you for reminding me of these remarkable speakers! |
Bronze Member Username: GigondrumsPost Number: 12 Registered: Mar-04 | Elac 310.2 jet & Elac 330.2 jet: Don't know if anyone mentioned these, but they sound great, with surprising bass output. |
Silver Member Username: DmwileyPost Number: 604 Registered: Feb-05 | Yep. I think you were just about as hepful as I. No more, no less. |
Anonymous | Hi, I have a pair of Klipsch SF-1's and the tweeter is blown. How easy is it to fix myself? |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3723 Registered: May-04 | We can't tell you on this thread unless they're really good looking speakers. |
richard_head Unregistered guest | "Hi, I have a pair of Klipsch SF-1's and the tweeter is blown. How easy is it to fix myself?" Ask Maui, he knows. |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 526 Registered: Feb-04 | Anon, start a new thread! |