Something very strange happened to me, a year and a half ago we remodeled our living room and I actually had room to bring back my old Technics turntable, I kept it stored in a safe place and had it wrapped to keep out any dust. It worked great and sounded wonderful for the last year but one day I went to flip over an album that was on the turntable and found oil all over the underside of the album.. I found this very strange so I carefully cleaned off the album and platter rubber with dishwash detergent and low and behold a week later when I went to play another album oil all over the underside of the album. So this time I pulled the whole platter to see if there was oil coming from underneath but there was none.. I'm kind of stumped here, the turntable is aprox. 30 years old I can't remember it's specifics, this question sounds dumb even to me as I write it but I'm at a loss... Did they have oil blatters in the old rubber platter? The reason I ask is I can't find oil anywhere except on the rubber platter and the album.. also the rubber platter looks and feels 30% stiff and dryed out, 3/4 of it is just fine but the other 1/4 is discolored and well kind of dryed out..
There are no bladders in a platter mat. The only place the oil is probably coming from is the main bearing of the table. Is this a belt or direct drive table?