New member Username: WillyPost Number: 1 Registered: May-05 | Does anyone know of any 2 inch speakers that can handle around 50 watts. Thanks for any info |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 754 Registered: Jan-05 | I believe that's the size of edsters main drivers, and he says they can easily handle that much power. |
Silver Member Username: KanoPost Number: 480 Registered: Oct-04 | Paul, stop goading across the entire board. Keep your juvenile comments in a specific thread so I can stop reading them. Thank you. In response to the poster's question, Orb Audio comes to mind - As well Mordaunt Shorts, and Mirage Nanosats. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 304 Registered: Mar-05 | Paul Paul Paul, all this size fixation you have! hmm, methinks you're probably hung like a squirrel, aren't you? ROTFLMAO... |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3605 Registered: May-04 | Eddie, eddie, eddie - Can you do anything but insult people? |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 305 Registered: Mar-05 | why welcome back, Jan! so nice to have you around again AND to have a direct post from you---I'm so relieved, I thought you were serious about excommunicating me after that endless "Salespeople" thread. WHEWWWW! To answer your question though---not when they're clearly begging for it. I believe in democracy, see---so I always try to give people exactly what they want. BTW, isn't Paul old enough to take care of himself? heh heh |
Anonymous | Jan needs to get to 4000 posts somehow, doesnt he? |
Silver Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 189 Registered: Feb-05 | gallo acoustics and its spin off compeditor, orb audio, come to mind. I have read many reviews on this website that orbs actually have better sound than the gallos, despite the fact that they are cheaper. Someone correct me if I am wrong. gavin |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3607 Registered: May-04 | Eddie - I believe the majority opinion is the forum would be better served if the personal insults were left off. Why not give it a try? |
Bronze Member Username: DiabloFylde Coast, England Post Number: 91 Registered: Dec-04 | >Does anyone know of any 2 inch speakers that can handle around 50 watts. Thanks for any info What sort of application are they for?? There are plenty of speakers which will handle upper frequencies as part of a set which will handle 50 watts total. But if you want a single full range driver capable of handling that power, then that is a tall order. There are 3 inch long-throw drivers which come close to being full range. |
Silver Member Username: EramseySouth carolina United States Post Number: 119 Registered: Feb-05 | Of what 3" driver or any speaker do you speak of that will produce the full audio range 20Hz-20kHz. E.Ramsey |
Bronze Member Username: DiabloFylde Coast, England Post Number: 92 Registered: Dec-04 | Eric, Very few speakers will produce 20Hz-20kHz at -3db, as you well know, but still described as full range. And I said 'come close to'. About 30 years ago I made some speakers with Eagle 3 inch drivers and they were okay. Not brilliant at the bass, of course, but not too bad at all - and quite okay for treble. I'm not recomending them as ideal. The main point of my post was to elicit some info as to what Willy needed them for. That seems a fundamental question to me. ![]() Regards, diablo |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 308 Registered: Mar-05 | Jan, Not to overstate the obvious here, but your comments would be a lot more credible if you'd direct them to Paul as well since he does after all instigate this stuff. But I guess since Paul aligned himself with you in the aforementioned endless thread, you just couldn't bring yourself to do that could you? Surprise me, Jan. |
Bronze Member Username: DiabloFylde Coast, England Post Number: 93 Registered: Dec-04 | Oops. Inspired by this thread, I ha a look to see if I still had those 3 inch Eagle drivers. And there they were, in a rusty tin box. However, I was remembering the size of the actual fibre cone - with the roll surrounds they were actually 4 inches across. ![]() Apologies. Although they were quite good, they would have been much poorer if actually 3 inchers - and 2 inchers have no chance! |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 760 Registered: Jan-05 | I never toss personal insults. I only insult pint-sized bookshelf speakers posing as fronts in a HT. ITS MOVIE TIME!!!!!! I've decided on watching the 3rd installment of Harry Potter and then off to bed. I've already seen it once, but will probably like it more the 2nd time around...... OUT... |
Bronze Member Username: DiabloFylde Coast, England Post Number: 94 Registered: Dec-04 | Why would anyone want two inch speakers? Surely the guy means drive units - as replacements for a machine which has duff 2" units? If he wanted very small speakers, wouldn't he have said something like "I want some very small speakers"? I suspect that only willy hyde (or is that a 'nom de keyboard' of someone else) can answer that. ;/ Is someone taking the piddle here? |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3614 Registered: May-04 | Eddie - I haven't kept up with your on going debates across the forum, I therefore have no idea who you have chosen as an adversary of the moment. Though there does seem to always be an adversary with you, eddie. If you and Paul want to fight I have no interest in that match and I assume others would also prefer to read about audio and not about squirell genitalia. I would ask anyone with a grudge to carry on in personal emails instead of the forum. If I remember correctly I came across a posting by Paul that was insulting to Democrats which I found personally offensive. But it was not aimed directly at me so I did not respond. What I saw above was not much more than a jibe at your love for a certain speaker brand and your ongoing promotion of the product. We all love the products we choose; at least until we want something new. Most of us don't start a thread just to prove our point. You appear to be quite sensitive to the remark made by Paul and your decision was to hurl more epithets. Don't you think you could have done without the personal comments? And now you take the stance of wanting to spread the blame around to others. "Awwww, Mom. Make him stop first." This can't be why you got on this forum to begin with. I think the "Salespeople" thread did enough damage to the forum for a while. Why don't we all stop the petty insults and discuss audio with a bit more intelligence than the juvenile retorts that have been displayed lately. Eddie? Paul? Anyone else? |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 764 Registered: Jan-05 | Yea, such petty behavior and name calling should not be tolerated!! And to think individuals would stoop to such depths. BTW, I posted pics of my 'awful' sounding HT in the bragging area if you'd like to drop by and sling some more mud at my poor, poor unappreciated CVs. LOL |
Silver Member Username: DmwileyPost Number: 549 Registered: Feb-05 | Are you seeking "raw" speakers or do you mean a speaker system? |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 313 Registered: Mar-05 | Jan, Actually what transpires between Paul and me is very different from what transpired between you and me in the "Salespeople" thread. As the British would characterize it, Paul and I mainly are just "taking the piss" at each other. There is no real personal animus going on, I have never felt personally insulted by his persistent insults of all non-floorstanding speakers, and from what I can gather Paul has also taken my returning jibes in stride and good humor. He has never reacted in any pompous, self-righteous or hypocritical "how dare you!" way, and I must say I do respect that about him. However, one thing that Paul has done consistently is butt in on every thread in which I (as well as any number of other users) ever mention or recommend non-floorstanding speakers. Kano is one of several other users who has noted this with some annoyance (see third post in this thread). This little habit of Paul's has gotten progressively more annoying, and at times I'll admit that a few of my returning jibes have had a little more edge to them than others. But that's all they are: returning jibes, for the most part humorous. You're right that I do like the Ascends and recommend them whenever I find a poster whose musical tastes might make him appreciate them, but I have never done so at the expense of all other speakers---this is what Paul consistently does. If you track his postings on this forum, what he basically says in every single thread he posts on is that anything that's not a big massive floorstander is by definition a wimpy joke. It's one thing to constantly pop up and say, "My XXY brand speakers are great, try them" but it's another to say "My XXY speakers are the only game in town, everything else is crap." So the situation is quite simple: as soon as Paul stops being an annoying little pest, I will stop swatting him away. You may choose the characterize my act of swatting him away in any terms you like. Since you now seem to be taking the high road on this forum, it would befit you to research that which you have suddenly appointed yourself to adjudicate. Do your homework: skim through several threads in which Paul and I have tangled and you'll the pattern of which I speak. Funny thing is, why do I even have to tell you all this? Paul has always done this, long before the "Salespeople" thread, and I find it hard to believe that you, as a regular user of this forum, have never noticed it before. There are a number of adjectives that I might use to describe you, but "stupid" is really not one of them. To put it another way: if I see two kids fighting and I wish to put an end to it, I would not single out one kid and pretend the other one did nothing. Only the stupidest teacher or parent would do a thing like that. And as I said, I do not consider you to be stupid. Therefore I can't help wondering what motivates your all-too-obvious bias. And as long as I have to wonder about that, let's just say that I have a hard time taking you seriously at all. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3623 Registered: May-04 | You may assume whatever bias pleases you. My only request to whomever it might apply is to exercise some civility. Even a persistent post about how wonderful "X" speakers are is somewhat different than a personal insult placed in an open forum. |
Silver Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 196 Registered: Feb-05 | I agree with edster on this one... as soon as I reccomend a fine pair of monitors (or maggies) to someone that has an eclectic taste in music, and is interested in the minute details in layering and imaging, and is willing to give up the last bit of bass extension... a certain someone comes in and will almost always put a post that reads similar to this: you don't want a speaker like that unless you want a MINI soundstage. Paul is inadvertantly making less astute users think that the only way to quality sound is with a tower. nothing could be further from the truth, especially with maggies. Soundstage depth is generated by cues in the bass, this is true. Or in the case of maggies, reverberant sound. But what else is true, and paul himself has recently admitted this, is that a subwoofer can greatly improve the sound of a system. Take that same subwoofer, and pair it with a kick a$$ set of monitors that you would have spent the same amount on towers, and you will have an even bigger soundstage. This is due to the fact that the drivers in the monitor are closer together, and can act more like a point source than a tower. Plus, they have less surface area on the cabinet for the sound to reflect off of, coloring the sound. Not only that, but take a look at the drivers and crossovers! If you have a 2 way and 3 way speaker for sale at the same price, which one is gonna have the better drivers? DUH! Same with the crossover. There are lots of parts of the speaker that work this way. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3624 Registered: May-04 | Now there you go! I didn't see one mention of squirrels or their private parts in that entire post. |
Pappi Unregistered guest | Yes, Paul is indeed an annoying infantile little pest, incapable to explore different options that life has put in front of him . Debating with him is just a total waste of time.....Non value activity. I have yet to read a post where makes some sense if any at all... |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 771 Registered: Jan-05 | Teeny-tiny bookshelves are the perfect for someone.... if you look hard enough. Im sure someone out there is destitute enough to settle..... Heh |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 321 Registered: Mar-05 | Jan, > You may assume whatever bias pleases you. My only request to whomever it might apply is to exercise some civility. Even a persistent post about how wonderful "X" speakers are is somewhat different than a personal insult placed in an open forum. Ah, much much better. The true statesman finally emerges, and I applaud you. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 322 Registered: Mar-05 | Paul wrote: "Teeny-tiny bookshelves are the perfect for someone.... if you look hard enough. Im sure someone out there is destitute enough to settle..... Heh" Breathlessly awaiting Jan Vigne's statesmanlike response... |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 324 Registered: Mar-05 | Pappi, Increasingly I am coming around to your view. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 325 Registered: Mar-05 | Gavin, see now what you wrote is a finely argued and highly reasoned post. Unfortunately I have tried that approach with Paul on all too many occasions, and always to no avail. My conclusion for awhile is that Paul obviously delights in not only tenaciously clinging to his patently misguided views but delights in shoving them down everyone else's throats in a deliberately provocative manner. Therefore I must confess to finding it very hard to resist the urge to simply give him a rhetorical swat every now and then. Kind of one would do to a persistent fly buzzing around your face, know what I mean? LOL |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 775 Registered: Jan-05 | That statement couldnt be further from the truth. Individuals are free to own any style of speakers they wish, and if those happen to be pint-sized bookshelf models intended for HT use, then it was their choice. And no, it's not a fly making that buzzing sound. You forgot to turn off your NAD amp. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 327 Registered: Mar-05 | yes Paul dear, whatever makes you happy... LOL |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3627 Registered: May-04 | Oh, eddie, that's so sweet! |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 330 Registered: Mar-05 | Jan, Yes maybe we should start to call you Mr. Impartiality from now on...LOL No surprises as usual. |
Pappi Unregistered guest | I rest my case How pitiful is that someone could be so hardheaded to comprehend that size does not necessarily means quality. I do own floor standers for my music set up; however, I have had the opportunity to audition Spendor and Quad bookshelves and have been amazed by the sound they produce. Can anybody convince Paul that he at least should consider that there is a little tiny possibility in this Universe that a bookshelf speaker can produce great sound? Well, we all know the answer. So, if you can, please ignore his posts and go out there and audition, there are a lot of great products out there for everyone's needs Whatever he says does not make sense at all. By the way, NAD makes great products, specially their Amplifiers ... how do I know this? Audition, Audition, Audition ...Paul doesn't know this because he has a Yamaha RX-V2500- receiver and of course nothing compares to the Quality of this "mighty" piece of equipment so there is no need to explore other options...go figure Cheers |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3630 Registered: May-04 | Oh, eddie, you do care! |
New member Username: WillyPost Number: 2 Registered: May-05 | I didn't mean to get anyone mad. I need to find some speakers that can fit into a 2.5" - 2" dia. hole. The amp i am using is a 100 watts. I wanted to drive 2 50watt speakers. I guess i didn't ask the question correctly. Sorry about that. |
New member Username: PbdrPost Number: 8 Registered: Apr-05 | Willy, I don't think it would matter how you asked the question. Because you are posting on this board, you got lucky enough to have your thread hijacked by the "Edster and Paul show: Featuring the Peanut Gallery". It appears to happen to about 25% of the threads here, and If you can put up with the drivel, you may eventually get an answer to your questions. My thoughts on the subject: Orb audio makes some very good small speakers with 3 inch drivers. Perhaps you could look into buying "replacement" drivers for your needs. If those are too big, Bose 161s have, I believe, 2.5 inch drivers; you can pick up a pair of those, with 4 total drivers, for $125. But beware, many in this forum despise bose and may jump on this post (I happen to have a pair as surrounds and think they do a great job in that function). Hope this helps. |
Bronze Member Username: DiabloFylde Coast, England Post Number: 95 Registered: Dec-04 | TangBand make some 2 inch speaker drive units which look quite good. Max power handling is 20 watts. I doubt if you will find small speakers which can take as much as 50 watts. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 334 Registered: Mar-05 | Jan, why of course I do, but probably nowhere as much as you do, nor in the way that you do...cheers! |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 338 Registered: Mar-05 | Willy, Peter is right, the Bose 161 wouldn't be too bad as surrounds but then again only if you don't listen to SACD/DVD-A surround music. For HT though even Bose will do as surrounds, but I'd go that route only if you can't find anything cheaper. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3635 Registered: May-04 | eddie - Oh, pshaw! you've convinced me. You're right; I am much better than you. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 343 Registered: Mar-05 | Jan, I didn't have to convince you of that, you always knew that even before you ever came to this forum. ta-ching! |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 782 Registered: Jan-05 | I have Bose 161s as 'back' speakers, and they're fine for that purpose, but I wouldnt recommend them for surrounds. As backs, they do their job, but I would want a larger bookshelfs capable of more performance for surround purposes. Ideally 3ways.... my 2cents.... |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 346 Registered: Mar-05 | Paul, can you clarify what you mean by "backs" and what you mean by "surrounds?" |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3636 Registered: May-04 | True, eddie. It was you who needed convincing. |
New member Username: PbdrPost Number: 9 Registered: Apr-05 | Paul, 3-way speakers seem a little excessive for surrounds, they do usually carry a small load you know. Most HT packages are sold with, at most, 2-way bookshelf surrounds. Many very nice HT set ups include single driver surrounds and are considerred very good for HT. I'm not trying to talk up my little 161s, I know they are looked down upon, but I think saying you need 3-way surrounds is misleading. I guess in your set up you might need a 3-way surround to fight through the wal of noise put out by your CW towers... |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3640 Registered: May-04 | Now if three way speakers were considered "excessive" for HT, why would the manufacturers include the option for "large" rear speakers? DVD-A and SACD both recommend identical full range speakers for all locations with a subwoofer in most installations. (Not all recording studios adhere to this mixing priority however.) Since most HT systems will do double duty as multi channel music systems, should we have to change out to small speakers when playing a movie? BTW, I have small two way bookshelves all the way around my HT system. It is not often used for music as there is a separate two channel system in another room for that purpose. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 785 Registered: Jan-05 | Lets face it.... When omparing similar quality, bigger is better. If eddie needs clarification between surround and back speakers, he needs serious help. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 786 Registered: Jan-05 | High end 1-way speakers?? Hahahahahaha Something doesnt sound right there. |
Bronze Member Username: PbdrPost Number: 11 Registered: Apr-05 | Paul, Is Gallo Acoustics considerred high-end? |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3644 Registered: May-04 | Paul - Don't ever buy a S.E.T: |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 787 Registered: Jan-05 | OMG...... Those things look like something picked up at a garage sale. HEH It just goes to show, there are fools who would buy anything. You could package large elephent terds and label them "accoustical treatments" and some idiot audiophile will pay $300 apiece for them and have them scattered throughout his/her HT. He'll swear on a bible that they made a huge improvement and the difference was worth the added expense |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3648 Registered: May-04 | Those terds will bear the label "Cerwin Vega". |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 797 Registered: Jan-05 | Heh..... Im preparing to add a wicked, nasty, monster sub to those behemoth terds, so everybody better look out!! Well, mostly my neighbors. |
Bronze Member Username: PbdrPost Number: 12 Registered: Apr-05 | Paul, So your gigantic, overpowing Cerwin Vega Floorstandners aren't good for enough for the bass and now you have to add a subwoofer? If even your behemouths need a subwoofer than what do you gain from them over a good pair of bookshelf or mini-monitors speakers? |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 799 Registered: Jan-05 | I've listened to many subs through the years, and everything sounded like garbage to my ears so I wrote them off entirely. Recently, I listened to one that I liked, so I've reconsidered and changed my mind about subs. I'll be looking into premium subs to make it a clean 'step-up' in performance, and I have no doubt that those will perform much better. Bigger is better, and whatever I do buy will no doubt be beefy. No petite compact 'mini-subs' for me!!! As for bookshelf speakers??...not hardly. If and when I put my behemoths out to pasture, they will no doubt be replaced by hefty towers that can 'put out'. The funny thing is that in the soundroom where I was impressed, the fronts and center were 'wimpy' petite audiophile speakers that sounded terrible. The sub was quite impressive though, and it caught my attention. The soundroom setup was arranged in a homelike setup with a 60" plasma playing "The Incredibles" on a 7.1 system. Once impressed, I'll always be willing to bite the bullet and upgrade. I'm not easily impressed though. |