New member Username: SportsguyPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-05 | OK, so I've come to a point in my life where I need this info. Never thought I'd be here, but hey... I have owned a set of Canton Karat 980 "bookshelf" speakers since new - well over 12 years now. They are immaculate having spend roughly half that time in their original paking boxes in storage. I current dust them, as I only use them a couple times a month. They are, as mentioned, unblemished. If you're not familiar with these units here's a bit of a run-down: They were the top-of-the-bookshelf line for Canton when produced. Tweet, mid and woofer (12"). They will, and have, done an honest 20 - 20,000 (+). Trouble is I'm thinking of selling them - sure they're crystal clear and sound great, but realistically I don't use them enough to appreciate them. Let's face it, you don't need speakers like this to listen to the TV...LOL Anyway, I'd appreciate any help in determining a value to these units. Fire away with any questions - I'm sure there's a ton a pertinent details I'm leaving out. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 624 Registered: Jan-05 | Sports, Canton looks like it makes some pretty impressive speakers, but I guarantee you that no bookshelf remotely sniffs 20Hz. A word of advice is to look up the correct specs before listing your speakers for sale. As for an honest value??? My best advice is to google several 'web-listings' selling the same model/age speaker to see what they 'going' rate is on them. The only way to determine what they're worth is to see what rate like-speakers are currently being sold. If they're older speakers, they may soon need conework, so the fact that they have been 'hardly used' doesnt necessarily mean they're in "NEW" condition. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 237 Registered: Mar-05 | sportsguy, Paul's selling advice is about right. As for his grandiose "but I guarantee you that no bookshelf remotely sniffs 20Hz" however, please keep in mind that by his own account, Paul's entire real-world personal experience with bookshelf speakers is based upon shopping at such veritable audio oases as Circuit City, Best Buy, Ultimate Electronics, and other big-box stores where overpriced entry level lines of Polk (R-series, Monitor series) and Infinity (Primus, ROTFL) are the creme de la creme. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 628 Registered: Jan-05 | If Edster could show me one bookshelf speaker without a built-in subwoofer like the speaker described above that will go down to 20Hz, I'll stand corrected. If he'd inject the slightest bit of common sense into his responses instead of looking for the exception to every statement made by others, not so many people would disagree and poke fun at his comments. Go ahead Mr. Smartypants...... Find the exception since you so kindly brought it up. Im sure its out there somewhere because their is always the exception, no matter what the origional topic or statement. Tick...tock......... Im waiting.......... Find me a bookshelf(no buit-in sub)that goes down to 20hz.............. You're on the clock!! |
Silver Member Username: Stealth_cDublin, CA USA Post Number: 191 Registered: Jan-05 | Why thats easy Paul, just look to the mighty SDAT SB-E5. Says it right on the spec sheet, 20Hz-20KHz. Thats even deeper than the CV CLSC-215 with dual 15" woofers! |
Silver Member Username: DmwileyPost Number: 508 Registered: Feb-05 | Stealth C, interesting site. I note that they don't tell you at what + or - db which could make a huge difference. Anybody can quote raw specs. Until I have that information, I agree with Paul. |
Silver Member Username: Stealth_cDublin, CA USA Post Number: 192 Registered: Jan-05 | He didnt specify that tolerance had to be listed. Besides, CV doesnt list theirs either. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 631 Registered: Jan-05 | I find it interesting that every speaker from it's tiny booshelf through the entire line of large towers shows the exact same frequency response. Heh....I knew there would be little petite speakers making such claims, as I clearly noted in my previous post. I agree that it's fun reading the ads and their claims. If anyone takes the advertising claims on that website as fact, I have quality oceanfront property for sale in the Fla/Everglades with your name ready to be printed on the deed. All I need is a $5,000 security deposit to 'hold' the property because it's my last one and I already have 3 other offers. You must act now or you'll miss out on a fantastic bargain!!! Heh |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 632 Registered: Jan-05 | I agree Dale...... Sometimes all one needs is a little common sense when taking such advertisements into consideration. |
Silver Member Username: Stealth_cDublin, CA USA Post Number: 193 Registered: Jan-05 | I never said I believed specs with all my heart. You asked for a bookshelf speaker with response down to 20Hz. You made no other stipulations. I provided you with said bookshelf speaker. Now everyone is complaining that it isnt fair. |
New member Username: SportsguyPost Number: 2 Registered: Apr-05 | I see I've stumbled into someone personal playground. Perhaps this isn't the right place to look for folks who are willing to help. Paul - YOU should do a search on these AND, if possible, find a way to listen to a set connected to decent gear - no, Best Buy won't have them...back in the day (1991-ish), they were $3500 CDN new. Your advice on trying to establish value may have merit, but it occurs to me that perhaps you feel if YOU haven't encountered something, it must not exist. As soon as I can dig up some specs - the boxes are in storage with the spec sheets, etc. - I'll post it up. In the meantime, for anyone who is inclined to try to understand these things: ~ Each speaker weighs approximately 40 lbs ~ Each speaker contains a 12" sub ~ Canton did sell these units as the top end of their "bookshelf" line - and grouped them within the Karat Series of speakers (one of their top brands) ~ If you've never heard of Canton, well, you'll enjoy them...but they're expensive. I shall return, hopefully with some specs worth posting about. Thanks for the "interesting" welcome to the forums. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Stealth_cDublin, CA USA Post Number: 194 Registered: Jan-05 | For the record though, Def Tech does have bookshelf/monitor speakers, both powered and unpowered which can reach into the 20Hz range. |
Silver Member Username: Two_centsPost Number: 586 Registered: Feb-04 | sportsguy have you checked ebay or audiogon? on the 'gon there's a current listing for the 920's (not sure how they compare to your 980's): audiogon also has a bluebook service, but you have to pay for it. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 241 Registered: Mar-05 | sportsguy, > Your advice on trying to establish value may have merit, but it occurs to me that perhaps you feel if YOU haven't encountered something, it must not exist. Ouch, you've just summed up Paul's entire speaker philosophy PERFECTLY...all the more remarkable since this is your first visit to this forum! |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 242 Registered: Mar-05 | Paul, > If Edster could show me one bookshelf speaker without a built-in subwoofer like the speaker described above that will go down to 20Hz, I'll stand corrected. Unlike YOU Paul, I do not claim to be familiar with EVERY single non-tower speaker on God's green earth solely based on my own limited shopping and listening experiences which while more extensive than the typical uninformed consumer probably have covered no more than 30% of all the speakers on the market today. In other words, as sportsguy put it so succinctly, I do not PRESUME that if I have not encountered something, it must not exist. ah Paul, omniscience must be heavy burden to bear isn't it? |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 243 Registered: Mar-05 | actually 30% is probably an optimistic figure. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 633 Registered: Jan-05 | Oh geesh.... sorry sportsguy. You stepped into the middle of something and it wasnt your fault. I realize you started the thread and all, but it just worked out that way. Sorry PS...Im sure your bookshelf speakers go down just as low as the B&W Nautilus 801s which also go down to 20hz. Im sure they're both in the same class anyway, and it was my mistake. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 634 Registered: Jan-05 | Stealth, I knew your point. I'm sure if you tried hard enough, you could find a link showing me a 'fist' sized speakers that claim the same thing. Heh |
New member Username: SportsguyPost Number: 3 Registered: Apr-05 | As long as we're all cool - it's all good. *Please step AWAY from the keyboards gentlemen...and no one gets hurt* LOL Seriously - thanks guys. I'm going to check out that link posted above - might be something to learn there. |
Anonymous | this seriously is turning into who has the bigger wang |
Silver Member Username: DmwileyPost Number: 512 Registered: Feb-05 | Edster922, all you showed Paul was a speaker that makes the claim, nothing more, nothing less. As I indicated, anyone can make the claim, notwithstanding your ad hominem attacks. I guess you still believe the world is flat. |
Silver Member Username: Touche6784Post Number: 302 Registered: Nov-04 | dale, can you ever formulate arguements on your own without having to hide behind paul? i as well as many on the forum would appreciate it if you stopped feeding these arguements. they are taking over almost every thread. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 252 Registered: Mar-05 | Dale, I suggest you put on your reading glasses for Chrissakes---it was STEALTH who cited the Def Techs not me, LOL. > As I indicated, anyone can make the claim, notwithstanding your ad hominem attacks. I guess you still believe the world is flat. Dear, if you're going to slam me for making ad hominem attacks, why embarass yourself so comically with an ad hominem attack of your own immediately thereafter? LOL you are one funny 'ole boy. I can see you picking your butt with one hand while scolding somebody else for having a piece of lettuce stuck between their teeth. |
Silver Member Username: Stealth_cDublin, CA USA Post Number: 198 Registered: Jan-05 | Whether or not the Def Techs hit 20Hz makes no difference, although the reviews I have read of their products would indicate bass extension into the high to mid 20's either way. They still have sufficient bass output to act as main channels in a standard 7/6/5.1 setup or in a typical stereo setup. Then again, it doesnt really look like anyone is that interested in finding a bookshelf that can plumb the sonic depths. |
Silver Member Username: DmwileyPost Number: 520 Registered: Feb-05 | Christopher Lee, when you become Lord of the site, you can tell me what to do. Otherwise, you can kiss my a**. |
New member Username: SportsguyPost Number: 4 Registered: Apr-05 | Well, it's obvious this site is crap. What a poor display of BS slinging guys. I mean really, I hope the operaters of this place don't derive any revenue from this forum. If you represent the type of folks that are in here, then I could easily see why users DON'T stick around - which is why I hope there's no revenue tied to this forum. If there is, crap like you all are going on about needs to stop in a hurry. Talk about useless. Can a mod please lock this thread - I'm done with it. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 255 Registered: Mar-05 | awwwwwwwww poor poor baby sportsguy, so you're leaving us? sob! whimper! weep, weep, weep! dude, you are such a self-important little jerk. You come here, get a little bit of advice as if you're ENTITLED to it, and then stick your nose in the air and puff out your feathers when you see a few things you don't like. Do you honestly think ANYONE here gives a rat's *ss if you stay or go? Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I'll hold the door for you on your way out. Good riddance! |
New member Username: SportsguyPost Number: 5 Registered: Apr-05 | [quote]awwwwwwwww poor poor baby sportsguy, so you're leaving us? sob! whimper! weep, weep, weep! dude, you are such a self-important little jerk. You come here, get a little bit of advice as if you're ENTITLED to it, and then stick your nose in the air and puff out your feathers when you see a few things you don't like. Do you honestly think ANYONE here gives a rat's *ss if you stay or go? Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I'll hold the door for you on your way out. Good riddance![/quote] Ed, you simply must learn to form an opinion and express yourself...LOL Now I'll suggest that if you have nothing useful to say here (and you didn't above), kindly shut it. I'm fully aware of how folks get when they're in their e-personalities. You've just made it fun enough for me to stick around. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: JimvmGonzales, Louisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 41 Registered: Apr-05 | sportsguy - Most of the folks on this forum are mature, sensible adults and make an honest effort to help others. Unfortunately there are a childish few who are mean-spirited and go out of their way to attempt to agitate others. They do so because it is their nature. The Internet affords them the opportunity to hide behind their keyboards and anonymously sling mud. Then they wallow in it. |
Silver Member Username: DmwileyPost Number: 526 Registered: Feb-05 | Edster922. Thank you very much. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 256 Registered: Mar-05 | You're very welcome, Dale. Glad I could knock some sense into you for the time being. Also glad to see that you must not be experiencing your usual PMS at the moment, like you did when you called Jimvm's opinion "worthless" out of the blue in another thread recently, LOL. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 257 Registered: Mar-05 | sportsguy, well then stick around, or disappear...whatever floats your little boat. and of course suggest whatever you want. However, do us all a favor, take the telephone pole out of your *ss and stop acting as if that any of this (your opinions or my opinions or anybody else's opinions) amounts to a hill of horsesh*t. Little people with hilariously inflated egoes like you who behave as if the whole universe revolves around THEIR petty and meaningless little judgements and opinions are an endless source of amusement...who needs the Comedy Channel? LOL |
Silver Member Username: DmwileyPost Number: 528 Registered: Feb-05 | Edster922, for the record, it would be physiologically impossible for a male to experience PMS, unless of course, you're the genetic exception to the rule. |
Silver Member Username: Touche6784Post Number: 310 Registered: Nov-04 | dale, actually scientist have come to find that men do have their own form of pms. i cant cite any sources right now but do remember getting the info from a reputable source. but of course i know ill get burned for saying this. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 662 Registered: Jan-05 | It's true, there are even men who menstrate......they're called Democrats. |
Silver Member Username: Touche6784Post Number: 312 Registered: Nov-04 | hahahaha, now now paul, lets not get into politics here. we have enough friendly bashing going on already, dont need to start on politics which i am sure many here can be quite ferverent about. |
Silver Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 663 Registered: Jan-05 | Heh I know, but I couldnt help myself. The context was setup to perfectly for me to resist. |
Silver Member Username: Touche6784Post Number: 313 Registered: Nov-04 | haha, well im glad that i was a source of amusement for you rathat than one of arguement. |
Silver Member Username: DmwileyPost Number: 529 Registered: Feb-05 | Paul, you could have helped yourself, you just didn't want to. Otherwise, I guess you have some sort of mental health issue. I agree with Chris, let's leave the politics out of this stuff. |
Silver Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 182 Registered: Feb-05 | LMAO PAUL!!!!!! we agree on politics!!! surprised by that... but yeah...lets leave politics out of this stuff... we get enough of it evreywhere else. lets leave that for the water cooler we really need a water cooler section to the ecoustics message board. |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 263 Registered: Mar-05 | Dale, > for the record, it would be physiologically impossible for a male to experience PMS, well I never said you were spurting blood between the legs...too literal! |