New member
Username: Blazer

Post Number: 7
Registered: 02-2004
Has anyone heard this combo? Specifically the SB3. Lots of good press on that speaker and I was wondering how it migh work with my HK 630. Thanks guys!

I am also very interested in this combination. The price on the HK7200 is very good right now and I am interested in a full group of NHT, PSB or Paradigm.
Hopefully, you get some response to this question.

Guess we'll just have to try out this combo... not much feedback from the board. I have the HK7200 and really like the specs on the NHT SB3 and SB2. Great build quality.
I've asked the guys at Saturday Audio the same question because they carry HK and NHT. Sure they have demo-ed it more than once. Haven't heard back from them yet.
Will let you know what they say.

New member
Username: Blazer

Post Number: 9
Registered: Feb-04
Great. Thanks!!

Unregistered guest
have you tried the hk7200 w/paradigm? i am considering that recvr w/studio 60s or maybe monitor 9 or 11.
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