Silver Member Username: SemNew York USA Post Number: 444 Registered: Mar-04 | Larry, being from Florida, do you also have a stuffed Marlin mounted on a nearby wall to stab would-be intruders ala Mick Stranahan in Hiaasen's "Skin Tight?" ![]() |
Gold Member Username: KeggerWarren, MICHIGAN Post Number: 2362 Registered: Dec-03 | "Old dogs get together! Don't know if it will ever happen and I wish I knew about this sooner! But anyways just found out about this yesterday! And it seems to be just the kinda thing we could use to get together some day. These guys seem to do this yearly, have a hotel setup and talk audio while getting together to hang out and maybe have a couple drinks. Sounds like us! Does anyone think we could try to do our own thing while using theres as a tag along since they have it all setup with a ton of cool gear? Needless to say it's in my backyard this year so I'm going, should be awsome!" |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1659 Registered: Aug-04 | Sem, Good to see you back. If you go back a few posts try not to get too disturbed. Things began to take a strange turn here because Jan refused to undo the harm caused by his nakked chicken dance. We too can enjoy some films with violence, bad language and obscene behaviour etc, my problem is not so much with cencorship (adults should be able to view and hear what they like - up to a point), but without it we simply have a rating system that does nothing to protect a great percentage of children because the don't have the proper guidance. I don't have the answers only an idea for somewhere to start. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1660 Registered: Aug-04 | Kegger Great idea but many of us would have to win lotto first. But you can all camp in my yard. Our surround audio will keep everyone happy - long as we provide the outputs for all the tubes. LOL! |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3350 Registered: May-04 | Kegger - Sorry, after the back room is paid for (on a credit card), I'm tapped out for a long time. Go and have a good time and find a few NOS tubes for all of us Old Dogs with thermionic valves fixes we need to feed. Larry - Get the hair on your neck up about that violence and stuff. But you liked "DeLovely". S o d o m y and infidelity. Not to mention the back lot at MGM. Whoo! "I got up to refresh our drinks and walked by to check out the source of this wonderful sound. Lo and behold my brother-in-law has a Mac in his cabinet - an MC240." HAR! I love it! That's great! |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1661 Registered: Aug-04 | "It used to belong to his father-in-law who gave it to him years ago when he decided to upgrade components." HAR! - note the word upgrade! LOL! |
Gold Member Username: KeggerWarren, MICHIGAN Post Number: 2363 Registered: Dec-03 | Jan and Rantz I figured there wouldn't be any takers for this trip as it's so soon. But I was wondering if this may be the kinda thing we could use to try a get together in the future? Unfortunatly Rantz yes I understand for you and John it could probably never happen "have faith" but for the rest of us who live in the states it's not that expensive if the trip is planned out ahead. I appreciate both Jan and Rantz responding to the suggestion but I think something like this could be done and if we piggy back on someone elses gig might make it easier to plan and cost less with the group rates not to mention a cool gig. Am I way off on this? |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3353 Registered: May-04 | "It used to belong to his father-in-law who gave it to him years ago when he decided to upgrade components." "HAR! - note the word upgrade! LOL!" Who hasn't felt like they shoulda never done something stupid? |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3354 Registered: May-04 | Kegger - The Magic Eight Ball says - "Only time will tell." |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3355 Registered: May-04 | "It used to belong to his father-in-law who gave it to him years ago when he decided to upgrade components." "HAR! - note the word upgrade! LOL!" Maybe he bought an MC275. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3356 Registered: May-04 | "It used to belong to his father-in-law who gave it to him years ago when he decided to upgrade components." "HAR! - note the word upgrade! LOL!" Maybe he bought two MC275's. Don't go there, Rantz, he didn't buy enough for a surround syetm. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3357 Registered: May-04 | "syetm"? HAR!!! |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1662 Registered: Aug-04 | "syetm" - Swahili for audio perfection. Used only in combination with the word "surround" as described in any reputable Congonese audiophile mag: Ubangee Ubetcha and a few others. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3358 Registered: May-04 | I've been working on the back room and the turpentine fumes are getting to me. Keep me away from a surround system befoer I start to make loove to it. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 915 Registered: Oct-04 | Jan V. - uh, sorry, but if you re-read my earlier posts on DeLovely, you will find that I did NOT like it. Oh, the musical numbers were great, but I thought the rest of the movie had a bad odor about it. Sem - YES! (triple grin) I've thought about getting one of those thangs for my wall - I may be the only person in my neighborhood who doesn't have some sort of trophy hanging,sitting or standing around. You know Hiaasen! Good Grief Man! You just went up about 1,000 notches in my estimation! A great and funny writer - luv him, luv him!!! Kegger - I'm afraid if we all got together we'd wind up in separate "camps?" tube guys vs. digital, classical guys vs. rockers, that sort of thing. But it's a pretty good idea, anyway! Haven't heard much from our dear SM - got a sneezy-note from her that she's quite sick with a cold. Might extend get-wells??? I worry about her. More anon. . . |
Gold Member Username: KeggerWarren, MICHIGAN Post Number: 2364 Registered: Dec-03 | Yes I'm just coming out of a pretty good cold myself. Hope Sm is feeling better. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3363 Registered: May-04 | " ... may be the only person in my neighborhood who doesn't have some sort of trophy hanging,sitting or standing around." But, Larry, you have your wife. Is she not a trophy? |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1015 Registered: Dec-03 | I have always liked the idea of an "Old Dogs" get together. I will soon be relocated to Florida. Larry already resides there. SM is a one day drive, or 1 hour plane trip away. Jan is just across the pond. Kegger is a couple hours away by plane. All we have to do is figure out what to do with the Brit and the Aussie delegation. Let's try to figure a way to make this happen. So jan, we're good on the hats and spats. That's one heck of a costume. Sounds like a party in New Orleans. LOL! |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1665 Registered: Aug-04 | Trust those McIntoshes to have bugs. Get well quick SM and tell us how your new toys are settling in. Larry, DeLovely comes out on DVD here this month. It stars two of my favorite actors - Ms Judd and Mr Kline. I don't look forward to this bad odour, but I will give my assessment and refrain from jumping on the bandwagon again - as promised. So, anything developing in regards to surround speakers or should I shuddup bout that one? And don't forget to give that trophy an occassional polish - makes 'em nice 'n shiny. Please say hi to Mer while you're at it. Yeah I can see it now - the Aussie delegation goes all the way across the Pacific to the O.D. Conference only to find the speakers barking about tubes and stereo. Oh well, I can always bring a carton of XXXX and my old walkman I guess. [grin] |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1016 Registered: Dec-03 | Rantz, Walkman? You must be an Old Dog. They use Ipods now mate. I for one have never owned either. No use for that nonsense. As far as the O.D. Conference, why do you think it will be limited to tubes and stereo? Did you forget Larry and Kegger are big hi-res mc advocates? I think it would be a hoot. I wonder if we appeal to our governments for some kind of international good will grants or monies to fund this....... |
Silver Member Username: OjophileTake the Eh Train to g... Post Number: 285 Registered: Jun-04 | SM, Get well soon! Cheers! ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3366 Registered: May-04 | "So jan, we're good on the hats and spats." Sourtanly!!! Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck. There are other garments involved; aren't there? I sit in a leather chair and, well, you know ... |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 262 Registered: Jan-05 | Thanks for the well wishes, Old Dogs! I'm feeling OK. Just have a cold and bronchitis and have lost my voice. Nothing some antibiotics can't fix. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1017 Registered: Dec-03 | Jan, I was thinking along the lines of other clothing. I was a little nervous for a minute. I always liked the long john type jump suit thing that THE RANGER wore. SM, Feel better. Drink heavily! Call me in the morning. |
Silver Member Username: Two_centsPost Number: 565 Registered: Feb-04 | Rick, I see now that you've become a gold member, you want to be suitably attired. I say, Go for it! As for fashion tips, to quote JV, "I've got nothing." SM, Hope you're taking it easy and listening to great music or taking in a lot of Gilmore Girls episodes. Get well soon. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1666 Registered: Aug-04 | SM Feeling OK? I thought it was a form of torture for a woman to lose her voice. Take care. Rick, The only walkman we have is an old cassette version that belonged to our son. It sits in a drawer gathering dust - ah that old stereo technology. Seems so long ago now. Grin Chuckle! Hey maybe we could apply for a travel grant for the O.D. Conference. They give them out here for all sorts of lesser things. I recall a surfer girl getting a big handout to design a surfboard suited for women. After fifteen thousand dollars she showed her work: an ordinary surfboard with a couple of indentations on the deck for their breasts to sit when paddling. I now wonder if she produces them with cup sizes. LOL! Jan, Careful with the turps! It can make a stooge out of you! |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3370 Registered: May-04 | I have a single Sony Walkman. It is a Walkman Pro. A recorder with Dolby "B" only. I feel so old. "As for fashion tips, to quote JV, "I've got nothing." Whooo!!! "Just have a cold and bronchitis and have lost my voice." Really?! Funny, but you sound fine. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3371 Registered: May-04 | Nyuck ,nyuck, nyuck!!! |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1018 Registered: Dec-03 | Old stereo cassettes? Dolby B recorders? You guys re bringing a tear to my eye. I vote we bring back open reel tape! |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1667 Registered: Aug-04 | "I vote we bring back open reel tape!" Yeah, and computers that fill a room. And tube amps. And stereo. And good wholesome family movies. And Norman Rockwell. The Marx Brothers. Curly, Larry and Moe. And My Friend Flicka. And where are the Cleavers? And Corporal Rusty? And Hoppalong, Wild Bill, Cisco, Kit Carson and where's the Ranger? Where's Kookie? And the Surfside 6 The Beatles, Elvis and (okay Jan, Pat too). What about Paladin? Where's the guy with the cane and derby hat? Gidget? There all gone! It's all gone! We all should be going to Flawda Rick! LOL! SOB! |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3376 Registered: May-04 | I like Ike! It's his %#@&**% vice president that's a crook. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 917 Registered: Oct-04 | Jan V. - a good ting that Mer isn't reading this forum at the moment - a "trophy wife?" Uh-oh - don't even THINK of using that phrase around Mer. Rick may be the only forum-member who could best her in a fair fight - I sure can't! (grin) Rantz - looking forward to your report on the flick - and I hope you're your usually brutally honest self there! I'll probably wind up on the minority side of the film issue - but I've been there so many times it's just like old times when I get slammed there. Sigh. . . I always liked Ike, too - but then I was too young to use judgement and common sense. I finally began using the latter about six months ago. The former still eludes me. . . Respectfully. . . |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1668 Registered: Aug-04 | Larry, Yes, I'll give my honest thoughts on the movie. Now, about "trophy" wives. There's nothing wrong with a "trophy" wife so long as the "trophy" is one you take much pride in being worthy of winning. Of course there's the other sort, but they are a dime a dozen - well, maybe a few million LOL! |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1020 Registered: Dec-03 | Rantz, You were so on the right path. We all were once. What happened? Oh yes, technology and old age. PHOOEY! |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 918 Registered: Oct-04 | My Rantz - OK, you managed to weasel out of that one! (grin) But here in Ameruka, the term "trophy wife" carries a connotation of - well, you know. Always. Nobody thinks of the term without also using such phrases as "gold-digger," etc. Down heah in Swampville the trophy wife is very much evident. Here, the Rich women must be ultra-thin, over-dressed and under-IQ'd. Boring. Bored. The tycoon-husband (usually something as exciting as an owner of a Ford-parts company) must be loud-mouthed, over-dressed and devoid of culture, though making a splashy appearance at "duh Symphony" and take-my-picture-please charity events. Which actually manage to do a bit of good while showing off the "trophy wife's" latest breast enhancement(s). Sigh. There are good aspects to living a pure, if poor, lifestyle! (grin) And happy rantz to y'all. . . |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 919 Registered: Oct-04 | My Rantz - OK, you managed to weasel out of that one! (grin) But here in Ameruka, the term "trophy wife" carries a connotation of - well, you know. Always. Nobody thinks of the term without also using such phrases as "gold-digger," etc. Down heah in Swampville the trophy wife is very much evident. Here, the Rich women must be ultra-thin, over-dressed and under-IQ'd. Boring. Bored. The tycoon-husband (usually something as exciting as an owner of a Ford-parts company) must be loud-mouthed, over-dressed and devoid of culture, though making a splashy appearance at "duh Symphony" and take-my-picture-please charity events. Which actually manage to do a bit of good while showing off the "trophy wife's" latest breast enhancement(s). Sigh. There are good aspects to living a pure, if poor, lifestyle! (grin) And happy rantz to y'all. . . |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 920 Registered: Oct-04 | Sorry - computer's acting up again. Sigh. |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1022 Registered: Dec-03 | Larry, I'm sure Mer is more than capable of winning her own battles. As for me, I don't engage in any I know I can't win anymore. LOL! Disgression is the better part of valour, and all that sort of thing. Cheers! |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 921 Registered: Oct-04 | Rick: and to you, too, sir. One aspect of aging that is positive is that one tends to figure out ahead of time which battles he/she might win. As "youngsters," we tend to think we can win them all! Which is why we all bear scars of one sort or another. . . (grin) Still saving a place for you down heah in Flawed-duh! But they're going quick - so yah best be tinkin' about yer next roosting spot, sir! Once you get here, you'll larn to talk jest as funny as duh rest of the crackers! Well, I hope not. . .(Grin) Just signed up for season tickets at Sarasota's 2006 early-spring opera season. So there IS some culture down here! Four operas next winter - after rave reviews from newspapers in London, Paris, Munich, New York and Chicago this season. Makes me happy. . . |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1023 Registered: Dec-03 | Larry, I'm not worried about a spot. Once official confirmation of my plans hits Florida, property values will go down 30%. LOL! There goes the neighborhood. I am looking in the central Florida band between Tampa and Melbourne. I have work crews at the house for the get ready to put on the market. I would like to be out of New York by July. Look out Florida, here we come............. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3378 Registered: May-04 | "Rick may be the only forum-member who could best her in a fair fight" The commercial: A wide shot: A Florida sunrise is reflected in the shimmering waters of the Everglades. Cut to: A close shot of a pair of well worn combat boots making their way toward the camera through a muddy swamp in Florida. As the camera pans up, we begin to see the trunk like thighs swarthed in camoflague fatigues breaking small tree limbs in his wake. Cut to the eyes of a Florida gator (maybe about 12-15' long). Cut to the eyes of Rick Barnes, fixed and narrowed in intense concentration, lampblack covering his face so the eyes appear to not much more than slits. Cut to the gator's head as it gives a blink, Rick's reflection clearly (SF needed here) visible in the shiny globes. Medium shot as the gator makes its way toward our hero, sending water splashing in its wake. Boots splashing. Gator breaking down small trees on its frenzied, fatal path. Close on the gaping jaws of the gator, bits of its last meal dripping from its teeth. Close on a massive, blood stained hand reaching for the .45 strapped to his thigh. Medium shot as the two combatants come together and our hero sends the giant reptile flying with a round house kick across the gator's jaw. Medium shot as our man strides confidently away from the fleeing victim of his brutal assault. The camera holds steady as Rick, The Mountain, Barnes comes closer until we can see the rippling muscles under his torn and stained T-Shirt; a pack of Camels rolled in the sleeve. As he comes closer, he looks more and more like a character out of a Marvel comic book. Hard as granite, cold as steel and meaner than any Florida Gator. HE IS A FIGHTING MACHINE. Finally he is so close to the lens all we see is a close up of his face backlit by the rising sunlight. The lattern jaw, the slit of his lips clenched around a 15" Bowie knife, battle scarred left cheek, broken but Greek-God-Like nose and the furrowed brow. And ... THOSE EYES!!! SUDDENLY A CRACK OF TREE LIMBS SHATTERING AND CRASHING INTO THE SWAMPY WATERS. Rick's eyes widen slightly as the camera goes to a shot of MER!!! Her steps seem to be walking on the surface of the water. Quick and purposeful, her sandals and flowing gown making her look ever more like the Goddess her husband refuses to see her as. Small animals gaze on her with admiration as she smiles a knowing smile. An American Eagle is circling in the sky. The camera catches the wink in Mer's eye. The Eagle majestically swoops down and lands on the shoulder its Master. Together they move through the boggy morass. Close shot on a mountain lion as it growls its approval. Finally we see the whole of The Woman. Flowing gowns revealing a lithe, munificent shape that is striking in its purpose. There is an oversized palette knife in her left hand and a sculptor's hammer in her right. A 12" Badger hair fan brush stained bright red is between her teeth. Tight shot on the combatants profiles. Nose to nose as the sunlight shatters the image with flares of sharp spikes. Quick cut to a black sreen as the image fades into view: . BARNES vs. MER . Pay per view . $49.95 End of commercial. **************************** Larry - We have Opera here in Big D also. That doesn't mean we have culture. "Larry, you have your wife. Is she not a trophy?" We also have big haired, big boobed, 20 something, red Porsche Cabriolet driving trophy wifes attached to middle aged, big bank accounted fools here in Dallas. There is a large difference being having a "trophy wife" and a wife that is a trophy. Go apologize to Mer, Larry. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1669 Registered: Aug-04 | Larry If Florida is the "trophy wife" capital then the Gold Coast must run a close second. I was only trying to help in case Mer got a whiff of J's comment. [grin] Rick "Oh yes, technology and old age. PHOOEY!" Mahe dat a dubble PHOOWEE ol' fwend. Sowwee, ma teef arh styll inna glarse bi ma bethside. Jus sopped ba ere onna ma whay to da diolet - ARGIN! Wookoud Flawida - wock up yer kones! Noodgite gies - I godda goe bacta beard. I pheel thilly sidden ere wifoud ma teef. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1670 Registered: Aug-04 | Jan I thought that was a John West commercial - until Mer entered the scene LOL! I gotta go back to bed and now I'm gonna have nightmares about Rick "The Mountain" Barnes chasin' gators in 'glades fer Eric's Sake! |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1024 Registered: Dec-03 | First of all, it isn't even a fair contest. Mer would win, hands down. Second, where were you when I needed a press agent 25 years ago? Well done sir! Funny stuff. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 923 Registered: Oct-04 | Jan V. - (hahahahahahaha) man - that was FUNNY! Nearly fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard. Should uv had you for a fellow script writer years ago, sir! The heck with HiFi selling, your talents lie on the printed page! I've copied down the "commercial" and will show it to Mer when she returns from teaching spoiled adult women how to lower themselves in life just enough to deal with a commoner,and to learn how to make art out of a clay-lump. Sigh. Difficult! More when I collect myself enough to type! GRIN! |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3381 Registered: May-04 | It needs some editing; we need to work in a knowing smile from "THE AMAZON QUEEN" and it needs a soundtrack. Any suggestions for the music to suit our little "Battle to the Death. Only one will walk away with the Trophy"? |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 2966 Registered: Dec-03 | This thread moves too fast for me. Why, I remember it back in May '04.... Nostalgia ain't the same these days, My Rantz! Why, I, too, have a Sony Walkman Pro, Jan. Mine has Dolby "C". So there. And flutter. But the Sony Center says it is up to spec. That enjoyable cameo was a role-reversed scene from "Crocodile Dundee", partly, I think. Came home last evening to find family gripped by "True Lies". "The sound is amazing" they agree, by way of reassurance, perhaps - whole new chunks of dialogue are revealed for the first time. And they have watched it so many times. Pleased and curious, I listen and watch as Arnie flies his vertical-take-off jet fighter. Excellent surround sound effects. 'Copters circling etc. Now, to my surprise - this is all from stereo. The player set to everything off, except the front left and right channels. 1. It's just as you said, Jan. I didn't know stereo could do that. 2. Maybe that "KIT" - "Kef Instant Theater" works, after all. I have not heard it. 3. I just love these speakers. Magical. 4. The other point about the old gear is that some of it, as I can attest, just blows away all the more recent stuff. BTW (I) Thanks for recommendation of "The Manchurian Candidate", MR. I have forgotten if it was on this thread. Where was the "ten hifi lies"? I read it, eventually. It all seemed sensible, to me, except one could say "mistakes" and cause less offence. I think he is wrong about LP. I'd side with the tube guys here. I do not accept that Jan, Kegger, Rick, 2c AND SM are all engaging in self-delusion. BTW (II) We are having a general election here on May 5. I think I am the only regular poster here who is eligible to vote. My problem is that all the candidates are politicians. One of them, in our new constituency here, is Mr Galloway, expelled from his party for his pronouncements on Iraq. Should be fun. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 924 Registered: Oct-04 | Jan V. - Mer loved it! Laughed so hard she choked on some of her lunch - quickly recovered, however, the way swamp queens do! But - she said to pass along to you in the strongest polite language possible: "I am not a trophy wife, no matter how you phrase it." With that she put down her size ten German-Norwegian foot. Which would have been punctuation enough, but she put it down on my right instep - which hurt like blazes! Hmmm. . .forget the "trophy" stuff, ok, guyz? (grin) |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3385 Registered: May-04 | I see Florida is considering a law making it legal to shoot someone if you feel they "might" do you personal harm. A personal pre emptive action clause. I assume that sends a message to criminals to only attack someone carrying a knife. This new law wouldn't be the reason you're moving to the Sunshine State; would it, Rick? Our motto in Dallas (the most crime ridden large city in the country for the second year) is, "A day without a homicide is like a day without a homicide." Texas is in the news again for a parent shooting a football coach because the son wasn't getting enough playing time. GO, TEXAS!!! And the Brits are trying to squeeze in Charles' wedding this weekend before another world leader drops dead. John- Watch the original MC; 10X better than the remake. And I'm not a big Laurence Harvey fan. My Walkman doesn't have flutter. Must have been the tradeoff they made for including Dolby C. |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1025 Registered: Dec-03 | Absolutely not Jan. Violence is the tool of the ignorant. I want to live as close to Disney World as possible, because it's the happiest place on earth. They wouldn't lie to me would they? |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1671 Registered: Aug-04 | Yes John, the origanal Manchurian Candidate also starred Frank Sinatra - and was a very good movie all the same. We enjoyed the remake very much but it should not be compared to the original. Apples and oranges. "I see Florida is considering a law making it legal to shoot someone if you feel they "might" do you personal harm." Finally some common sense! Here we need to ask the invading/attacking criminal (a) the extent of his intended crime and (b) what weapon he intends to use. Then, in a hundreth of a second, we have to decide (a) to what level of violence we can defend ourselves and (b) if our weapon is considered relatively equal to the criminal's weapon or less. Then, if the poor crimainal is injured or killed, we have to throw ourselves to the mercy of the courts who don't have any clear laws regarding any of the above. In other words it's a lotto! Three cheers for Florida. Don't get me wrong, I too am against violence in all its forms, but family and self-preservation come first in my book. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1672 Registered: Aug-04 | Oh and John - Here's your new valve (sorry tube) amp and turntable combo: Be sure to click on the photo. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3387 Registered: May-04 | Mickey has never lied. It's against his code of ethics. Minnie, on the other hand has told a few fibs. Sorry to here about the restrictions on force in your part of the world, Rantz. Texas progressed past all those archaic rules and stuff. Well, actually, Texas never had those rules. Here it's legal to shoot, stab, beat, drag or run over someone if you think they might harm you or your horse. All you have to do is toss the scumbag into your car and drive the worthless piece of trash home to your garage. We've even proven that a pedestrian on the sidewalk can be considered a threat and should forcefully meet the windshield of your car where he can be lodged for several days while he dies in your garage. We are very progressive here in Texas. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 925 Registered: Oct-04 | Jan V. - glad we're trying to catch up with you! If there's something that Flawed-duh! doesn't like to be it is second-best. Hey - we're ahead with voting problems - and with senseless keep-'em-alive arguments. Now, let's get on with the plan! Shoot first, ask questions later - such as "are you a Republican?" If he/she was, then there's a BIG problem down heah!!! Rick - you'll be happy to know that you'll be moving into the official "Flawed-duh hurricane alley." Designated as such by some of those media-wags last fall. Sigh. If this coming summer is what they're predicting, better get a home with a basement! OOPS, forgot - digging down more than 24 inches presents major problems here - water, don't you know. Everywhere. Dang!!! No wonder they don't have basements! Or hurricane shelters. Internet problems - sigh - will post more anon. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 926 Registered: Oct-04 | Jan V. - glad we're trying to catch up with you! If there's something that Flawed-duh! doesn't like to be it is second-best. Hey - we're ahead with voting problems - and with senseless keep-'em-alive arguments. Now, let's get on with the plan! Shoot first, ask questions later - such as "are you a Republican?" If he/she was, then there's a BIG problem down heah!!! Rick - you'll be happy to know that you'll be moving into the official "Flawed-duh hurricane alley." Designated as such by some of those media-wags last fall. Sigh. If this coming summer is what they're predicting, better get a home with a basement! OOPS, forgot - digging down more than 24 inches presents major problems here - water, don't you know. Everywhere. Dang!!! No wonder they don't have basements! Or hurricane shelters. Internet problems - sigh - will post more anon. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1674 Registered: Aug-04 | Jan, " . . . We've even proven that a pedestrian on the sidewalk . . ." LOL! After the Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania a few years back, the knee-jerk reaction from the politicians was to take our guns away (with reimbursement), which they did nationwide and destroyed them by the gazillions (well a huge number of which I am uncertain at present). Very strict licencing is in place now under special circumstances along with with strict storage conditions for gun club members, farmers, hunters and for special security applications. I don't necessarilly disagree with the decision except that the criminals still seem to be able to obtain firearms easily and put our citizens at an extreme disadvantage. That, with citizen's rights vs criminal's rights is a contentious issue here. But not contentious enough for any positve action it seems. Larry, You don't think little things like hurricanes will concern someone like our Rick do you? Remember, if you feel the ground shake, you'll know he's in the neighborhood. Jan - copyright that name and start writing the script. Rick Barnes - a name for Hollywood if I've ever heard one. LOL! |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3388 Registered: May-04 | Once again Texas is in the forefront of the ability to whack someone. When I first arrived in Texas almost thirty years ago, I was a bit suprised to see quite a few number of people driving down the roads with full gun racks in the pick 'em ups. I was relieved to find a few years later the law had been amended to state the driver could be ticketed if the guns were loaded and the driver was not a registered gun owner. Apparently one or the other was not enough for a citation, but the two together ... wowser, the slap on the wrist would sting for days. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 2967 Registered: Dec-03 | "I see Florida is considering a law making it legal to shoot someone if you feel they "might" do you personal harm." In which case, it is legal for him to shoot you, first. Surely? And people who fear they will be hit as bystanders can pre-emptively gun you both, presumably. As you can, them. A chain reaction... And all quite legal, as far as I can see. The Walkman Pro's flutter is inaudible in most music. I never cared for the audio cassette format, but it was, and is, an impressive little machine. Reel-to-reel. Why not? Is there a topic on this forum? Thanks for the T + A recommendation, My Rantz. Thou joshest, again... HiFi news rates their stuff highly. We should try that on the "Ten lies" people. That's two of them in one unit; analogue LP plus tube amp. Two down, eight to go. Apologies for getting threads mixed up. I launch out into the forum, sometimes, hoping to do good deeds, like The Incredibles, but it is getting more and more difficult to know what to write. Ah, I see you have heard of the wedding, over there. I missed my chance to buy an April 8th commemorative mug. It would have come ready-made with a story to tell one's grandchildren about the Pope who single-handedly defeated communism etc. I also missed my "Those blo_dy people" T-shirt. I can't help liking Charles. He is not a politician. [The following words are not allowed on this discussion board: blo_dy]. This reminds me to congratulate MR on his tirade. I totally agree. Do not watch "The Ladykillers" MR. Why are there so many re-makes of old movies? I am waiting for an up-dated "Casablanca" with more effing and blinding. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1675 Registered: Aug-04 | Jan So did you get an F100 back then or were the F250's out? A Scout perhaps. Surely not the Chev! John True Lies is in our library - sound fx are great! Too late about "The Ladykillers" though there were a few amusing scenes. Now there's a remake of "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" with some Ashton Kasher or somthing - looks like a real dead zinger to me. We are going to watch "The Incredibles" this weekend. Son said it was great - he better be telling the truth - he's visiting this weekend [grin]. Hey, even if the T&A sounded average (and I very much doubt it would), it sure would look nice on the mantle. LOL! "I am waiting for an up-dated "Casablanca" with more effing and blinding." Casablanca remake: "Play the effing thing again, Sam" or "Of all the effing gin joints in the effing world . . . " LOL |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3389 Registered: May-04 | I'm shocked there's effing going on in here. Shocked! "So did you get an F100 back then or were the F250's out?" No, I zipped in between them all in my little Honda Civic. Even though the guns in the rack had to be unloaded, the ammunition could be kept on the passenger seat ready for action. Texas legislators always felt there might be the possibility you would have to shoot a deer for dinner while driving on I-75. When I first arived in Dallas I worked with a New York native who had been in Texas since the '50's. I thought he was joking when he said in '63, Oswald would have been in more trouble if he had been caught with actual curtain rods than if they found him with a loaded gun in the car. Sadly, he wasn't joking. We recently had an incident that began as a bar fight and ended in the death of three men and another in the hospital. After leaving the bar one group of combatants followed the other group out on to the highway. Standing through the sunroof on the Jaguar at 70 m.p.h., the one fellow emptied his pistol into the front of the Thunderbird. Ironically, this happened in front of a Dallas police officer who had just stopped another vehicle and could do nothing to stop the T'bird from careening across three lanes of traffic and coming to rest in the side of a house a few hundred yards off the highway. Maybe guns don't kill people, but they seem to be eye witnesses an awful lot of the time. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1676 Registered: Aug-04 | "Maybe guns don't kill people, but they seem to be eye witnesses an awful lot of the time." A classic. LOL! |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3391 Registered: May-04 | Time to go watch the pope's final exit. The scenery should be wonderful even if you know how the play ends. |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1026 Registered: Dec-03 | The scenery is beautiful. I saw many a fine hat also. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 927 Registered: Oct-04 | My Rantz: You make a good case for my long-standing argument against confiscation of all guns from private citizens. The criminals always get guns. Always. Easily. But now we here in Flawed-duh! will have a better chance of evening up the score. If all the legislation gets approved without hanging chads, that is. . . After talking with hundreds of police officers over the years, one gnarly fact keeps cropping up: most citizens who keep firearms at home haven't the foggiest idea of how to safely shoot the danged things! Really. . .but after watching many a cop on the firing range, well, I'm not so sure they're always that much better! My motto: if you hear gunfire, get under the bed! And Jan - another of your sayings to frame - this about guns being eyewitness, that is. Yep. Good one, indeed. Excuse me, but I've gotto go make sure my 3-cell heavyweight flashlight is fully loaded. . . |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 928 Registered: Oct-04 | MR - referring back to your posting re Rick and ground-shaking. Don't think the guy must do much of that anymore - now that he's got that liddle gal-child to cuddle and coddle - and teach Mozart to, and all that "cultured" stuff that is fast disappearing here in Ameruka. . . |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1027 Registered: Dec-03 | I want to thank you all for elevating me to comic book super hero status. LOL! That was all a long time ago in another life. I now prefer a life of peace and tranquility...............but don't ever take that as a sign of weakness. For the record: My definition of gun control is you should hit what you aim at. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 929 Registered: Oct-04 | Rick: excellent definition, sir! You amplified what I've been saying for so long - people should have guns only so long as they can use them well and effectively. Preferably not shooting either the dog or the kid next door! |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3392 Registered: May-04 | Rick - My defintion would add - or miss so ridiculously that no one is injured and you are scared boogerless to ever pick one up again. Kind of like one of the "little ladies" in a John Wayne/John Ford Western. Knock you on your @ss and slide down a mountain of mud ridiculous like Maureen O'Hara in "McClintock". We will start with your definition since mine is a much further stretch of the imagination. Oh, those hats!!! Not everyone can wear one of those and look snazzy. I've always wanted to be Pope for the red shoes they get to wear. I may have to take a break if I get called to Rome to try on a pair. Can you imagine what it must be like for the Pope to open his closet and decide what to wear? He may wear Bono's shades, but when was the last time you saw the Pope in a pair of cutoffs and old sneakers? A can of Communal Budwieser in his hand as he stands at the bar-b-que grill. But then I can't get that image of Bonny Prince Charley either. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3394 Registered: May-04 | Back on the issue of things that plug in - and I can't get that image of Charles either: Very good reading. "How Low Can You Go? Much more difficult to control - and far less obvious to the untrained ear - are problems caused by reflections at low frequencies, which for these purposes I consider to be below about 300 Hz. Low frequency reflections are responsible for two main problems: One is modal ringing, which is a result of the room's natural resonances. For a given spacing between a pair of parallel walls there will be a series of low frequencies that tend to sound louder, and sustain longer, than other low frequencies. This ringing makes music sound boomy; thus, it is difficult to distinguish which notes are being played by bass instruments. You can hear that low frequencies are present, but you can't discern individual notes. This effect is sometimes referred to as "one-note" bass because all of the notes sound the same - muddy! Another even more important problem caused by low frequency reflections is the severely skewed low frequency response that exists in all small rooms. No matter how much you paid for your loudspeakers, and regardless of their published frequency response, as soon as you put them in a typical home-sized room they will exhibit a series of peaks and deep nulls that extends throughout the entire bass range. Figure 1 shows the response in a typical 16 x 10 x 7-1/2 foot room that has no acoustic treatment. Figure 1: This terrible low frequency response is quite typical in small rooms. This horribly skewed low frequency response is the result of bass waves bouncing off the walls, floor, and ceiling, then combining with the direct sound waves still leaving the loudspeakers. At some frequencies and locations in the room, the reflections combine with the direct waves more or less in phase, which creates a peak in the response. At other frequencies and locations, the waves may be out of phase, and that creates a null. Peaks are usually less than 6 dB, but the nulls can be extremely deep, depending mainly on how rigid and thus reflective the room surfaces are. As you can see, nulls can easily be as deep as 30 dB or even deeper, especially in the middle and upper bass range above around 70 or 80 Hz. At very low frequencies sound waves tend to pass right through most walls, which is why you hear mainly thumping in an adjacent room. Standard sheet rock walls also tend to absorb very low frequencies as they vibrate in sympathy. But the higher bass frequencies are reflected instead of being passed and absorbed, and this is the cause of both modal ringing and a skewed low frequency response in the mid to high bass range. I consider nulls to be more damaging than peaks because they can totally obliterate bass notes. In Figure 1 the very large dip at 82 Hz corresponds exactly to an E note on a bass instrument. If an electric bass is playing that note, you will hear no fundamental tone at all - only the second harmonic an octave above. However, the second harmonic at 164 Hz is also in the middle of another deep null. To my way of thinking, the total and sudden absence of any bass note is a serious problem, and is far more significant than a few dB boost that merely adds a little fullness. Further, most rooms have a large dip somewhere between 80 and 120 Hz right at the listening position. Many people first notice this as a severe lack of bass that goes away when they walk away from the couch." "Often someone will ask for my advice about a lack of bass in their system. But when I suggest they need bass traps, I often hear, "I don't want to trap the bass because I already have too little. I need more bass!" In truth, adding bass traps to a room generally increases the perceived level of bass. Since the damaging nulls are caused by reflections from the room boundaries, a bass trap is designed to absorb sound rather than reflect it. And when the reflections are reduced, the low frequency response becomes flatter. At locations where certain bass frequencies were cancelled, adding bass traps increases the level. Of course, other places in the room experience peaks in the response, so in that case bass traps do reduce the level. But the real point is that bass traps tend to flatten the response, whether by increasing or decreasing the level at various frequencies." |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1028 Registered: Dec-03 | Yes, thumbs way up on the red shoes. I will be on my way to London for the wedding. Please look for me on television. I'll be the one standing in line with a gift wrapped blender under my arm. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3395 Registered: May-04 | In case there's a crowd, what kind of hat will you be wearing? |
Silver Member Username: Two_centsPost Number: 567 Registered: Feb-04 | I can't tell the jokes from the seriousness on the guns discussion, so I'll keep clear of it and let the real men have their fun. John A. and M.R., I actually got to see and touch the T+A amp at a local hi-fi shop. She's a real beauty, I mean a real looker. I didn't audition it because I was afraid I'd be tempted to plunk down the cash and take her home with me. It was on sale for four grand, almost half off the retail price. Curse the weak U.S. dollar. Also, how could I keep a straight face telling folks I have a T-and-A amp? Don't the Germans know about how ridiculous it sounds or is this another example of the famous German sense of humor. P.S. I would add an eleventh lie to the list: Some folks can discern universal truths and lies regarding hi-fi equipment. |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1029 Registered: Dec-03 | I think I'll go with my New York Yankees baseball cap. Worn correctly of course. I may as well look like a real tourist................ |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 931 Registered: Oct-04 | Rick: Sooo - is "correctly" bill front, or back? Down here, front is correct for boating and golf. Everywhere else - bill in back. Hmmm. . . Jan V. - after reading your posting re bass problems, I just wanna go over and unplug the sub! Sigh. Something else for me to be scared of in my humble home. . . Are bass nodes a form of aural cancer? |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 932 Registered: Oct-04 | 2C - a "T & A" amp? Surely you jest? And are you referring to the German humor as evidenced in a book recently sold by Barnes & Noble: "1,000 years of German humor." It was 50 pages long. All blank pages. . . true. |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1030 Registered: Dec-03 | bill front, of course......... |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3396 Registered: May-04 | "I would add an eleventh lie to the list: Some folks can discern universal truths and lies regarding hi-fi equipment." HHHAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!! Excellent! |
Silver Member Username: Two_centsPost Number: 568 Registered: Feb-04 | Lar, LOL! Exactly. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 933 Registered: Oct-04 | Hmmm. . . I give up. Am sending y'all the bill. wear it as you will! (grin) |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 2971 Registered: Dec-03 | Have May HiFi news. Those guys are mad, I swear it. Jean-Michel Jarré weighs in against CD - he believes that lie, obviously. "Been there, done that". Much mirth about Bill Gates demonstrating networked Microsoft Media player and getting no sound and a blue screen no-one could change. Tubes and vinyl everywhere. I am going to give up all this. They think "affordable" is £4000. It is easy to spot an American tourist in London. He is the only one wearing traditional "English" clothes, and he has gone to town; dog-tooth check jacket with tartan trousers, brown shoes, striped blue shirt, polka dot tie. One could use him for video set-up. The locals are wearing jeans and a T-short, most likely. Re Kultur in US. Counter-example: I just heard Lorin Mazel (spelling?) on "Desert Island Discs". What a guy. He has recently written an opera on "1984". Mind, he is an Italian American, they are different. One of his records was Janos Starker playing the Bach solo cello suites. I doubt if he reads this thread, though. Another counter-example: Saul Below. RIP. I just lobbed a post on that thread, too, Jan. Thanks to MR for flagging it, here. We are The Incredibles: retired from active service, for security reasons, but still liking a bit of recreational saving of people from burning buildings etc. It is a fun movie, MR, enjoy! No effing and blinding at all. How about an update of "Gone with the wind", ending with "No s..t, c..t, I couldn't give a f..k". |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 2972 Registered: Dec-03 | I forgot: yes, brilliant "lie eleven", 2c! Not as good, but for number twelve, I propose: People like different things. There is no point in discussing quality of sound reproduction, because, in the end, everything is a matter of opinion. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 2975 Registered: Dec-03 | By the way the "lies" question refers to the thread Top 10 AUDIO LIES, under "speakers". |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 2976 Registered: Dec-03 | "Back on the issue of things that plug in"... Cough. I think it must be a different Charles, Jan. Congratulations, C and C. I just heard three "just cause or impediment" statements were lodged, but dimissed by the registrar. Couldn't see you, Rick. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 2977 Registered: Dec-03 | I should just like to say that this make five consecutive posts. Unless it crosses another. To make up, I'll be AWOL most of next week. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 2978 Registered: Dec-03 | "makes" not "make". That's six. Probably. I'll go now. |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1031 Registered: Dec-03 | So after taking the red eye to the UK, I arrive this morning. I make it to the palace door, blender under arm, and knock. I'm informed that the wedding isn't even at the palace, but at a common civil ceremony. I figure I should try to contact John A. as long as I'm there. I ring up his residence only to be told, he's having tea with the queen at the palace. Go figure. So i leave the blender at the front door and head off to the nearest pub. I order a pint, and it's warm. I ask if they have anything cold, and they muttered something about the Queen Mother. I leave and am now at the airport waiting for a return flight. Good luck Charlie and Cami! It's been swell.................. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 2979 Registered: Dec-03 | Yes, Windsor registry office. Her Majesty was tied up with having tea, and unable to attend. Rick, I personally would not wear that hat whilst going through security. We do not wish to strain the special relationship... And, if it's not too late to cancel.... Shame about Concorde, don't you think? It was made for just such trips. So that bomb scare was just a blender. Ah well, it was a nice gesture. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 2981 Registered: Dec-03 | Top 10 audio lies (see link above) seems about ready for ignition. Also Frequency range and frequency response? Surely there is some misunderstanding behind those recent posts? 2c, "#11 is a fact". Am I failing to see the irony in this response, or something? "I can't tell the jokes from the seriousness ..." Me, too! And not just about guns. Apologies for all these posts. ADSL is too easy. My zeal was moderated when I was on dial-up at weekends. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 935 Registered: Oct-04 | Rick: Welcome back home! What a harrowing experience for you! Did you wear your ballpark cap? As to your snide-but-wonderful line dealing with the QM and cold - you might remember the painter Gauguin, who left "the cold, pink ladies of home for the warm brown ladies of Tahiti." Hmm. . . Switching tracks - new CDs for me - Discoveries has brief reviews. SACDs recorded in DSD, which is absolutely stunning! More after Mozart finishes. . . |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1032 Registered: Dec-03 | Thank you John and Larry. Sorry about the airport incident, Scotland Yard and all. My reputation must still preceed me. Yes, I was thrown off the palace grounds by 2 surly Beefeaters. As to the remark about the QM, it wasn't me , it was a chap at the pub. LOL! Gauguin was certainly on to something. My kind of guy.......... Cheers to all! |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3402 Registered: May-04 | Rick - You should have stayed for the entertainment. I understand the Queen asked God to play at the reception when they met last month. She probably thought she could get a good band on the cheap by offering a Knighthood or something. She should have called Sir Mick. Too bad about the blender. Was it a ten speed? |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1033 Registered: Dec-03 | Yep, ten speed KitchenAid. Should have gone to Rome instead. Great hats and shoes.......... |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 3403 Registered: May-04 | Ten speed KitchenAid?! You do go first class! I'd drop C&C a note to let them know what they're missing. Great hats and shoes!!! From the reports on CNN, Prince Rainier didn't get great hats and shoes at his funeral. |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1034 Registered: Dec-03 | Jan, He didn't have the Dhali Lhama at his funeral either. Larry, What can you tell me about the Bradenton/Sarasota area? |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 938 Registered: Oct-04 | Rick: Yeah, Gauguin may have been a real jerk, but he had some good ideas! Too bad about that syphilis thing, though. . . Sarasota/Bradenton - I'll send you a private message later this evening. Right now, I'm into "Tosca" - the weekly Met broadcast (radio). More a tad later. |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1037 Registered: Dec-03 | Larry, Thanks for the reply, very helpful. Cheers! |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 943 Registered: Oct-04 | Rick: You're most welcome, sir. I hate to get too specific, 'cause I'm not too sure of what your desires are - other than to rid yourself of snow! (grin) That, we do NOT have! Ever! Think on this: West coast of Fl - bad traffic. East coast of FL - HORRIBLE traffic! Orlando - YIKES!! (same for Miami) There is this nice home for sale - on a lake - mature trees and newer house. $148,000. Oh, yes, I almost forgot - it's in Boone, IOWA. Sorry. . . Come on down!!! (we mean it) |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 1044 Registered: Dec-03 | What? No dogs out to play today. I'll just wait over here and sniff....................... |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzThe Land Dow... Post Number: 1694 Registered: Aug-04 | Check Old Dogs and their jokes. I mistakenly posted a heart-wrenching story there I recently was told about. It is one about every parent's worse nightmare |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 949 Registered: Oct-04 | MR - I love "zingers" - and this certainly falls into that category. Lead the poor reader-mope along, then all of a sudden - sharp corner!!! (double grin) Careful, my friend - you're becoming a better writer all the time. Next yah know, you'll be referred to as a "scribe," and you know what an insult that is! (GRIN) How about penning a song with a title, instead of "Autumn in New York," something like "Autumn Down Under." Hmmm. . . Re-speck-filly. . . |