I currently have * NHT SB-2(fronts) * NHT SC-1 (center) * Pioneer 1014. * ADD HSU STF1?
Or get rid of my current setup and get the
* Orb Module 1 setup with Super 8 sub?
80/20 - Music/Movies in a small/medium room.
I like to go smaller and the ORB looks nice, but I don't want to lose the sound quality from my NHTs.
Mark McIntosh
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I had some KEF 103.2's and a Dayton 10" sub, and all I can say is the Orb sub really performs. I am very happy with my whole Orb system. I have Mod2's all around. My suggestion would be to give Ethan at Orb a call and tell him what you have now. He was very honest about what I might give up and gain by going to the Orbs.