New member Username: Iviustang50hPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-05 | I am new to this forum so forgive me if this is a repeat topic. I am in the market for the best speakers I can find for around 2 grand. I can go a little over the budget, but not by much. So far I like the B&W 704 and the Definitive Technology BP7002. Anyone have any thoughts on these choices and perhaps some insite on other brands that I am overlooking? Obviously I would like the best speaker for this amount. Any help you can give will be much appreciated. Thanks!! |
mauimusicman Unregistered guest | GMA Europas for 1k will beat anything 4 times more. |
New member Username: Anino1Post Number: 2 Registered: Apr-05 | I asked a similar question a few days ago regarding the 7002's and the Gallo R3's, but no one seemed to have an opinion. I'd like to understand a little better the quals behind mauimusicman's comment. Stating that the Europa's will trounce anything at 4X the price is pretty impressive. |
New member Username: Iviustang50hPost Number: 2 Registered: Apr-05 | Yes, I also would like an explanation of musicman's opinion. Anyway, Anino, I have heard the Def Techs and they are quite nice. I unfortunately cannot compare them to the Gallo R3's, but I will say that if you are looking for a nice low end bass frequency and do not want to use a sub with your system, then the Def Techs are for you. I will research the Gallos for you though. :D |
New member Username: Iviustang50hPost Number: 3 Registered: Apr-05 | Well, I cannot find ANYTHING on the brand GMA or Europa. Am I missing something here? |
mauimusicman Unregistered guest | You can check out their website here. I helped design it. Tell me what you think. For some reviews and audiogon carry a few. The reason they are so much better is that they are time and phase aligned, unlike most speakers. They also have a resonance free marble cabinet and pure silver internal wiring. PS. Go for the optional 200 hour burn for only $150 extra, its worth it. |
New member Username: Iviustang50hPost Number: 4 Registered: Apr-05 | okay I will check them out, thanks. But I have a question...Would there be anywhere I could go and listen to them to hear them personally? I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I am assuming you have heard them since you made the website, so how would the genre of heavy metal sound on the speakers? And I am also looking for floor standing speakers (towers). Any suggestions? |
mauimusicman Unregistered guest | Any speaker that is made properly will sound great with any genre of music. If you call Roy Johnson, he may well be able to set up an in home demo for you. GMA also makes very affordable floor standing speakers as well. |
Bronze Member Username: VoriandPost Number: 13 Registered: Feb-05 | gma's website is horrible Horrible font type and size. No clear flow of information. Using 8 pictures of speaker parts to link to different products is plain dumb. I had to click all of them and write down a road map so I could remember what product went with which picture. |
New member Username: Iviustang50hPost Number: 5 Registered: Apr-05 | Affordable? For me, 2000 is affordable. That is all I have unfortunately. The website is a little strange, no offense. I have been reading a lot of threads today. You sure do get bashed a lot. I think you offend people because you are too blunt and forward. Ease up a little bit man. I know that you love the GMA product line, but don't insult other ones. Anyway, I would love to hear what GMA has, but seriously, why would Roy Johnson set up an in home demo for someone like me? I live in WI! |
mauimusicman Unregistered guest | I get bashed a lot because there is some poser who uses my name also. Voriand, doing a mouse-over on the picture to see what speaker it links to was too difficult huh? |
mauimusicman Unregistered guest | My imposter is getting worse I see. Perhaps you need some mental therapy? I hear immitation is the most sincere form of flattery........ |
mauimusicman Unregistered guest | My imposter is getting worse I see. Perhaps you need some mental therapy? I hear immitation is the most sincere form of flattery........ |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 352 Registered: Feb-04 | So register... |
mauimusicman Unregistered guest | Again, learn to spell. "immitation" Perhaps I should register Peter... |
New member Username: Iviustang50hPost Number: 6 Registered: Apr-05 | LOL, seems like you have a little multiple personality going on! :D Also, you never answered my question. ![]() |
New member Username: Anino1Post Number: 3 Registered: Apr-05 | brandon, thanks for your assistance. i don't know which "mauimusicman" it is, real or "imposter" but i've completed some research on the DefTech's and the their speakers are engineered with perfect "in-phase" alignment. mauimusicman (mmm)you've lost credibility with me when the key reason you provide for the the gma's superiority is due to their phase alignment, "unlike most speakers." do you know anything about DefTech? your comments reveal you don't. brandon, the gallo R3's seem to be marvelous speakers, "speaker of the year" in some circles, but i've read where they come up short in the bass department, an area that the 7002's excel. i'm running mythos one's up front with a SC1. the one's sound incredible but i listen/watch concerts on DTS/DVD/DVD-A and want unreal imaging, clarity, and thunderous bass at concert level volumes. i read about the R3's and was considering them as an alternative to the 7002's for my mains. so far my research shows the DefTech's are the better speaker for less money ($2200 vs. $2600). i haven't heard the B&W's though. if the web site for the gma's IS horrible. who in their right mind would market an exceptional speaker like this? i think mmm promoting the europas is full of hot air. |