I am looking for opinions on Paradigm versus HTD (Home Theater Direct). Specifically, I am comparing the HTD Level Two system to the Paradigm Atoms (fronts) and CC-170 center.
Is HTD even in Paradigms ballpark in terms of quality? The specs look very similar and both systems have nothing but great reviews.
I haven't decided yet. My first thought is the Yamaha HTR-5660, but I also like the Panasonic XR series (XR45, XR70). The dealer was using a Yamaha and it sounded great. However, there is just something attractive about that thin, silver Panasonic that I like.
Taxman, If you want a Yamaha with the Paradigms I would get the new 1400 and stay away from the htr series. The 1400 is a bit warmer and less thin sounding and has much better bass management. Yamaha has finally awakened and realized that a fixed crossover at 90 is ludicrous. They have gotten much well deserved criticism for this over the years and since the 1400 is a THX receiever have been forced to change, thankfully. The 1400 and any Paradigm system is a good combination, although not a good as a NAD/Paradigm system. Try to audition the NAD743 also.
Thanks. I like the idea of having THX and the new DPL IIx on the 1400. The price is higher than my current budget allows, but it may be worth waiting for if I can find a cheapo 6.1 to hold me over for a few months.
I can't believe my eyes, Elite fan recomends a Yama!!! Are you feeling ok? he he he. Just kidding Elite Fan. I agree with every thing you just said. Always better too wait a little longer and get what you want then to settle for less now! I got my yama 2400 for $750 at a local dealer so im sure you can get the 1400 for a lot less than that. good luck Tax man. p.s. put that tax refund to good use man!