New member Username: AukevinPost Number: 6 Registered: Oct-04 | Hey, I was hoping you guys/gals could give me some speaker recommendations. I am looking for some floorstanding speakers in the price range of $800 or less for the pair. The receiver I have is the Denon 2805 I'm not sure which speakers I should look the most into. I've looked online at the Polk Monitor 70 and the Infinity Primus 360. I've also looked at the Paradigm Monitor 11 series. I'm just not sure what all I should consider when making a decision. I have had a set of Paradigm speakers for about 6 years and never really had a problem with them. My cat knocked over one of my bookshelf speakers and damaged it, so I'm looking to replace them with floorstanding ones so that doesn't happen again. I was considering the Paradigms because I have a center channel from them, but I don't mind eventually replacing it with another brand if I go another way. I was just wondering what you think of those speakers or if you could recommend others. I'm open to hearing about any that you consider quality and look good. I have no real affection for any particular brand. Now, for the room that these speakers would go in, it isn't the best one in ways of available space. Here's a pic of the corner that my TV is in. You can see in it where a bookshelf speaker is on a stand. That is where most of my concern for getting a floorstanding speaker is, because as you can tell there isn't much room there. Living room I don't really listen to music on my system, I pretty much stick to TV, DVDs, and XBox. Any suggestions of what speakers might fit what I'm looking for? Thanks a lot. |
Bronze Member Username: Jet2001Post Number: 14 Registered: Mar-05 | If you're going Polk, I recommend the RTi line over the Monitor line. Check out the RTi 8/10/12 and see if one of those fits your needs. I'm a bit partial to Polk, but many of these guys like the Paradigm's better. Either way, you have listed quality speakers so let your aesthitic and sound needs make the choice for you. |
mauimusicman Unregistered guest | I would highly reccomend that you just stick with bookshelf speakers. The reasn is simple. You are just two hnudred measly dollars away from one of the best speaker ever made, the Green Mountain Audio Europas! Any speaekr you compare them with will just sound like trash. Im a musician, so I have first hnd knowledge of what instruments sound like and can judge speakers propoerly. Besides, these things are made of marble and weigh forty pounds each, soo unless your cat has a death wish, it wont mess with them. |
Silver Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 107 Registered: Feb-05 | If you enjoyed your Paradigms and you have a Paradigm center (is it the CC350?). Then you may want to consider Paradigm Monitor 7's. I prefer the 5's but they are large bookshelf speakers and the 7's are floorstanders. I feel that when you get any larger than the 7's in the Monitor line that they become far less competitive. Just my opinion as a happy Paradigm owner. Let your ears do the buyin'. |
edster922 Unregistered guest | I agree with jet2001, the Polk Monitor line is mediocre at best and you can get much better for the same money. Among the retail budget speakers Paradigm IMO offers one of the best quality-to-price ratios I've ever heard. Don't get into the "bigger is better" trap though---their midsize Monitor 5 and Monitor 7 actually sound better to me than the larger ones, which get kind of flabby on the mids and highs. A small cramped room might not be the best place to put a floorstander. A buddy of mine did that with some JBL e100s in his 10x13 media room and it just didn't click. I'd recommend going with bookshelves or mini-towers in conjunction with a quality sub like Hsu or SVS ($400-600) to supply the low end for your DVDs and XBox (if you don't have a sub already), and wall-mounting the bookshelves or upgraded bookshelves for the ultimate cat-proofing (and child-proofing) benefits as well as a much more open, room-filling rich sound. |
New member Username: AukevinPost Number: 7 Registered: Oct-04 | Thanks for the advice and options. I will look more into the specific speakers you guys mentioned. Thanks a lot. ![]() |
New member Username: Machman72Post Number: 8 Registered: Mar-05 | I also live in a house with a cat or two. I have had thoughts of your previous situation. I will soon be purchasing some bookshelf speakers. I plan on attatching the speakers to the stands with a couple of short wood screws. I also plan on making the speakers stands bottom heavy so they will not easily tip over. |