Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 158 Registered: Jan-05 | Hmmm...there's something wrong with my sub. I noticed a couple of weeks ago there was a hum coming from it. Thought it might be a loose wire so I turned off the sub until I had time/motivation to work with it. When I first connected the HD cable, I saw one of the sub connectors was loose so I completely disconnected it until today. I first put the leads into their own speaker outlets and noticed the hum is still there. I moved the sub cable away from the power cord. This seemed to help some but the hum was still discernible - plus, the cable in relation to the power cord was never this sensitive before. Anyway, I started up the amp and played just the sub and there was horrible distortion. So, I took the speaker leads and twisted them as tightly as I could with the main speakers leads and stuff it into the spring clips as far as they would go. Still have terrible distortion. I tried plugging the power cord into a different outlet on the power center and I tried plugging it directly into the wall outlet. Nothing helps. This symptom is new. I used this sub with the MA's, B&W's and, at first the Spendors and it played beautifully. Any idea what might be wrong? I've sent email to REL, too. Hopefully, they will respond. Thanks, Jan. At this time, I don't think I want to change the Mac. I've never really done any soldering so I'd be afraid I would damage something. If I send it to Audio Classics at some point for service, I may request a change to binding posts at that time. |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 159 Registered: Jan-05 | MR, The extension cord wire is a heavy duty cable. I wonder if the extra thickness and stiffness of the copper made a difference? If so, does this mean a solid wire, such as the magnet wire, might be even more of an improvement? That's one I'll have to sleep on...time to shower and go to bed. G'nite! |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1532 Registered: Aug-04 | SM Can you try it with a pre-amp output? |
J. Vigne Unregistered guest | Freq. Response 49Hz - 22kHz ± 3dB on reference axis This is a measurement taken on axis meaning (typically) with the speaker face on to the listener (or measuring device) and with the tweeter's center at the same height vertically as the listener's ear. The way the spec is normally stated is on axis to the tweeter itself since high frequencies are the most directional and fall off in level as the listener moves off axis (off to an angle) vertically or horizontally. Even though most decent tweeters have fairly wide horizontal dispersion across a broad field, there will always be less high frequency content when the listener is not directly in front of the speaker. Different designers have different ideas about how wide the dispersion of the high frequencies should be. Though it amounts to a speaker with a more defined sweet spot for listening, a tweeter with a more narrow dispersion pattern will often have better imaging because the listener will hear mostly the information directly from the tweeter with very little reflected information arriving out of phase due to the longer reflected path. A speaker with a broader dispersion pattern will have a wider listening area but will also put more energy into the room to be reflected by room surfaces. This can result in a more uneven frequency response in a real world situation due to reflections and comb filtering. As a general rule, speakers which benefit from broad dispersion can sound open and airy when done well though often have a flattened soundstage. Speakers with a narrow dispersion pattern can have excellent staging and imaging, with a good sense of microdynamics, but when done poorly or placed in the wrong room, they can sound very dry and not at all airy and even muddled in their response. If the listener can control room reflections extremely well, a broad dispersion pattern is probably beneficial. In a more typical room, one with furnishings and not devoted to speakers only, some narrowing of the tweeter's response is probably not a bad thing. The use of the term reference axis implies the flattest response from the speaker is obtained not exactly on the horizontal axis of the tweeter but, instead, at a virtual point somewhere between the tweeter and the midrange. This is probably the result of the design of the tweeter, the front baffle or the X-over. Since B&W controls all these elements by making everything that is used in their speakers in house, it is most likely a combination of all three and represents a philosophical direction B&W have chosen for their speakers in this range. The on axis response, though measured in an anechoic chamber, is the strictest measurement of frequency response. As with the speaker I referenced for SM, + or - 3dB means a variation of no more than 6db total over the 10 octaves the speaker is covering. This is quite good for any speaker. Even the 800 series has no tighter specs in this regard. One difference between the 600 and 800 series measurements is the dispersion patterns, and here the 600 is slightly more narrow. This probably reflects B&W's attitude toward the typical user and placement of this series vs. the (extremely) more dedicated user of the 800 series. The 600 series tweeter is probably going to have less reflected energy in a typical room. The guy with the 800's is more likely to have a dedicated listening room. One measurement that would be nice to have, but is seldom seen in even the best speakers, is system to system matching. The expense of narrowing the accepted drivers to a measurement of 1 to 1.50dB side to side is where the exactness of the manufacturer pays dividends in imaging and soundstaging. But even some very expensive speakers don't give this measurement so B&W is not out of line by not stating this number. *********************** Freq. Range -6dB at 40Hz and 42kHz This is merely a measurement of where the limits of the speaker's response fall. As with the low frequencies, the range accepted as usable high frequency response stops after the speaker has lost more than 6dB. This measurement is not about the peaks and valleys of the frequency response as the + or - spec is. This measurement just tells you the speaker runs out of juice at 40Hz on the low end and 42kHz on the top. Room reinforcement will give this speaker enough bass extension to deal with 90% of what it is asked to reproduce, though being a ported design you should remember its response falls off at about 24dB per octave. The ported design also means the port itself will make a significant contribution to the last half octave of bass response and in lesser designs can create a "chuffy" one note bass in the last few Hz of response. This is where those dimpled flowports come into their own. If you were to close the ports with the damper, you would change the "Q" of the design and though raising the point where the roll off begins, you would change the roll off to a more likely -6dB per octave. The overall character of the bass response would change noticeably. Ported designs usually offer punchy bass while sealed designs tend to give a warmer bass with more power but less kick. My personal preference is for a sealed box because, to my ear, it gives a bass response that sounds more like it is rollong off naturally compared to many sealed boxes with their steeper roll off which I hear as going to a point and then there is nothing. If you should try plugging the port, the sealed enclosure will be less efficient and will require resetting the level to match your other speakers. On the high frequency side, 42kHz represents B&W's committment to extending the response of their tweeters to as high a frequency as possible. Tweeters, like woofers, usually stop making music after they have hit their resonant peak. By developing a lighter, stiffer material for the tweeter, B&W have pushed that break up point an octave above the usually accepted cut off for human ears. Again, as with dispersion, the amount of extension actually needed in a tweeter is a matter of disagreement between designers. Soft domes with a limit of 22kHz or lower are still around and giving good sound. The materials that can extend the frequency response above 24kHz are metal depositions (and diamond in the new 800 series). Some people enjoy the cleanliness the stiffer materials provide while others find them "bright". I found it is mostly a matter of taste which design someone will prefer. None the less, the designs have come a long way from the Yamaha NS 1000 with one of the first aluminum domes. When combined with the digital recordings of the late '70's and early '80's, that tweeter would drive roaches out of the house. That was not always a good thing when you were down to seeds and stems. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1533 Registered: Aug-04 | Jan, Again, a detailed and easy to understand description. You have cleared up my confusion and I now/will have a much better understanding of speaker specs and design. I am saving this installment also into my hi-fi notes to help broaden my knowledge or at least be able to go directly to the info should I not be able to recall it - which is becoming all too often. I liked and can relate to the summing up. Much obliged, thanks. |
Silver Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 920 Registered: Dec-03 | .....down to seeds and stems. LOL! Seems like so long ago my friend................ |
J. Vigne Unregistered guest | Lucky you. |
J. Vigne Unregistered guest | Sorry, in my despcription of reference axis, please substitute vertical for the use of horizontal in this sentence: "The use of the term reference axis implies the flattest response from the speaker is obtained not exactly on the horizontal axis of the tweeter but, instead, at a virtual point somewhere between the tweeter and the midrange." |
J. Vigne Unregistered guest | Some days its just hard to tell up from down and left from right. |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 160 Registered: Jan-05 | I received a response from REL in the UK referring me to the US distributor. I sent the US distributor full details about what I had tried including the line: "I tried plugging the power cord into a different outlet on the power center and I tried plugging it directly into the wall outlet. The US distributor responded with: " Please try plugging the REL directly into the wall, rather than using the Monster Power conditioner. OK. So, they missed the part about plugging it into the wall not helping. Additionally, they said if their suggestion didn't work it would need service and to take it to the dealer from who I purchased it. Still waiting to hear from them on what my options are if I purchased a several years old, used REL. This morning, I completely disconnected the Neutrik cable from the sub and the hum continued. So, I think there is either a problem with the sub's amp (in which case it will need service or it will need to be junked if it is too expensive to repair) or possibly the power cord. |
J. Vigne Unregistered guest | So the sub is humming (60Hz?) when it is disconnected from the system but just plugged into a wall outlet? |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1534 Registered: Aug-04 | "Some days its just hard to tell up from down and left from right." I feel already that today is one of those days! Thanks for the amendment. I guess part of the reason the 602's seem to fit seemlessly into our surround set-up is (a) a similar size high frequency metal dome tweeter and (b) the ported design, though the JBL's are rear ported so placement is a little more critical. I guess the next thing to try would be to swap the JBL's main positions with the 602 rears thus giving B&W all duties across the front with the center LCR6 S2. A bit of a hassle though! Wife and I again listened to a cross section of cd's on the weekend switching from the JBL's to the 602's - by wiring the 602's to the "B" speaker connection. As I stated, the surround set-up seems seemless as the B&W's appear to suit the JBL's. Yet, switching between both sets of speakers listening in 'stereo' to the cd's, the difference was night and day, a metaphor perhaps best describing the difference. Both sound wonderful in their own way, but the JBL's were night and the 602's were the day. Thought not muted or veiled, the JBL's just seemed darker in the mid range and when switching back to the 602's was like the sun coming up. SM I hate to hear of component problems. Hope it's a little thing. If not, maybe you can hum along with it LOL! Sorry - not funny! |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 161 Registered: Jan-05 | So the sub is humming (60Hz?) when it is disconnected from the system but just plugged into a wall outlet? Yes. I tried a different power cord on it tonight and plugged it into an outlet in a different room and it still hums/buzzes. According to REL, it needs repair. They recommended a shop in San Francisco. But, this sucker is heavy and by the time I pay for shipping charges and the repair, it probably would be at least $300-400. I'll call the repair shop and get an estimate but I doubt I'll get it repaired. For the time being, I may just do without a sub. |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 2287 Registered: Dec-03 | SimplyMcIntosh I wish I lived near yu I'd take a look at it for yu. You said it sounds distorted too? If it only hummed but sounded allright I'd say a ground problem But if it's distorted too my guess would be the internal amp. If it's the amp then yes that could be very expensive. If you decided to send it somewhere I do offer my services to see what it is and more than likely be able to repair it. Just a thought. If anything else you could wire it direct to the internal speaker and power it with another amp. There are subwoofer amps that might give you a little more control. Just another option! |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 2288 Registered: Dec-03 | something like one of these: %26%26 And then of course you have the more expensive ones: %26%26 Anyways there are affordable subwoofer amps that are like a component like those! Can be a very useful piece of equipment! |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 162 Registered: Jan-05 | Kegger, Thanks for the information. I appreciate it! I'll give this some thought and let you know where I'll go with it. |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 2289 Registered: Dec-03 | No problem Sm I just wanted to try and give you some options that maybe you would not have thought of. As I allways try and find the alternative! LOL See yu! |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 2290 Registered: Dec-03 | I use something simular in my setup. Where as those type units I mention have the amp and controls built in I use a DBX subwoofer processor then out to a stereo amp powering (2) 12" drivers In a cabinet I designed that has ports for each driver but I also have plugs for the ports to tune the thing if I feal the need. The adjustment and control something like those can add to the system is excelent. I can't live without mine even though it is kinda different from those. The reason it would work without to much problem is the driver in your sub is tuned/mated to the cabinet it's in so an amp supllying enough power and the correct frequencies is all you need. By all means I am not trying to push you towards one of these just giving you food for thought, not that you need any more! LOL |
J. Vigne Unregistered guest | SM - If the sub is out of warranty (?) I would suggest you ask the repair center whether it is possible for you to remove the amplifier from the enclosure and just ship it instead of the entire subwoofer. They can probably give a possible diagnosis over the phone regarding where the problem might exist. It would appear, from your description, the problem is in the amplifier and is unlikely to be a defective driver. If so there is the possibility of taking the amplifier out of the box and shipping a much lighter package. If it is out of warranty there should probably be no problem with you removing the amplifier unless it is difficult to accomplish. If they need the entire unit because the amp and sub work through a feedback/servo loop, then you might have to decide what to do. |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 2291 Registered: Dec-03 | Dam good thinking Jan! Duh, Much lighter to ship just the amp! After that If the amp is very expensive to fix then she may want to think of alternative amplification for the sub. |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 163 Registered: Jan-05 | Thanks Jan and Kegger! Excellent ideas from both. I'll check with the repair shop in the next couple of days to see what the options are. If I can ship just the amp part cheaper and the repair isn't too expensive, I may opt for that. G'nite! |
J. Vigne Unregistered guest | If the repair shop agrees to that option, have them give you as much information about removing the amp from the enclosure as possible. Quite often the amp is sealed to the box very firmly and requires some muscle to make the final yank that breaks it free. People that are used to breaking frozen nuts and bolts off old cars are used to this approach, but it is still sometimes a leap of faith to think you're going to be able to get everything back in place once you've given the big pull. |
J. Vigne Unregistered guest | 44 B.C.: Julius Caesar assassinated 1939: Germany occupies Bohemia (Poland). 1968: Diocese of Rome announces it deplores but won't prohibit "rock and roll masses" at the Church of San Lessio Falconieri 1972: Top-rated Top 40 Los Angeles Radio station KHJ raided by police after calls from listeners who feared there'd been a revolution at the station from 6:00 to 7:30 in the morning. DJ Robert W. Morgan had played Donny Osmond's "Puppy Love" over and over. The police left without making any arrests. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1542 Registered: Aug-04 | "Puppy Love" indicative of a revolution? Donny Osmond the Che` Guevara of California? No wonder Orson Wells fooled you Americans LOL! |
J. Vigne Unregistered guest | Shhhhh! I'm listening to my Pat Boone Heavy Metal Album. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1547 Registered: Aug-04 | Yeah right on! The best track is "April Showers Cause I Told Her She Stinks" Larry, Where are you? Have you heard what's happening with your Yamaha yet? And what about those other little secret additions to the family huh? Have they arrived yet? Have you and Mer named them? Are they keeping you up at night? Or has it been a long delivery? If so, I bet Mer and you are getting a bit anxious. Don't worry, I'm sure they'll arrive safe and sound and will be as cute as they can be. We await your good news. That should keep 'em guessing LOL! |
Silver Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 922 Registered: Dec-03 | Well, I stepped outside my cave this morning and saw my shadow. We have had no snow for a week. It looks like we here in "New England" may survive another winter. I can't understand why the neighbors ran inside when they saw me......................... It doesn't matter, I'm just going to point my nose skyward, and howl for awhile. |
Silver Member Username: SemNew York USA Post Number: 433 Registered: Mar-04 | Rick, Shhhhhh. You'll wake the Snow Gods. Something tells me they're still nearby....watching....waiting.... |
Silver Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 924 Registered: Dec-03 | Sorry.................I'll just sneak back into the cave, be very quiet, and wait. Can someone just send some Chinese food and NOS tubes? Thank you! |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 164 Registered: Jan-05 | Kegger, Jan, I will be calling the REL repair shop today for more details but, based on the REL distributor's comments, it sounds like the amp and control panel are all one piece. The REL distributor said it would be out-of-warranty work so I'd have to incur cross-country shipping charges plus the repair costs. If I were to consider using an external amp, would this not alter the REL's characteristics? The REL sub has a well-deserved reputation for being musical and I would want to retain that. But, I'm not sure if/how I could accomplish that with an external amp. What I may do is get a completely new sub. I've done a little research and might try out the Rocket UFW-10 (which has a 30-day return period) or a Vandersteen 2Wq. Originally, I thought I would just do without a sub but I have a little extra cash right now, so it might be a good time to go ahead get one. |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 165 Registered: Jan-05 | Oh, I forgot....what kind of cable should I use if I get a new subwoofer? |
Silver Member Username: TevoChicago, IL USA Post Number: 119 Registered: Feb-05 | Perhaps consider these? Aside from DIY speaker wire, I have all my interconnects and what not are from River Cable. Refreshingly voodoo science free, reasonably priced and they have exceptional craftsmanship and a good amount of that "high-end aesthetic" that is oh so important. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 2294 Registered: Dec-03 | SimplyMcIntosh The driver is mated to the cabinet for the propper output from the driver inside to produce it's frequencies but yes to an extent you will get the sound of the amp to the speaker but I would think in a D class amp which most subs use that you wouldn't get much in the musical presence from the "amp". Just my thinking! It's probably the cabinet and speaker more than the amp. I would think any good quality amp would do it justice. If you don't feel like butchering up the sub and do what I prupose (I can understand) Then I may be interested in the sub instead of getting rid of it and getting a new one. If you think this may be a course of action just email me. No hurry take your time to figure out what you want to do. If I had the unit I would just use one of the amps I have laying around that should get utilized! Anyways just more food for thought and maybe a way to recoup some cash towards a new sub. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 763 Registered: Oct-04 | SM - I'll probably get zapped by some on this forum, but may I humbly suggest that you at least look at the Blue Jeans Cables? I got a 12-foot run of subwoofer cable - Belden 1505F, with Neat-oh Canare connectors - for $18.50 plus shipping. No hum - quality excellent - I even got white wire, so it sorta disappears. I can't recomment Blue jeans Cables too highly. I now use them for ALL my wiring - without regret. Yammie still among the missing - I'm getting anxious. Sigh. |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 166 Registered: Jan-05 | Actually, the subwoofer cable was "dry humor" that I thought might be caught even without the smileys and winkys. ![]() Kegger, will contact you as things become clearer. I was struck by a migraine this afternoon and did not get a chance to call the REL repair. Just now forced myself awake (at 7:00pm) so I wouldn't wake up at 2:00a.m. |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 2298 Registered: Dec-03 | SimplyMcIntosh take your time I am in no hurry to get more equipment I don't really need. I hope everything works out for you and that you feel better! See yu! |
Silver Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 927 Registered: Dec-03 | Let's see................How to cure a migraine? Buy a tube amp, of course! Works for me. LOL! Hope you feel better. |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 176 Registered: Jan-05 | LOL. I think last night's impulse buy may have been a lingering effect of a migraine blurring the decision making process. It's a good thing I was able to sell the other equipment on eBay. Will now have to sell the remaining NAD/B&W combo. |
Gold Member Username: John_aPost Number: 2879 Registered: Dec-03 | Sorry for the down-time. I have been locked in a castle in the Bavarian Alps since Sunday. Escaped yesterday. Reached home last night. An alert passport control officer in Munich airport wanted to know why mine was issued in Stockholm. Fortunately, I was able to steal his motorcycle, and leap a barbed-wire fence, to freedom. Vodafone now charge for WiFi access at Munich airport. The castle itself had one internet connection for 250 people. They will stop at nothing, those guys. Thanks for the Mac mini recommendation, SM; it counts. Thanks for the photos. I will consider one of these seriously. I think REL has the right approach to subs. The Neutrik connector, as I understand it, takes the output from the main channels to the sub, where there is a crossover, and then returns the signal with the frequencies that are NOT reproduced by the sub to the main speakers. You can choose that "Crossover frequency", according to the capability of the main speakers. The aim is to EXTEND the bass response, not to exaggerate it. REL used to have an informative article on their web site, but the site is re-designed, has frames (harrumph) and I can no longer find it. This is the sort of sub I would choose to go with Quad ESLs etc. If the REL hums; 1. Is the source electronic or mechanical? (Sometimes loose transformers can buzz) 2. Does the gain control affect the hum? 3. Does the crossover setting affect the hum? As I wrote to Larry a while ago, try the corssover setting very close to the lower limit of the main speakers. Wasn't it 57 Hz? Then the mains are workiing as designed. On my cheaper sub, it hums if I have the crossover set above about 120 Hz, and the intensity becomes greater the higher the setting. But at 100 Hz it is almost imperceptible. At 50 Hz there is no hum. Re migraine, Mrs A discovered some years ago that a sure trigger, for her, is red wine and chocolate in the same meal. By avoiding that combination, she has not had one for years. And she used to get them real bad. Larry, Willard White was "Porgy" in that wonderful production and DVD-V we discussed. I was not meaning what you thought I was meaning. My fault, I am sure. No time right now. Will come back to it. Briefly, I do not think there is such a thing as "more evolved". Big topic; off topic. My Rantz, Thank you for the link. Yes, Linn Records has gone the SACD route. Like BIS, and some other "Classical" specialist labels. I think SACD has been successfully promoted as the natural, and only, successor to CD. So far, there is nothing in the SACD catalogue which I am unhappy at not being able to play. I will keep my eye on things, though. The Mercury and "Living Stereo" 3-channel would be interesting to hear, just to evaluate. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1552 Registered: Aug-04 | Dogs Audio Hell - the weakest link! My brother sent me this somewhat humorous article in hard copy - if interested go to: |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 764 Registered: Oct-04 | Good Grief! Turn my computer off for a few hours and what does SM do but go stereo-nutz! (grin) Well, after reading about your new purchase(s) all I can do is wish you luck! I'm a bit amazed, though, that you're getting a "plain" CD player and not one that plays SACDs or DVD-As. . . I'm sure that Kegger will agree with me on the tube amp - you can't go wrong with a beautiful BLUE on-lite like yours will have! (grin) Still awaiting word from Yamaha - been three weeks now since I sent it off. . . meanwhile, the "word" is seeping out on various stereo forums: be careful with the S1500/5770 - here's an example from AVForum: - - - - - - - Good, but this product never should have made it to market. Very noisy transport especially when playing CDs. I don't know if this was an individual flaw or if it is a defect of the unit in general. My guess is the latter. I did not want to go through the trouble of taking a second unit back. Strengths: Good detailed sound. As expected from a Yamaha. Very decent picture quality. Weaknesses: Horribly loud transport buzzing when playing most audio CDs and certain DVDs. Takes a noticably long time to read when the disk is inserted. It takes longer than it takes for the Yamaha CDX2 CD player to read a CD (a CD player Yamaha made 20 years ago). - - - - - - - The noise, plus strange drop-outs and level changes made me send it back. My fault, I guess, for getting a "new" model of anything. Unfort fer me, I was bound by some money constraints, or I probably would have gone with a Denon 3910. Or a Pioneer Elite 59AVI. If the Yammie acts up when I get it (or a new one?) back - I may have to go the route of the ill-fated computer printer in the movie: "Office Space." If y'all saw it, the chaps finally take it out to a field and stomp and beat it into a million pieces! And to think (shame) that Mer and I laughed uproareously during the scene! More anon. . . |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1557 Registered: Aug-04 | Hi Larry - Was wondering about your Yammie. Hope it comes home in good health. SM does have DVD_A and SACD via the Denon DVD-2200 universal player - Between you and I think she's going for a kit in each room. LOL! Have those cute little 'uns arrived yet? [grin] |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 765 Registered: Oct-04 | MR - no "li'l ones" yet - so I have to follow in Rick's footsteps and rub my cones until I have some other form of roundness with which to connect, so to speak. Sigh. Hope all is well with your sound system, my friend! I just want you to know that I have NO inclinations toward upgrading anything - except, of course, maybe, uh, possibly, that is, in the future, probably - the Yammie. (grin) |
Silver Member Username: SemNew York USA Post Number: 434 Registered: Mar-04 | Larry, Amusing little movie especially for those of us in a similar office environment as Initech. I have the dvd and its made the rounds here at work. Most of my co-workers can really relate but for some reason my manager didn't quite get it. Uuuuuuummm yeaaaaaaaah...I'm going to have to go ahead and agree with you on that and say I enjoyed that movie. ![]() |
J. Vigne Unregistered guest | When I worked at Pacific Stereo, people would bring their BSR and Garrard changers in to trade for a new turntable. The blue book assessed the value of the tables at $0 which was a bit disappointing to the owner who thought their $59 turntable should still be worth at least $50 after ten years. (I saw the same idea when I sold cars for a while.) The manager of the store liked guns and would offer the prospective new turntable owner $10 and he would use the old piece as target practice. I understand a Beezeer will explode quite nicely when struck by a .45 caliber bullet. Apparently a stack of BeeGee's records adds to the excitement. Larry, you might want to haul the Yamaha down to the local gun range and offer it for sacrifice as long as you get to watch. Put in an early DG disc. |
Silver Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 930 Registered: Dec-03 | Oh, Mr. Vigne! It looks as though we have a new convert over on Tube Talk. I think I'll just stick to music. I don't have much use for guns anymore. |
Gold Member Username: John_aPost Number: 2882 Registered: Dec-03 | "Put in an early DG disc." ... Wagner? |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 766 Registered: Oct-04 | Sem: Thanx - yep, just like "Dilbert," the writers and produers of Office Space certainly had "been there!." Fortunately, I never had it that bad as a journalist - probably because it was always an office full of people who were, let us say, "unstable." (grin) Nice way with wwoorrrdds re the manager, BTW!! Jan V. - I once had a gun. German Lugar (sp?) way, way back in the 50s. Fired it about a dozen times, cleaned it, and sold it. Scared the C rap out of me than, and I decided I'd rather use sticks and stones! (grin) Sooooo - IF the Yammie ever gets back here (so far, nobody knows where it is! E-mailed and they say they don't have it!) and IF it doesn't work the next time around. Wham, bam, thank you Mr. Yamaha for letting me take out all my frustrations on your noisy, stuck-up system! THERE! That felt good. . . More anon. . . |
J. Vigne Unregistered guest | Rick - This manager always claimed he had a reason for carrying a pistol in the back of his trousers. One morning I walked in to find a large pile of white powder on the stock room counter and some "unsavory characters" discussing a transaction with the manager. Seems like so long ago, my friend. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 767 Registered: Oct-04 | Finally! After e-mails and phone calls, I now know several things about the Yammie. 1 - never try to get an answer from the company. 2 - e-mails are responded to in about 3 weeks. 3 - you'll be transferred to India. 4 - persistence finally pays off? Been all day, but I finally got a mope to answer the phones in California. Transferred me to India. Answering service (in Hindi?) India transferred me back to California. Unhappy guy called to say that the unit couldn't be repaired. They are sending me a new one. Went out from Gardena, CA at 3:12 a.m. today - I should get it by mid-week next week. Sigh. Whadda you wanna bet that the new one will have the same problems? All bets on!! It's nice to play music here on the computer. After the Samsung scudded out, I gave up trying to get another "temp" player. I just use the external burner and Cambridge Soundworks sub and satellites - not too bad, but not NAD-B&W quality, fer shore! (grin) Hope y'all are having a better day. . . |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 768 Registered: Oct-04 | To all: Just the thought of blowing up an early DG disc of Wagner makes me happier! Thanx! |
Silver Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 932 Registered: Dec-03 | Jan, Why is it we still call them the "good old days"? I guess when you are young, they are all good. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 769 Registered: Oct-04 | The "good old days" were when we had not yet come down to the point where we rubbed cones for pleasure. . . (grin) |
Silver Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 934 Registered: Dec-03 | LOL! |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1560 Registered: Aug-04 | I thought the "good old days" was when we were just moving on from rubbing cones for pleasure! Our good ol' reliable 5 disc carousel Yamaha-ha-ha-ha CD player (the one we now use when at the bar or with noisy guests etc) recently decided to stop and open when playing with a full deck in random play mode - it might play for an hour, two hours or half an hour. Just went out and got a mind of its own. Is technology taking over? I'm still very impressed with the 602's - a heck of a lot of speaker in a small bundle (well rather large really for a standmount) - the thought of B&W mains is weighing heavilly on my mind. Unfortunately Mrs Rantz seems happy enough to keep taking the load off. Ah! Don't cha jest luv 'em? |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 771 Registered: Oct-04 | Yep. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 773 Registered: Oct-04 | NICE TRY, BUT . . . Well, gang, the "Orb" speakers came, got plugged in and played, and quickly reviewed by Ms Golden Ears. "Ouch," she said, "they sound tinny." Hmmm. . . NOT what i'd hoped that I'd hear. But she was right. Only way these puppies will sound good (and I tried) is to set the subwoofer crossover to 160 (its highest point) and then try to balance out the units. But with the B&Ws in front - those settings just don't cut it. Soooo - I'm packing up the li'l thangs and will send them back. The Orb folk kindly offer a "no-nonsense" 30-day return policy. I e-mailed them for a return authorization number. Sigh. Oh, well - nothing ventured, nothing gained. My Rantz - you are right, sir - bigger is better for surround speakers! I'm going back to my modded Rad-Shaks - which sound better than the Orbs. Maybe bigger ones in the future??? Anyway, I'll take advantage of the "alternate" prize - a $150 credit towards CDs at Amazon. Mer will like that better, I'm sure. Did I say the Yammie (new) is on its way? Please keep fingers, etc., crossed that this one will work jest fine, OK? Thanx. . . More anon. . . |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1561 Registered: Aug-04 | Larry And Mer. Well, that's a shame about the 'Orbs' but frankly, I didn't think they would make the grade - I know they wouldn't for me at least - there's just so much that won't fit into a tiny unit, let alone come out of it. Here's something to ponder - have a look in the second photo posted back up in this thread (Sunday, March 13, 2005 - 06:47 pm), there's a couple of nice looking B&W's on stands against the rear wall. I believe these may be for sale? Just a thought - I don't want to start anything. [grin] Later. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 774 Registered: Oct-04 | My Rantz: Thanks a lot, my friend! You sure do know how to light fires, doncha now? (grin) Yes, I know that our dear, dear friend Ghia-SM has, or will soon have, yet another kit for sale. Does she go through other things in life this quickly? Cars? Boyfriends? Money? (double grin) Anyway - Mer and I sat down and listened closely to my modded Rad-Shak speakers again - and they really didn't sound half bad! I do know, however, that (someday) I will have to upgrade those surrounds. But again - Mer puts her size 10 feet down pretty hard: "no large speakers back there - especially black ones!" (Slam smack) Hmmm... Went out to FedEx the speakers back to their home base - and found that the left rear window in our aging car has bit the dust. Nope. Nadda. Won't move. Sigh. From past experience, I know it will probably be three or four hundred USD to get it fixed. One "break" at a time for the ole gal. Just wonder how much longer we can patch her together? She's got 147,000 miles (what's that, about 215,000 km?) on her - and she celebrates her tenth birthday in June. Poor Mer - the UPS truck drove up in front of our house, and she ran out - hoping that the Yammie was being delivered. Nope. Next door. Pout, pout. I've almost determined that we need TWO CD players: one to use, the other as backup in case the first one goes skiddooo! (grin) More anon. . . |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 775 Registered: Oct-04 | MR - OK, 236-th km. So hit me with a Guiness! (grin) |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 776 Registered: Oct-04 | MR - OK, 236-th km. So hit me with a Guiness! (grin) |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1563 Registered: Aug-04 | Larry Didn't want to start a war but I am only trying to convince the two of you from the experience of our upgrade to larger rears. Will need to diet and execise more I guess LOL! Seriously, the difference it made to both music and movies is quite substantial. But I won't keep harping on about it. [grin] BTW - Are SM's speakers really black - looked reddish to me, not that I trust my eyes? Sorry about the car - Mrs Rantz has a company car and I drive a ten year old Mitsubishi V6 - 158,000 kms and recently spend a grand to fix a few things. But the car is too good to depart with - especially since it's not worth that much and replacement would cost a heck of a lot of high quality audio gear [laugh]. Hope the Yammie arrives soon so you guys can back to some real music and movies. Mrs Rantz is still asleep (Sat am sleep in) and I'm thinking about breakfast. But she needs her beauty sleep - no, I recind that for safety reasons - she needs sleep. Mrs R works hard. Later. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1564 Registered: Aug-04 | Larry - done! You smell like a brewery LOL! |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 179 Registered: Jan-05 | MR, I'm sorry but I don't pay commissions to my salesmen. ;-) Yes, I know that our dear, dear friend Ghia-SM has, or will soon have, yet another kit for sale. Does she go through other things in life this quickly? Cars? Boyfriends? Money? (double grin) Cars? Yes. In the past, when new tires were needed, it was time to get a new car. However, last fall, for the first time ever, I bought new tires instead of trading cars. It didn't hurt as bad as I thought. Boyfriends? As I mentioned on Tube Talk, I'm generally, the "catch of the day". Money? lol. As they say, you can't take it with you. Anyway - Mer and I sat down and listened closely to my modded Rad-Shak speakers again - and they really didn't sound half bad! If you keep telling yourself this, you can delude, er, convince yourself it is true. <wink> Uncle Lar, you need to start listening to us, young man! Enough of this need full range surround speakers to fully appreciate the MC experience MR likes. Now, my B&W's may be for sale, soon. We'll know more in a couple of weeks. They are not black (tell Mer Josie's feelings are hurt - repeat the mantra "black is beautiful..."). They are the Red Cherrywood. They would be a good match for the 705's sonically but maybe not aesthetically. They are similar in size to the 705's which still may be considered too big for the space you have. What about Rick's Spendor S3/5 (not the newer models) - these are full range speakers in very small boxes 12" x 6.5" x 7" if I've done my conversions correctly. The 705's by comparison are 16 x 8 x 12. Or, perhaps the B&W CM2 = 12.8" x 7.9" x 10.9" Unit 1: 1x 25mm (1in) metal dome high-frequency Unit 2: 1x 165mm (6.5in) woven Kevlar cone bass/midrange Or, perhaps the B&W DM303 = 12 x 7.9 x 9.5 Unit 1: 1x 160mm (6") woven fibreglass cone bass/mid-range Unit 2: 1x 26mm (1") metal dome high-frequency Or, perhaps, a used pair of wall mounted CDM SNT: p.s. If you need a second CD player, I may have one of those available soon, too. ;-) |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 180 Registered: Jan-05 | ...and found that the left rear window in our aging car has bit the dust. Nope. Nadda. Won't move. Sigh. From past experience, I know it will probably be three or four hundred USD to get it fixed. That money would be better spent towards surround speakers, IMHO. :-) You could try prying the door panel off and spray some WD40 on the thingy that moves it up and down. If I sound like an expert, it's because I am. Modest, too. |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 181 Registered: Jan-05 | Of course, if it's one of those fancy electric windows, it might be better to get a new car instead of getting it fixed. How's the tire tread? |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 182 Registered: Jan-05 | Uncle Lar, How about these mounted on the wall behind your sofa and pull out only when needed? You could do away with the speaker stands and actually clear up a little floor space, too. $299/pr - 60-day money back guarantee White fabric with oak trim Just a thought. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1565 Registered: Aug-04 | "MR, I'm sorry but I don't pay commissions to my salesmen. ;-)" Hmmm okay, there is some other incentive then? [grin] |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 183 Registered: Jan-05 | Only the promise your job won't be outsourced. ;-) |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1567 Registered: Aug-04 | Larry, On second thought, forget SM's B&W's (heh,heh!) SM, we need to get an important issue through to Larry and Mer: How can one have a NAD receiver, B&W 705 standmount main speakers, a Mordant Short subwoofer and Radio Shack rears? Don't they realise why their guests keep whispering among themselves. What about Dr Phil, maybe he could help? |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 184 Registered: Jan-05 | LOL! Castrated Radio Shack rears. Uncle Lar, I think the wall mount Maggies might be the most aesthetically pleasing surround solution given the space constraints. But, don't know how a surround mix of planar speakers paired with cone speakers would sound. Maybe those small B&W's might be a good solution. The CM2 have the same kevlar driver so it might be a good match. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 777 Registered: Oct-04 | Allright. AlLrIght! ALLRIGHT, ALREADY! OK? Sheeeet - youze guyz have spent twice what I make in a year - and you're still pushing! Sigh. Dis is dah seen-ario - I'm looking around for some surrounds - but not very seriously. OK? The Rad-Shaks do a credible job - and until I find sum-ting dat I feel is bettrrrr - well, I'm jest relaxin' and hearin' and groovin' along. . . Been looking into the Axiom speakers Online. They get great reviews - and the liddle M2i speakers would be fine on stands, and be OK with the WAF. Just looking and thinking, however! This sound-stuff is threatening to take over my life, and I'm not exactly ek-static about it. Would very much like to settle down, put on a CD, listen to music, and have a few Scotches, without interference from such things as drop-outs, distortion and speaker-hash. Sigh. I've become rather fond of my liddle Cambridge SoundWorks speakers on Lola in the den - even finding that I tend to forgive all the weaknesses, just to hear the music! That tells me a lot. Phooof - too many double Scotches before the Shiraz with dinner. Think I'll just nod off for awhile. Latr. . . |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1568 Registered: Aug-04 | "Would very much like to settle down, put on a CD, listen to music, and have a few Scotches, without interference from such things as drop-outs, distortion and speaker-hash. Sigh." Larry, My lips are sealed! Will never mention the subject again! GRIN! LAUGHING! Really Larry, we are kidding but we aren't - know what I mean. Life is a constant juggle - understood. Avagoodweakend and relax my friend! |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 778 Registered: Oct-04 | Rantz, SM et al - apologies for my first paragraph last night re the surround speakers. I phrased it poorly, I'm afraid - I was NOT angry, just trying to tease y'all along. Shuddah put a "double grin" where I put a "sigh," perhaps. I get a kick out of your kidding and teasing, so don't think I'm playing the "old phart" role, OK? (BIG GRIN!) MR - wish you Would mention the subject again. I do understand that my system is, indeed, unbalanced in terms of quality. (real sigh this time) And I'm rather intrigued by SM's link to the "small Maggies." I'm also interested in some Canadian speakers - the Axiom M2i ones. They get great reviews, and are certainly in my price range. Only thang that rears its ugly head again: the cabinets, while neatly-made, are covered in vinyl, and not a true wood finish. Mer doesn't like that - so there may have to be an eventual compromise in this house? It has happened. . . (grin) Again - apologies for what appeared to be a lash-back on my part - but really wasn't. Sigh. And a happy weekend to all. . . |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 185 Registered: Jan-05 | Larry, Did you get my email this a.m.? |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 779 Registered: Oct-04 | SM - yes, and I returned it - hope you got mine! Sigh - Comcast may have struck again! |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 186 Registered: Jan-05 | JohnA Apple Lossless encoding.....looks like a rainy day project - re-ripping all my CD's. ![]() Are you using an external DAC for MAC music? Here's a simple stereo device (first 2 are more Australian products) - there's also a surround sound version but the company said Mac's don't output 5.1 - Two Channel from PC Surround from PC Stereo? That's so 2 Channel. |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 780 Registered: Oct-04 | SM - just sent reply to your second e-mail account, and forwarded an earlier e-mail I sent to the gmail account you initially gave me. Gee, I hope I copied it all down right! Hope we get this straightened out! |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 781 Registered: Oct-04 | Surround Speaker angst: Well, yet another possible solution to my surround-woes presented itself a few minutes ago: an e-mail from Verne K., my record-engineer-friend in LA. Seems he has some nice 4" speakers lying around - he took them out of some monitor speakers that were being trashed in the recording studio to make way for new B&Ws. He says they are very good - 65-15,000 response. Well heck, the price is right, and I might just try them out. Take out the old Rad-Shak speakers and replace them. Alternately, I'm rather intrigued with some speakers that Don RX-1 had been steering me to a long time ago - the Canadian PSB speakers. They've got a rather neat-oh surround speaker, the "Alpha B" line - $249 a pair. If anyone looks them up, please give me your review-criticism-comments, etc. Thanx. Well - I'm deep into the "Met" broadcast of Verdi's opera: "Don Carlo," so will stray from Lola awhile. (absolutely stunning music!!!) More anon. . . |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 782 Registered: Oct-04 | Kegger et al - thanks for steering-pushing me toward a subwoofer! Man, when that Metropolitan Opera orchestra goes into high gear - Wow!!! Takes my breath away! Thanx, thanx. . . |
Gold Member Username: John_aPost Number: 2884 Registered: Dec-03 | SM/Ghia, Many thanks. If I remember, you have an Airport Express Base station. Excellent. Mine is back in the old house. But you can connect via TOS-link optical to a digital audio "in", or via analogue mini-jack-to RCA stereo "in". On my system, the former gave the better results. Also, it will indeed give 5.1; DTS or Dolby D - from iTunes. You have to choose some iTunes output settings to get it; uncompressed signal, no equalizer etc. I forget but can look it up if you cannot find them. The settings are described on this forum somewhere, One can play from saved files, or direct from a disc, CD-A or DVD-V. Thank you for the links. I do not know if xitel does a better job than Apple. FireWave says it gives virtual surround from two-channel; that will be somthing like Prologic or EARS I assume. I hope to get the Airport Extreme Base Station back, with my other stuff, before too long. BTW, there are some DTS and DD files which can be downloaded from Swedish Radio:- It is possible to burn the files onto CD. |
Silver Member Username: OjophileON Post Number: 246 Registered: Jun-04 | Larry, I saw my name in your surround-speaker angst post, so here's a reply: I do have the PSB Alpha Intro LR as surrounds in our family room. Here's the picture: ![]() (Do you still have the link to my website? If so, click on the "Home Renovation Project" link and you will see the Alpha pair in the first two Family Room sequences). Here's the official PSB link: I bought them last year and so far, I'm pleased with the (a) detail; and (b) good bass and clean mid-range for a speaker this size. It comes in black; I'm not sure how Mer will think of it. But I dare venture to say that they sound better than the Radio Shack twins that you have. Back to my cubby hole. Regards to MR, John A, Jan, Rick, TwoCents, Simply Mcintosh, Sem, Kegger and the other Old Dogs regulars. Have a good weekend, Don |
Gold Member Username: John_aPost Number: 2885 Registered: Dec-03 | Ghia, There is an earnest enquiry about Maggies on Tube Talk. Also, our old friend JOHN S and My Rantz have been probing (or teasing...) about my Quad ESL enthusiasm on NAD T533... so I have poured out my passion a bit more over there. |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 187 Registered: Jan-05 | JohnA, Thanks for the heads-up. I've been avoiding Tube Talk the last couple of days for what are likely obvious reasons. Wat r u, lik old or sumthin'? - Understand? ![]() BTW, I never got the Airport Express base. My wireless is Netgear which I bought before I knew better. Oh, it works fine. Just isn't as sexy as the Mac stuff. Don, I was thinking about you the other day and wondering where you've been? What is your website link? I'd like to see the home renovations, too. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: SimplymcintoshPost Number: 188 Registered: Jan-05 | Hmmm...JohnA, I don't know if that is a legitimate question re: Maggies or not. I believe "Kent Wright" might be the same as "Kent Spell" - see the Spelling thread. I don't mind misspellings and bad grammar - I'm just as guilty when I'm writing in a hurry - but, the hijacking of threads by the imbeciles is annoying. They are too moronic to reason with and, attempting to do so, just gives them fuel for the fire. Maybe they'll just get bored and go away. Or maybe Admin could do something about them. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1569 Registered: Aug-04 | Larry, Absolutely no offence was taken by your post retaliating to our 'rear speaker'suggestions. I took it as a gentle retaliation - and re-retaliated with another gentle retaliation which you took to be my retaliating to your retaliation - when all in all it was all a gentle ribbing by all. LOL! Okay, another mention of rear speakers: the DM 600 range of B&W speakers is vinyl clad also. I didn't particularly like the idea of that especially since out JBL's are veneered in a beautiful, piano smooth finish of real wood light cherry. But, that disatisfaction quickly evaporated because (a) the finish and build of the speakers are excellent, and (b) the sound quality over price ratio makes the use of the vinyl quite apparent. I am going to make one more suggestion and that is to have a look at the B&W DM 600 which may also be hung on the wall - or the smaller again 300 range. I've also read great things about the speakers you have mentioned but I also think it's an advantage to stay with the same brand - although this is not as important with the surrounds as it is for a center speaker. Have a good weekend and give our regards to your lovely better half. Don, Hello back at you. Good to see you are still in the land of the living [grin] |
Angus young! Unregistered guest | Hey this is kegger I didn't want british power and jakwhateverdaxter girl to see my name and come over here to ruin this thread too! Anyways I posted one last post asking them to leave "tubetalk", if they don't or even for awhile I suggest we leave that thread alone for now! |
Angus young! Unregistered guest | SimplyMcIntosh I don't know if insulting them is going to help, I was trying to reason With them, but hey who knows maybe calling them out is what they need! |
Angus young! Unregistered guest | SimplyMcIntosh good follow up post over there! Let's see what happens! |
MeanOldHag Unregistered guest | Angus, You fooled me! SM |
MeanOldHag Unregistered guest | Angus, If anyone asks, I'm a man, ok? Maybe they won't find me and haunt me for my mean posts. ;-) SM |
Angus young! Unregistered guest | LoL! Well I figured I'd try one last chance at getting our other thread back but didn't want to take any chances at ruining this one to! Good job sm, and the name is a killer LOL! By the way I'm not quite 40 either! |
MeanOldHag Unregistered guest | I know what you mean. Maybe they won't find this one. I'll post under a pseudonym until it appears the coast is clear. ;-) SM |
Silver Member Username: OjophileON Post Number: 248 Registered: Jun-04 | SimplyMcIntosh, Thanks for the thought. Last week (was it?), I replied privately to Larry ("Uncle" Larry) to say that I'd simply been busy with the usual work-home combo. Things are easing up a bit, so I'm back to reading the posts. Whew! A lot of posts and a lot of catching up to do. I couldn't make sense of that "impulse buy" and the e-bay sell-off that you had alluded to earlier, but now, I know what you mean --- I went to Tube Talk and saw the links to the Onix Combo and 6 Moons. WOW! That was some "impulse purchase," ma'am! The "Australia" stamp should have made MyRantz mighty proud, eh, mate? I'll send you privately the link to my website via the ecoustics e-mail link, shortly. Like you said, there are "imbeciles" (juveniles most likely) who are hijacking threads,so I don't want to make that link public. MR, Thanks. Yes, still in the land of the living :-) |
Silver Member Username: OjophileON Post Number: 251 Registered: Jun-04 | SM, I forgot to mention this... in that same e-mail that I had sent to Larry, I mentioned how you raved about your Magnepan MMGs and how I found this review where the writer described the speaker surface area as "the equivalent of what you'd get with seventy-two 1" dome tweeters and nine 8" woofers!" (see para Thinking outside of the box, last sentence). Just curious, how does jazz sound on the Maggies? I think you do have a lot of jazz CD's? And classical music, I presume, sounds sweet and heavenly on that "surface area"? Wonder if they can be paired with the Arcam AVR300. Also, the MMG's are available only thru the company's website. Can't take that chance here. Customs will slap me with heavy duties if I order them. And there's that "blind faith" that I can't take. Anyways... |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 783 Registered: Oct-04 | Don RX-1 - good to have you back with us, sir! I've been all hung up - first with a luscious opera on NPR - then a sudden invitation by friends to go out for a "relaxing" dinner. Talk was good - dinner only fair. (burp) Yes, sir, I have your site bookmarked - and do remember the pics - will look again. As to the speakers - the ones I am interested in are slightly larger - the Alpha B speakers. And they come in a light cherry finish (OK, vinyl, not real wood - sigh) From everything I've read, they must pretty darned good. Your ratings of your PSBs? Great, good or fair? Always like the input of friends vs. mere "reviewers" Online or in print. SM - I'm trying to figger out if anybody else on my e-mail list is NOT getting my stuff. So far, everybody else is - so I'm thinking there's a problem between my service and yours? Will follow your e-mailed suggestions. . . I'm going to send thru a few test e-mails - and see what happens. And yes - mercifully short! (grin) Well, gang, this should be THE week! I've got six new CDs or DVDs coming in - already got three of them - just waiting for that Yammie to appear! Anybody interested can read more about the new tunes on the Discoveries thread under "Music." SM - hope your new tunes are as fine as mine are, even though I have to slop along with my liddle player on Lola. Mer absolutely hates the sound of the Cambridge SoundWorks trio - but I've come to rather enjoy it. Beats silence!! (grin) More anon. . . |
Gold Member Username: John_aPost Number: 2886 Registered: Dec-03 | 1939: Germany occupies Bohemia (Poland). I thought Bohemia was part of Czechoslovakia, and Poland came in September. Welcome back, Don. I understand Magnepan have a long return-if-not-delighted policy for N. America. Recalling your musical tastes, and other posts here, I think you will like them. They are 4 Ohm speakers. I cannot recommend Quad Electrostatic Loudspeakers too highly. Regular readers please ignore the repetition... |
Silver Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 786 Registered: Oct-04 | John A. - so, you really DO like the Quads? We all thought you were just pulling our collective legs! (grin) Seriously - I envy your passion about your beloved "newbie" speakers. I'll have to say that the B&Ws got a lot more balanced after about a month's playing - didn't think it would take that long. SM keeps push-pulling me toward Maggies - but all I have to do is mention the word: "upgrade" and Mer loses her calm demeanor and starts using the language of commoners and the like. I'm sure you understand, sir! (grin) As I mention on "Discoveries," I'm in the process of adding to my CD/SACD collection - though I remain in the clutches of my computer-speakers for the moment - until Yamaha's care package graces my doorstep! Should be here Tuesday or Wednesday - and then I may hole up and just listen, listen, listen for a day or three! I'm sure Rick knows what I'm talking about here. Don RX-1 - yes, I add my "welcome" comments to you, sir! Now, if you will only communicate to Two Cents as well: "please return, we miss you!" Mozart would appear to be a legitimate example of "channeling," don't you think? Could one man come up with just the "right number of notes" time after time after time? Trying to tear myself away from Flute and Harp Concerto in C (K 299) but bedtime will have to wait 'til the last note fades away. Sigh. G-nite all, and good music! |
Gold Member Username: John_aPost Number: 2887 Registered: Dec-03 | As regards Quad ESL vs Magnepan - J.V. posted on Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 07:18 pm (last archived thread). It seems to me Magnepans are an excellent deal in N. America, at least. The new Quad ESLs are a lot more expensive, I think, though the full-range Magnepans get pricey, too. There are obvious comparisons, and I think that anyone who likes one will like the other. I have seen but not heard Magnepan speakers. They are scare over here. Also pricey. I think Martin Logan is a US maker of full-range electrostatics; I have not checked - correct me, and apologies if this is wrong. The new Quad ESLs would have been out of my price range. I bought used and refurbished, and a model (ESL 63) no longer made. I can understand people having reservations about going that route. But I am so glad I did.... |
MeanOldHag Unregistered guest | SM keeps push-pulling me toward Maggies - but all I have to do is mention the word: "upgrade" and Mer loses her calm demeanor and starts using the language of commoners and the like. I'm sure you understand, sir! (grin) It's been several weeks since I tried that. My latest attempt is to try the inexpensive MMGW as a surround speaker - this is the $299 model and is smaller than the MMG. But, since you mentioned it, maybe using the word 'upgrade' is the wrong approach. How about, 'Mer, we could sell these 705's for $1000' and buy the MMG's for $550 and have $450 left over to go towards the Sante Fe trip'? Just a thought. But, I don't blame you for wanting to "get settled". I felt that way too after all the testing between NAD vs Mac, Denon vs NAD, stereo vs MC, MA vs B&W, Spendor vs B&W, etc. So, to get the Maggies and have them turn out to be exactly the sound I like and then being able to sell the MA & Spendor and come out ahead from a financial perspective, well, that was icing on the cake as the saying goes. But, you've got a sweet set up with B&W/MS and, if you've reached your nirvana then that's what matters. My B&W's have been around for nearly 3 years now and have far outlasted the MA's (6 months) and Spendors (1 month). There's no guarantee the new Onix Ref1 speakers will be able to dethrone the B&W's, either. Looking forward to the Onix system arriving but beginning to realize this means another round of tests. <sigh> This is it, I think. I'll sort through my preferred components amongst the NAD/B&W/Onix, sell off the undesired and be settled for the rest of my life. Or, at least until I make it to Charleston to the Maggie dealer.... :-) SM |