Today I bought a used dual-well cassette recorder: Teac W-450R. Well 1 is for play, well 2 for play/record. There is only 1 set of controls for Dolby B/C. I plan to dub from well 1 to well 2 cassettes that do not have Dolby encoding. However, once in a while I want to dub a cassette that has Dolby B. I want to dub it to get a better recording as far as volume and also to move it up to Dolby C. I tested the deck by playing a cassette that had Dolby B on one "side" and Dolby C on the other (I know tapes record 4 tracks on only one side). I used the Play well (1) for one side (the Dolby B side) and noticed that Dolby could be selected on that well. I then played side 2 (Dolby C) on the Record well (2) with Dolby also being used. So, here is my question. I'm guessing that once I begin the recording procedure the Dolby will be effective only on the Record well which means that I cannot really record a tape that has been Dolbyized and dubbing is strictly for tapes that are free of Dolby encoding. Am I right? And the only way that I can record a tape that has been Dolbyized is to use two separate decks (which I also have)? The deck I bought is not going to be a waste as I do have a few tapes that need improving and which I stupidly did not use Dolby on. I hope I didn't confuse anyone with the above but if I did I'll be more than glad to elucidate you. TIA.