Surround Speakers


What would be 2 excellent surround speakers options (brand and model #) that would compliment 2 Axiom M60ti for front L/R channel speakers, 1 VP-100 center channel, and 1 Onix Rocket UFW-10 Subwoofer?...Why?

The power conditioner is MP HT5100.
The A/V Receiver is Yamaha RX-V2500 or an Integra DTR 6.5

Please advise.

Silver Member
Username: Paul_ohstbucks

Post Number: 303
Registered: Jan-05
Since you already have current model Axiom fronts, why not get their matching surrounds?

Silver Member
Username: Larry_r

Naples, FL

Post Number: 757
Registered: Oct-04
Anon - if you want surrounds with high WAF and fine sound - why not try the "Orb" speakers? REad about them and you might be interested. The Axiom line is good-looking and sounding - but many people want surrounds that "disappear" into the room. IMHO the Orbs might do it for you?

Silver Member
Username: Jamesp

Mansfield , TX USA

Post Number: 111
Registered: Apr-04
The axiom QS8 provide alot of bang for the buck.

Paul - I've read a few negative feedback on Axioms QS8 being a Quadpole which is ill-suited for THX and/or surround sound setup. My reasearch suggest that a dipole setup is better or even a tripole from M&K. Believe me, I would prefer to use the QS8 for the sake of commonality of speaker brand...but I am having second thoughts.

See Paradigm's review on "Dipole Confusion" and Kris Deering's March 2004 article in

Larry - My thoughts exactly when it comes to having a surround sound that would "disappear" into the room. I'm sure that the QS8 would provide this but it is just a complete violation of what I am trying to achieve---THX surround sound.

James P - I agree that QS8 provides a lot of bang for the buck.

Silver Member
Username: Paul_ohstbucks

Post Number: 331
Registered: Jan-05
I personally would never consider an internet brand. Unless I can listen to the speakers first, I wont spend a cent on them, in spite of their 30 day return policy.

Speakers are way to important to take a leap of faith based on reviews or what somebody else thinks.

Silver Member
Username: Jamesp

Mansfield , TX USA

Post Number: 112
Registered: Apr-04

First you tell the guy to get matching surrounds and then you tell him your opinions on internet companies. I am glad I didn't take your advice when I was looking for speakers. I was pretty much settled on a Supercube I which I had in my home. Not a bad sub but the HSU VTF-3 absolutely killed it in overall performance not to mention it was $500 cheaper ! Needless to say the Supercube got returned. I took a leap of faith on the HSU VTF-3 and it paid off. I was able to compare the two in my home and I felt it was no contest. I can't say the same about every other internet company. But it is nice to know there are other choices out there. Also, because of the REVIEWS and RECOMMENDATIONS they are many happy consumers out there using internet only speakers. My sub is only internet only brand I own and I am very glad I have it.

Just my two cents. Sorry to get off your topic Anon.

Silver Member
Username: Paul_ohstbucks

Post Number: 334
Registered: Jan-05
Considering he already owns that brand of speakers, it isnt that big of a stretch suggestiong he buy matching surrounds if he already likes his fronts.

I have nothng against web-brand speaker companies. If any old speakers will do and you'll likey be satisfied with whatever shows up on your front porch, internet speakers are probably a good way to shop. Im sure that whatever shows up will be good enough.

To me, web speaker shoppers are shopping for something 'good enough'. If it sounds good enough, they'll keep them.

Me???...Im going to compare several brands side by side and pick what I think 'sounds best'. If I cant test drive a speaker, that model wont be a consideration.

Im not saying that 'good enough' shopping is a bad thing, but rather that I preffer to shop for what 'sounds best'. To each, his own......So long as you like what you have, you made a good choice.

Whether you fall into the 'sounds best' or 'good enough' camp doesnt really matter so long as you can live with your speakers.
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