I bough a Marantz SR6300 receiver. I'm researching for a set of speakers (not more than around $1,300) that will match well with the SR6300. I have narrowed down to NHT ST4 for the front, Supercenter for center and Superone for the rear surround. Is this a good choice? Is there a better alternative? However, the NHT's have only 86dbs. With this sensitivity, I'm afraid that the SR6300 does not have enough muscle to drive these speakers to its fullest capabilities.
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try the q3 and the q1 or the dipole for the rear. these speakers are manufactured by KEF. let me know.
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recently purchased SR6400 along with Definitive Technologies Pro Cinema 100 (L/R), Pro Center 100 (C) and Pro Cinema 80 (L/C/R sur) along with ProSub 100TL speaker set. i have enjoyed it immensely thus far.