Just curious. For my setup I am considering 3 center channel speakers instead of the conventional Front R/L and Center. Just wondering how significant(if at all) it would sound. Would there be a difference?
My setup is going to call for bookshelves because I dont have room for floorstanding. The reason why I am considering this is because the shelf I am going to place my Front R/L speakers on, I was thinking about laying them on their side to optimize space in the ET Center. If I were to go the 3 center route I would not have to lay them on their side as one "expert" said it would not be smart to do? So, does it make sense to get 3 centers? How much do I lose sound wise if any at all? Or Should I go the convetional route (R/L and center) and lay the R/L fronts on their sides? Or the convetional route and just stand the R/L up like they are designed?
What do you mean by not laying the centers on their sides? If I understood correctly you need speakers that are not very high so you can fit them in your bookshelves?
If you are thinkin to go for these horrible 'ordinary' centers wich are basically a D'Appolito laying on it's side, forget it. They are pure crap. I cant believe people are even buing those things.
"In order to introduce slimmer enclosures and increase power handling most of the manufacturers are using double midranges in their center speakers. Contrary to the general knowledge a standard D'appolito configuration is only suitable for vertical use. When used horizontally it causes break-up problems."
I think you should go for 3 ordinary two-way speakers and put them laying on their sides, or as a better option find some nice coaxial speakers like the KEF Q1 or Tannoy Sensys DC etc. They sound the same in spite of their orientation.
I was thinking like 3 Infinity Alpha Centers vs. 2 Infinity Alpha 20s and 1 Infinity ALpha. Laying the 2 Alpha 20s on their sides to create more room in my shelves.