Just bought a pair of Energy C-3. Amp suggestions please?


Unregistered guest
Just the day before yesterday I bought a pair of Energy C-3 speakers for my bedroom. I fell in love with their sound, had to bring them home!

I currently own a Marantz PM-44SE which sounds pretty sweet, but unfortunately something is wrong with it and the right channel is playing louder than the the left. As I don't know how to fix it, I guess I'm better off selling it and buying a new amp.

So the options I am considering:

- Rotel RA-02
- Marantz PM7200
- NAD C352
- Arcam Diva A65
- Rega Brio (if it costs the same as the ones mentioned above, not sure).

I'm going to be listening to a lot of classical, rock/progressive and metal on them.

Sources are my turntable (so a phono section would be nice!), CD player and Terratec EWX 24/96 soundcard.

So please give me a hand here =)


Bronze Member
Username: Tevo

Chicago, IL USA

Post Number: 17
Registered: Feb-05
Not familiar with Energy speakers but all these int. amps you list have had favorable press (not that reviews should be the sole arbiter of your component buying decisions).

Brio retails for $545 USD so if memory serves, they are within $100 USD of one another.

Of these, I am familiar with the NAD and Brio. The NAD is more dynamic with better drive but the Brio is smoother and more resolving. Both sound warm and inviting- when not over taxed However the NAD does not have phono input (their PP2 will set you back another $130 USD). The Brio does.

In summary, my opinion is worth ~ 2/100ths of a USD. Ideally, you would be best served by listening before buying.
Some of the better dealers may allow you take a component home for auditioning (if you have a good relationship and are serious about purchasing).

Bronze Member
Username: Canuckinapickle


Post Number: 37
Registered: Jan-05
Dear Tarso,

Yeah! About time there is another Energy Speaker consumer/fan on this board! I own some C-5s and originally used NAD's biggest integrated amp at the time, the C370 -- this was an AMAZING combination. the C-3s are wonderful bookshelfs and if they are on proper stands can sound almost as good as their big brother the C-5s

I say go with the NAD for sure. Their integrated amps are wonderful. I can't say the same for my NAD T753, but my NAD C370 is one of my favourite purchases ever.

The lack of a phono input is a pain with the NAD but I say get the NAD and a high quality phono pre-amp.


Unregistered guest
Yeah, I didn't hear anything on this price range that could touch the C-3s, it was love at first sight/audition. :-)

As for the amplifiers, I guess I'll go and listen to Rega (must say it's my #1 choice), NAD and Rotel.

There isn't anything else in the price range that I should consider, right?

Canuck, did you hear any other amps with your Energys?


Bronze Member
Username: Canuckinapickle


Post Number: 43
Registered: Jan-05
I probably should have checked out more amps so I only listened to 3 brands. Denon, Marantz, and NAD. I must say I wouldn't mind checking out a Rega myself -- I'd imagine it would be a nice warm, rich sound. I went with the NAD because others I know swear by it and, you must admit, they sound great. I have nothing against the Rega and I'm sure it would be a great choice although I have not heard it. Enjoy your Energys -- They're great speakers. If you didn't read it already you should also read my post here: https://www.ecoustics.com/electronics/forum/home-audio/122488.html , it talks about the great customer service I got with Energy.
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