SkieS Unregistered guest | I have about $4000 to spend and I want some nice, loud speakers. I have almost decided to buy Klipsch La Scalas, and 4 12" Infinite Subwoofers. Anyone know of anything else I can get for about the same amount of money... $5000 total. Any opinions/suggestions would be appreciated. |
New member Username: Dashc1Madison , Al United States Post Number: 4 Registered: Feb-05 | Yes hold on before you purchase that system right there i have something better for you!!! Let me call my friend at tweeter and i will give you the info on the best damn system you will ever buy for your money! Ill post soon!!!! |
Bronze Member Username: Stealth_cDublin, CA USA Post Number: 37 Registered: Jan-05 | I would suggest just two subwoofers; brands like HSU and SVS give excellent bang for the buck. As for main speakers, in that price range it is largely your call, but the Klipsch Heritage line is good stuff. You could probably pick up a pair of Klipschorns on ebay for pretty cheap if you dont mind "slightly" used. |
Bronze Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 40 Registered: Feb-05 | with 4 grand I would say MartinLogan. But, with the way you said you want to pair your speakers with 4 cheap subs, you would hear how nasty those subs really are due to the blinding speed of ML bass Another thing, ML's REQUIRE an amp that has a minimum of 75 watts per channel, stable in 4 ohms. Take my advice on this one! Listen to the MartinLogan Aeons with a nice amp /preamp combo and there are your speakers! Save up for a nice sub later. word of caution, they require 3 feet from the wall at a minimum to perform their best. gavin |
Bronze Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 41 Registered: Feb-05 | Tweeter, as mentioned above, carries ML. They are my local dealer |
SkieS Unregistered guest | I've heard that Infinite's Subwoofers are excellent... Maybe I have heard wrong?.. And how much would a good amp be ...I have no sound equipment at this moment...I plan to buy all this in about 3 months... |
SkieS Unregistered guest | Oh, and also I will mainly be using these for parties...At the lake and wherever, and around the house. So maybe some speakers that have some bass and will not require subs to go with them to sound good. |
Bronze Member Username: Stealth_cDublin, CA USA Post Number: 41 Registered: Jan-05 | Skies- What you have to keep in mind is that at this price range there are literally hundreds if not thousands of options at your disposal. As far as Infinity subs go, there is nothing wrong with them particularly, but there are better values out there. Also buying four subwoofers won't boost your output as much as one might imagine. Buying two higher quality subs will however give you both deeper and more accurate bass. Both SVS and HSU offer moderately priced (~$500) subs that would fit the bill nicely and piss your neighbors off to no end. Amplification largely depends on what kind of speakers you choose. For Klipsch, Harmon Kardon and NAD are good matches among others. Then there are the speakers. This is ultimately up to your taste in what you want to hear. Klipsch is described as overly bright by some people, but with the right amplifier they will sound pretty good and they do go plenty loud with little power. Martin Logan is good stuff, but you will probably need a lot of money to get optimal performance out of them. |
Bronze Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 43 Registered: Feb-05 | I wouldn't reccomend MartinLogan for party speakers anyway, they are a real HIFI speaker, and need to be sat in front of to be listened to. As soon as you stand up, there are no highs at all to speak of. a $5000 party speaker is out of my realm. gavin |
Bronze Member Username: Stealth_cDublin, CA USA Post Number: 42 Registered: Jan-05 | Thats what Klipsch is for. Its like a higher fidelity version of Cerwin Vega. Of course for pure party speaker, nothing really beats CV. |
Bronze Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 44 Registered: Feb-05 | well yeah... I used to have klipsch reference, so I know quite a bit about them. Personally, I think its an insult to compare them to CV, as CV totally blow as far as SQ is concerned. the last generation Klipsch reference were real audiophile quality speakers at a nice price. I havent heard the new ones, so I cant comment. gavin |
Bronze Member Username: Stealth_cDublin, CA USA Post Number: 47 Registered: Jan-05 | They might have crappy sound quality, but when you have a speaker with 2 15" woofers, you know what its primary goal is. |
SkieS Unregistered guest | Thanx alot guys, I think I'll stick with the La Scalas and get a NAD C320BEE reciever...Would that work out alrite? NAD C320BEE: |
New member Username: TevoChicago, IL USA Post Number: 9 Registered: Feb-05 | $4,100/pr. speakers driven by a $400 50wpc integrated amp seems rather a mismatch of loudspeaker and amplification. Perhaps some of their higher end units may be better suited? |
Bronze Member Username: Stealth_cDublin, CA USA Post Number: 48 Registered: Jan-05 | That should work fine. The speakers are incredibly efficient and dont need that much in the way of power. Besides, an amp could always be upgraded. You could just go for the Reference series for less money and probably end up with similar sound, but its up to you. |
Bronze Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 45 Registered: Feb-05 | Honestly, take a look at the Onix A-120 Mk II for $695. It is a 120 wpc integrated amp that will push almots 200 watts at 4 ohms. These things are REALLY smooth. For even better sound, look at the Onix SP3 TUBE amp. LaScalas BEG to be driven with a great tube amp, and this is it! With 38 wpc, it doesnt look like much, but this will drive the speakers to high levels without a problem. The sound will be smooth, sweet, and seductive. The bass will be deep and tight, just like a great live performance. gavin |
Bronze Member Username: Stealth_cDublin, CA USA Post Number: 49 Registered: Jan-05 | Depends on two things. First is money, and two is how much critical listening is going to be done on it versus partying. But even 38 watts will indeed drive the LaScala to deafening volume. If it were me though I would go for a lower end Conrad Johnson. I have no money though... |
SkieS Unregistered guest | Would any of you happen to know what the LaScalas might cost in Canada? I currently live in Canada...I'm just trying to figure out how much money I will have after I buy the speakers so I can get a price range for an amp. I really like the Onix A-120MkII, thank you Gavin. |
Bronze Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 46 Registered: Feb-05 | that is a GREAT amp!!! you will LOVE it. Great sound quality for the price. |
Bronze Member Username: TevoChicago, IL USA Post Number: 12 Registered: Feb-05 | Hmmm... I'm lucky if a loudspeaker has a sensitivity of 90dB. ![]() With 100+dB sensitivlty, heck... power isn't the issue. 50w ought to get it cranking at party levels. I am inclined to agree- some tube amplification may make for a sweet sound... |
Bronze Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 47 Registered: Feb-05 | take a look at the Onix line of speakers as well. They look as beautiful as they sound. They have a generous, tight bass, full mids, and clean highs. Unlike Klipsch, they won't be overly bright. These are true HiFi speakers. The RS750 is a downright fantastc speaker that will trounce more expensive designs. Take a look This is the full line of Onix electronics: |
SkieS Unregistered guest | My friend is using a Citation 16 with his LaScalas, and it sounds awesome, I think I will try for one of those, or the Onix A-120Mkll |
New member Username: Woodro, United States Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-05 | Any idea how MartinLogans would work in an ht/music application driven by NAD separates, a NAD T773 or an HK avr7300? Looking to set up a new system. Also considering Monitor Audio and PSB speakers. Thx. |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 310 Registered: Feb-04 | I have La Scala's and a Hsu STF-3 sub. The sub helps a lot, even on music. The LS has nice tight bass, but it drops off quickly: 53 Hz at -3 dB and 45 Hz at -5 dB. A good musical sub fills in the low end. I'd only trade the above for Klipschorns, but you need a big room with good corners on the long wall for those. |
Bronze Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 48 Registered: Feb-05 | ML would be awesome driven by NAD!!! just make sure they put out around 75 to 100 watts per channel! You would end up with a system that you can listen to day in, day out with zero fatigue. |
Anonymous | Try to find a pair of Mirage omnipolar speakers.I own a pair of OM6's,and they are outstanding.They retailed for around $4000 CAD when I bought them,and I got them on clearance for $1600....I have a MCcormack amp and pre-amp,so the signal is clean and pure.My Rega CD player is great too.....By the way,those speakers have a built in subwoofers....Try looking for the newer version of the OM6 by Mirage...... |
New member Username: Woodro, United States Post Number: 2 Registered: Feb-05 | Thx Gavin, any thots on the MAs? |
Bronze Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 50 Registered: Feb-05 | I am not familiar with MA. Take a look at Magnepan if you are near a dealer. I own a pair, and doubt very much I will be going back. Another box speaker that I like quite a bit is Joseph Audio. I love the huge sound they produce, and the relative neutrality of the enclosures. gavin |
Bronze Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 54 Registered: Feb-05 | I am not familiar with MA. Take a look at Magnepan if you are near a dealer. I own a pair, and doubt very much I will be going back. Another box speaker that I like quite a bit is Joseph Audio. I love the huge sound they produce, and the relative neutrality of the enclosures. gavin |
Bronze Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 56 Registered: Feb-05 | Also, take a look at the Mirage OM series, I like the huge sound they produce due the radiation pattern. The flipside to this is that if they arent set up properly is that they will produce an 8 foot wide guitar. |
Bronze Member Username: Jim_mcbobPost Number: 32 Registered: Nov-04 | According to many hereabouts, you should be prepared to spend at least $3k on your speaker wires. |
New member Username: Woodro, United States Post Number: 3 Registered: Feb-05 | Which Magnepans do u own? I auditioned some this weekend with the Arcam avr 300 and the Rotel rsx 1067 and was very impressed. I'm trying to figure out a way to afford the Magnepan set up (3.6 in front, 1.6 for surrounds, center etc). The performance of the Arcam and the Rotel have me questioning getting the NAD separates since they are more wife fiendly than the NADs (insert rude joke here). Also any info on placing the Maggies would be appreciated. Thx. |
Bronze Member Username: GavincummPost Number: 61 Registered: Feb-05 | I have the MMG-W for right now, which are wall mount. I am going to upgrade to the MC-1 sometime soon. If you have WAF to deal with, look at the MMG which is essentially a smaller version of what you heard in the store ( MMG is 4' tall). You can get the MMG directly from Magnepan for $550 a pair. The performance will not be as good as the 3.6 (of course) MG12 is the way I would go right now if optimum sonic performance is more important than WAF. They are a great sounding speaker, and sound virtually identical to the 1.6 to my ears except for the bass, and a little smaller. You may still want a sub though I actually have rotel driving mine. They are a quality product, and really stand behind what they make. You will want to go with seperate components (IE: amp and pre-amp) if you look at maggies. A reciever will not do them justice. That is why I am steering you away from the 3.6. When you get up that high, you are usually talking about SERIOUS power to make them sing. The MG12 is an easier to drive, easy going, better sounding than ML speaker. Take a look. Your dealer should have one on display. I would still reccomend going to and order a pair of MMG's to audition them in your home. That way, you can see what they are like. The MMG's are only $550 a pair plus minimal shipping. If you don't care for them, send them back! Trust me, The MMG's blow away everything in their price range once broken in. If your amp can drive 4 ohms, go for it! You won't regret it! And, if you do decide to keep them, you have your surround channels taken care of. gavin |