Static/crackle from center channel


New member
Username: Pinedaway

Memphis, TN USA

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-05
I have had a Sony DAV BC-150 5-disc DVD player/receiver for about 6 months now (my first home theater system). I have it connected to the output of a switch box which has my satellite receiver, computer audio, and TV as the inputs.

It worked fine after I hooked up the switch box about 6 weeks ago. But in the last few weeks I've gotten some nasty crackle/static out of the center channel.

When my receiver is off for a few hours before I turn it on it really doesn't do it until I have it on for a bit. If I leave it on all day it is fairly bad, spitting out a little crackle every 3 seconds or so. This is when I have my receiver in "video" mode, which I use to output my
computer sound and satellite. When I play a DVD, it is unbearable - constant crackling.

I just unplugged the wires to the center channel and plugged them back in and it seems to be fine, but I did that last week as well and it didn't seem to be a permanent fix. Is this speaker just toast? My assumption would be that it is not as it is an intermittent problem.

Any suggestions or accounts of a similar situation would be very greatly appreciated!


New member
Username: Pinedaway

Memphis, TN USA

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jan-05
As an after thought to my previous post.... When I play a DVD, it is unbearable - constant crackling - in all 5 channels (as opposed to just the center when the receiver is in "video" mode).....

Unregistered guest
I am having this same problem.

C Edwards
Unregistered guest
That makes three of us. Did either one of you have this issue during the summer? I am thinking that it has to do with the humidity (specifically the lack of) in the house as my system was fine all summer long...

Wow, I am having the same problem as well. That is why I am here. We just started running the humidifier. Are all of us in climates that are dry in winter? I hope that is the problem.

C Edwards
Unregistered guest
Any luck with the humidifier? Just curious so I can carry on with troubleshooting if that ISN'T the offender... thanks!

Unregistered guest
I recently had the same problem. It appeared to be partly a ventilation problem. I cleaned the dust that accumulated on the rear fan and made sure there was adequate clearance for the intake vents on the right side of the unit. I then used a lens cleaner. This solved my problem.
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