so i bought a home thearter in a box system, its ok but it was far from nice. so i bought new speakers. I bought one infinity center chanell and two infinity bookshelf speakers. and i have the original sony subwoofer. the specs on the reciever are 100 watts per chanell at 6 ohms. the speakers are 120 watts at 8 ohms and 100 watts at 8 ohms for the bookshelfs. are the differance in ohms going to cause a problem. and because of the nicer speakers can i turn up the reciever all the way without worrying about blowing my new speakers. the manual on the old speakers said they would take 100 watts ,but so do my new bookshelfs, so did i really upgrade. my new bookshelfs really look and sound nicer.hmmmmmmmm i just dont get all this.
Im pritty sure you did upgrade from the HTIB with those speakers you might notice the highs will be clearer and more detailed.
For them blinding in with the other speakers that came with the HTIB, most receivers have speaker level adj in 0.5DB steps. As a good rule of thumb try and match the infinity's to the sony's in sencitivity