About to purchase a Sub and am currently tossing up between an AAD C-10i ($750) and a Dali Suite S 1.2 ($900).
Have listened to both with the same DVD selections, though at two different retailers so very hard to gauge.
On paper the DAli reads a little better, though my gut feel is that I was happier with the sound of the AAD.
Major Specs Dali 29-200Hz, 200w, 12" Air dried pulp cone, 22kg AAD 22-200Hz, 160w, 10" high excursion woofer Cast frame and 50 oz. magnet, 23kg
I cannot find zac/zip on the way of a quality review or info on the Dali (yes, I checked here) so I'm sending out a request for experiences with it, and perhaps some advice.
I auditioned Dali recently from a dealer that in my opinion really knew what he was talking about. When it came to selecting the subwoofer he told me to stay away from Dali. He has had a poor experience with the product (I can't recall all the details). By the way, he was not trying to sell a more expensive sub.