Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1234 Registered: Aug-04 | Finally - a switched on audio dealer! Well I just found out that a boutique hi-fi store nearby is now stocking DVD-A's and SACD's from labels such as Mobile Fidelity, Chesky's, Audioquest and others - particularly in the jazz and blues genres which are right up my audio alley. Also, we can audition the discs on an in-store set-up so I'm going to take Mrs Rantz for a drive tomorrow morning and hopefully we'll come away with a few nice new titles. Mrs Rantz will be accompanying me to ensure that's all we come away with. She believes there is danger associated with my lurking in hi-fi stores. Me - I have no fear! I see from the other thread that Two Cents is joining Kegger, Rick and Jan in this tube thing. What's going on here dogs? Well, this dealer I am visiting has a selection of tube amps also - maybe I'll have a listen to hear what all the fuss is about - just a listen mind you :-) |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 2093 Registered: Dec-03 | "Mrs Rantz will be accompanying me to ensure that's all we come away with. She believes there is danger associated with my lurking in hi-fi stores. Me - I have no fear! I see from the other thread that Two Cents is joining Kegger, Rick and Jan in this tube thing. What's going on here dogs? Well, this dealer I am visiting has a selection of tube amps also - maybe I'll have a listen to hear what all the fuss is about - just a listen mind you :-)" Could get tempting there rantz! Yu know like I've told many there is one way that can be more on the inexpensive side if you do choose to go tubbing some time! (not talking you into anything rantz)! But just food for thought is a 2 channel tube amp coming out the preouts of your reciever powering the main speakers or a differemnt set of speakers all together! I'm sure you realize that allready and I don't mean to tread on what you have in mind. But just incase you do find something sometime for the right price, just wanted to make sure you knew how easy it is to integrate into an existing system using all the existing equipment just like it allways was! Yu never know yu may find what a few of us have in the sweet sound of valves! (SORRY RANTZ I HAD TO DO IT) |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1235 Registered: Aug-04 | (SORRY RANTZ I HAD TO DO IT) Fair enough Kegger - when you know something is good you wanna share it. Maybe one day - but after all the money I've spent getting to this point Mrs Rantz would have a fit if I added anything to the system right now, let alone a tube amp. And Mrs Rantz has been pretty darn fair thus far. :-) |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 2097 Registered: Dec-03 | Glad you saw my point. I'd be very interested in your thouhgts of the tube stuff if you get a chance to really hear some of it. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1236 Registered: Aug-04 | I'll certainly tell you my thoughts if I get a chance to hear them. Cheers for now - it's time to prepare for Friday evening drinks. Hooray!. |
Marc C Unregistered guest | Hey All, Just picked up a pair of vintage JBL L36's monitors off some nice kid with dyed black hair and a Black Flag t-shirt from the Lower Haight Street area of town. (God bless Haight Street. Despite the Dotcom boom and all it's destruction of all that was just - small traces of good still linger in San Francisco....) They came complete with rock and counterculture stickers and melted candlewax. Sticking to his counterculture ways, instead of trying to sell them on Craigstlist (popular local website) or putting them on Ebay, he simply listed them as FREE - in hopes someone would pick them up from his house to enjoy them, thus avoiding putting them out in the rain we are getting so much of. He received tons of emails from people asking specs, and one from me saying,"I WOULD LOVE THOSE." What part of "FREE VINTAGE JBL'S" do people not understand? After days of phone tag, I went and picked them up - heavy as hell ![]() 1. They didn't blow up. 2. My receiver didn't blow up. 3. The sound was just incredible... A bit bright or forward, as JBL's are, yet something so "what is recorded is what is there". And such presence. And they can play LOUD. I think they appeal to what is most likely the West Coast sound that someone of my age and geographic location suffers from. Ahhh....I sighed deep contentment and then raised my arms in happiness at my find. These are a pair of speakers I wish I'd had the brains to get 15 years ago. Something told me that,"this is THE sound I love" and that all others, although possibly beautiful or impressive, might sound funny. (Granted, I'll still try a few ![]() How enriching a great stereo system is. And as you guys know - a great one doesn't cost squat with some homework and patience. Now we're not talking audiophile here, but just something that really gets the blood pumping,(or at least mine). Welp, just wanted to drop in, see how the Old Dogs are doing, and share a story. And also raise a glass to Music, Music Lovers, and a good system that gets ya going. I hope all are doing well. Old Dogs still barkin'... Best, Marc C P.S. So Kegger, what would be a good, cheap tube amp? lol! |
Silver Member Username: SemNew York USA Post Number: 411 Registered: Mar-04 | MR, Have fun shopping. Take your will-power with you and leave the credit card home or Mrs Rantz may never trust you again ![]() Marc, Sounds like you made out real well. What a great story. Enjoy the music!! Cheers!! |
Silver Member Username: Two_centsPost Number: 397 Registered: Feb-04 | Marc, Jolida offers a number of affordable tube amps, which I think sound pretty good. You can also look on the Audiogon website for used tube amps. I would also look at getting a vintage Dual turntable (seen them for about 100 bucks) and picking up an armful of cheap used vinyl at Amoeba on Haight St. Good luck! |
Silver Member Username: Two_centsPost Number: 398 Registered: Feb-04 | Rantz, BTW it's good of you to grace us with the pleasure of your company again. |
Gold Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 2099 Registered: Dec-03 | Marc C follow tw0 cents's advice as to your last question. As I was reading your post "A bit bright or forward, as JBL's are, yet something so "what is recorded is what is there". And such presence. And they can play LOUD" All those things plus the fact that they are more likely effecient like most jbl's and klipsch among others are that all those atributes are screeming for tube amplification. Anyone else want to talk tubes there is a thread in amps that rick started called Tube Talk! here is the link! There is some very good tube discussions and links in there. Anyones welcome! I don't want take over rantz's thread with all tube talk! |
Marc C Unregistered guest | Sem, Thanx so much and I shall enjoy. Cheers!! 2C, Great! I am familiar with Jolida and have wondered what the Knowledgeable Ones (ie. you guys) thought of them. I had always checked out the hybrids in that alot of what I listen to is rock, and wondered if some SS slam in there might be the call. Apparently you are familiar with my fair city...and that wonderful/evil place called Amoeba where money just disappears... Thanks for the good word! Kegger, "all those atributes are screeming for tube amplification." No doubt my goode Tubesiah... Good - if you sanction Jolida as well, I know they're the ticket! Yes, these are really efficient, so it's great to look at all the high powered amps and receivers and think,"I don't need that..." Very liberating, indeed! In the first 10 seconds of listening to these there were the "Never heard THAT before" and "Oh, so THAT'S what this receiver sounds like". *sniff*...they just bring out the difficiencies in my system so beautifully...*sniff* |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1237 Registered: Aug-04 | Marc C I agree with Sem - a great story. Some people don't know the saying: "never look a gift horse in the mouth." Enjoy those JBL's. BTW, I have a pair of JBL XTi60's for my mains and they sound wonderful. 2c - thanks :-) Kegger, Yes, it's good to keep things (like tube talk) in their respective threads so info is easy to find, although there's no restrictions on this one - it's an 'anything goes' one (within reason of course). This thread was started as the 'old dogs new tricks' etc had really reached an impasse and it's almost become a page of archives :-) Sem, I visited the audio shop and, with incredible will-power, came away with only three SACD's. As I previewed a selection of titles I drooled over some of the gear on display - like racks of components from Moon, Linn and other exotic brands, and also some nice looking Japanese Sun tube amps (Kegger - these weren't hooked up and the guy in the store was too busy to demo for me this time). The shop's "hi-res disc stock" turned out to be quite small and limited but the titles were good and non mainstream. I'll give reviews on the "rate hi res etc" thread after a few listens. |
Marc C Unregistered guest | MR, Hey - thanks Rantz. Yeah, I couldn't respond fast enough. They got a few little buzzes, but they're the kind of speaker that makes me think,"Wow, I'm gonna get these worked on," as opposed to replacing them. |
Gold Member Username: John_aPost Number: 2751 Registered: Dec-03 | MR, I have been wondering about this tube business, too. The advocates here, like J.V. and Kegger, certainly know their stuff. Over in UK there are number of tube/valve amp makers who sell direct, and have a sort of policy of "return within 30 days if not blown away". Full refund minus carriage. Apparently, no-one returns them. Don't know how it is down under. I am minded to try one of these. The UK ones say they ship internationally, and you are on 240V 50Hz, so no problem, but you would need a lot of patience with delivery, probably. Super story, Marc. I dimly remember Haight-Ashbury from the 60s, and a visit to Berserkely of my own in the 80s. The tales your JBL speakers could tell... |
Silver Member Username: Rick_bNew York USA Post Number: 758 Registered: Dec-03 | Hi All, Well the holidays are behind us, and I finally took the plunge. I ordered a Jolida JD102B tube amp. I can't wait to experience the sweet sound of those EL84 output tubes. The amp should arrive next week. I will keep all interested posted. Cheers! |
Gold Member Username: John_aPost Number: 2753 Registered: Dec-03 | That definitely includes me, Rick. Good luck. And cheers. |
Gold Member Username: MyrantzPost Number: 1278 Registered: Aug-04 | Rick - excellent. Just what we need - another tube freak :-) Will await your impressions with bay ted breth. John A Et tu Brutus [LOL!] Do all you guys need a glowing hearth as music central? I saw some lovely Japanese made "Sun" tube/valve amps in our Marantz/Kimber dealer's shop. I have to admit that at least these things look like they would emit a warm, lush sound. |
Unregistered guest | Hi Marc C Just picked up my 3rd (yes thats right) pair of Decade 36's off of Ebay. Yes you are right they are bright, boastful and loud but they just have this tone about them that I can't do without. I bought my first pair in high school back in 1977. The night I brought them home-- had a friendly visit from the police (man these things cam play loud). Four years later I had to give them up for financial reasons (College) but never really forgot about them. Then in 2001 while living in San Jose I found a friend of a friend who had a pair he sold me for 100 dollars. So I hooked them up to my MC-275 (Gordon Gow Edition) and my old Apt Holman pre-amp, put on ELP's Trilogy (MFSL)album and these things sprung to life like it was '77 all over again. What a rush (I'd say I had tears in my eyes but that's an understatenent). I also had a Dual 1228 turntable back in 77 and a Pioneer 737 receiver. Wish I had all these things back now. Anybody who has a chance to get a pair of these needs to, they are that good!! Later |
Silver Member Username: W00bPost Number: 155 Registered: Mar-05 | this might sound a bit uneducated.. but i would never diss JBL. mainly because every concert i goto uses those 30Ft tall stacked speakers that say JBL on them.. lol, however i am sitting on a pair of AKAI speakers from 1984. They don't sound that great right off the bat, but once i gave them 9 band of equalization they are almost perfect to me. whenever I listen to my friends systems and to me it's just like eh.. mine sounds better. lol |
jakesdad Unregistered guest | Marc C, your story make me want to cry... I had a pair of L36s until late '01 (had since '88). my wife offered to buy me a 5.1 setup (still relatively new at the time) if I'd "get those big ugly things out of the living room". I ended up giving them away (at least to a good home/someone I know would properly appreciate them) and have been kicking myself ever since. I currently have a 5.1 Polk set (RM20) I'm pretty happy with other than the sub and am about ready to drop the $1,500 for a Velodyne SPL-1200R in the hope of getting my music listening back to what I remember those JBLs delivering. ironically, I found this board googling for bass specs on them (L36) for comparison to subs I'm looking at. enjoy those things and never let them go! |