Athena AS-B2 or Energy C-3 or Axiom M22


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Username: Sip

Post Number: 4
Registered: Dec-04
Athena AS-B2 or Energy C-3 or Axiom M22 ?

Which speaker would you recommend as the only stereo speakers?

I can buy Athena for CD$150, Energy for $450 and Axion for $560. My receiver is a JVC 6240

Bronze Member
Username: Afrogt

Post Number: 22
Registered: Dec-03
What's your budget? Do you have any other speakers in your system? Is this for stereo listening only? I don't know anything about the JVC receiver.

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 2433
Registered: Dec-03
I would pick the Axiom M22.

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Username: Geneticdrift

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jan-05
i would go with the paradigm mini monitors, IMO they are miles ahead of the ones mentioned.

Unregistered guest
You might also want to check out the Ascend Acoustics CBM-170 ($340 shipped) and CMT-340 ($566 shipped). Those are USD though.

Just auditioned both last weekend, very impressed by their accuracy in the mids and highs.

Unregistered guest
Energy C-3, no contest

I just bought the Energy C-3 after listening a whole weekend to a whole bunch of speakers.

Paradigm Studio 20/40, Monitor 3/5/7, PSB Image 45/65, B&W 600 series, and Boston Acoustics. I really like the Studio series, and the Boston Acoustics, really clean sound, but the Energy C-3's came awefully close to their quality for half the price, especially in their clarity. Excellent value those C-3's are. And they are so good I am considering getting a second set for my other room.

Personally, the Axiom speakers I've heard so far, I was NOT impressed at all. Even if their current ones are better, I'd rather not take the chance.

New member
Username: Thereal_1_

Post Number: 8
Registered: Nov-04
I just returned the Axiom M22Ti after 2 weeks of auditioning them. Give Paradigm Monitor 5 or Studio 20 a try, based on your budget. Also check out the B&W 602.

Unregistered guest
The company that owns athena and energy makes there poducts a great bargan. The energy are better than the athena ( I have tried both)but then again the athenas are less than half the price. Energy if you can spend that much, athena if you can't
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