DAT recorders for amateur director


Unregistered guest
I am a real amateur to all of this but I have had an interest in film making for years and now have decided to buy for it. I am currently making a short film, but the microphone on the camera is rubbish. Obviously in the movies they use really professional equipment. Is there any equipment that I should use to capture really good sound? Should I pay £1000's for a 'DAT' recorder or is a CD recorder just as good. Please reply, IN DESPERATE NEED!!!!!!!!

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Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 6
Registered: Feb-05
A DAT recorder will probably give you more editing flexibility. I have a very small Sony unit that is outstanding. But I think it is discontinued.

Bronze Member
Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 19
Registered: Feb-05
Update: I just received a catalog from bhphotovideo.com that includes the portable DAT recorder. Go on line and see if they can help you.

Unregistered guest
get a (prosumer) minidv videocamera (sony150, panasonic dvx100e..) with xlr inputs for connecting any microphone.. it'll give u same audio formats as a dat recorder; only pre-amplification will be slightly different but.. no troubles with sync..

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Username: Audiobefore

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jun-05
I have to agree with Dani on this one. DAT is such an old format and it just never really did what we wanted it to... though the manufacturers tried so hard; it was too late! DAT was made as a consumer format and it's limitations never really got overcome sufficiently. Does anyone even use DAT anymore? I haven't heard of anyone in a very long time!

Gold Member
Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 1083
Registered: Feb-05
What limitations?

Silver Member
Username: Chitown

Post Number: 326
Registered: Apr-05
John how are you going to match the audio and video if you record the audio separately?


Gold Member
Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 1193
Registered: Feb-05
Stof, looks like the original poster has abandoned his post. Maybe he should be court marshalled.

The MOFO has spoken.

Unregistered guest
So, what is the recommended media for capturing high quality recordings nowadays. I want to record an amatuer singing group.

Unregistered guest
Hmmm. There are still a TON of folks recording live music with DAT. It is still the preferred media as it can run 3 hrs. with a 90m tape, full digital. The other frequently used alternative is a hard drive recorder.

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Username: Irisfailsafe


Post Number: 7
Registered: Jan-06
What camera do you Have?
Actually a prosumer DV camera can record at the same quality as a DAT plus you get synchronised audio (a huge deal)
Another alternative is to record to a laptop (check out Pro-Tools Mbox) http://www.digidesign.com that would be your best choice. In my humble opinion DATS are becoming dinosaurs and it might no be a good investment specially under a small budget

The Phoenix
Unregistered guest
Looks like Dale was right again. That boy knows his stuff despite the naysayers.

The Phoenix
Unregistered guest
You can't keep the MOFO down.

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Username: Ustaad_hc

Post Number: 695
Registered: Oct-06
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