The last time I made a major audio purchase was about 20 years ago. The landscape sure has changed since then. HT was non existant, CD's didn't exist, etc. I ended up with a Yamaha amp and Boston Acoustics A70's, which I've been pretty happy with for that time. I've always thought something a bit more would be nice, but not nice enough to part with the money.
Now I've decided to go ahead and do it, at the same time taking into account a 42" flat screen TV and new Yamaha RX-V 640 receiver. Now I've started looking for speakers again and feel lost. I've always liked the sound of BA and Infinity products so figured I would start there. Well first, I live in rural Indiana, so finding a higher end dealer is tough. I did find an Infinity Primus that I was not impressed with. I haven't found any Betas or Kappas to listen to. It seems the Kappas are discontinuted but I see some around at attractive prices (if they're what I want, anyway). The other half of the equation is I would like to use these tower/bookshelf speakers as the fronts to an HT system. Is this feasible?
The other part of the problem is I love to listen to everything from Baroque chamber music to big symphonies to rock, jazz, etc. Will ANYTHING sold as an HT system sound reasonable playing the 1812 or Beethoven's 9th?
Pricewise, I'd like to stay under around $1,500. Would a pair of fronts for $1,000 and less expensive surrounds and centers do the trick? The Kappa 600's are rated to 30 Hz, so I would think that would provide enough bass to skip the sub. (The HT part of the system is the least important to me, especially the bass effects) I've seen them in a couple of places for just over $1k. Am I all wrong? After listening to the Primus I'm wondering if Infinity is even an option any more.
Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions would be appreciated.
I would have to recommend that you look at the paradigm monitor line. They are very versatile and great value speakers. You should be able to pick up the monitor 7s, cc370, and mini monitors for your 5.1 setup. If you can afford it and would prefer di-poles, then you can replace the minimonitors with the adp370 as surrounds. They match very well with yamaha, and are an easy speaker to drive. They go down to either 33 or 34hz, so a sub isn't a must. Give them a try, I think you will like what you hear. Derek