Xitel? cd3o? DMS1? Other option advice?


New member
Username: Hdtvqs


Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-04
Hi everyone.
I have read this forum (and wish I was technically inclined enough to build a solution), but was wondering if anyone has advice on...yes...the same old question posted in various forms all over this newsgroup.

I converted about 100 CDs into MP3 format about a year ago (for better or for worse), and would love an easy way to play them over my home system and keep the best quality sound possible. Cost isn't an issue, but ease of use is (I would prefer to avoid proprietary sw and installing a lot of garbage if possible).

Just something where I can bring my laptop over to my stereo, plug it in and let it rip, and not hear the difference between it and if I played CDs?
Would something as simple as Xitel or cd3o do the trick? Are these even worthwhile options to consider?
Do I just make sure my next receiver has a USB port?
And is it absurd to think that these wireless options like the DMS1 are going to be able to do the CDs any justice at all?

Sorry for the basic question - tough to know without having used any of these "simple" solutions whether it will be just a waste of time pretending I can get decent quality by running my PC through a media streamer or other link into a relatively high-end home system.

Thanks so much in advance
-Simple Simon

Silver Member
Username: Edison

Glendale, CA US

Post Number: 590
Registered: Dec-03
Xitel will do it but this is better :
M-audio transit ($80 on ebay)

You need a good DAC if you want high quality.
You can get a good used one at www.audiogon.com
Post it there for a recommendation - depending on how much you want to spend.

Theta, California audio, musical fidelity a324 (recommended) makes good ones. 24/96 spec is good to get - musical fidelity has that.

From the DAC, you can connect it to any amp - you don't have to buy one with a USB port - this way, you will have more options on the amp you can use.

If you really want good sound, I would put the CDs into your computer using EAC (free software on the web - google search for it).
Make sure you use WAV format instead of mp3 - better quality.

If you run out of memory, you can get USB external hard drive for cheap ($120 for 200gb on ebay)

For more info, you might want to read this forum : http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?icomp&1&ctg&0&50&
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