Slightly garbled sound in pro logic II in surrounds


On some tv channels my pro logic II sounds slightly distorted or garbled on the surround speakers. I have my cable box audio running to my tv and then from tv out to my receiver. I also have a digital optic line running from my cable box directly to my receiver. Would the gabled sound go away if I hooked audio directly to receiver? Just curious. Thanks for any help or info...

I bailed on the Cable>TV>Receiver and started running directly from the Cable box to the Receiver.
Never had the garbled sound in the first place, but the sound improved regardless. I have to always use the receiver know but I don't mind.
Try it. At least you can rule out the TV as the problem and you may improve the sound.

Unregistered guest
I had this problem with my right rear not too long ago. I redid the speaker cable and it was fixed. Not sure if that would be the same problem.



Were you having the garbled sound on all audio sources, dvd, ect? Mine is only happening on certain tv shows in pro logic II. I don't think my problem is a speaker wire problem but I am curious if you had your problem on all audio sources. Thanks for your response.



Were you having the garbled sound on all audio sources, dvd, ect? Mine is only happening on certain tv shows in pro logic II. I don't think my problem is a speaker wire problem but I am curious if you had your problem on all audio sources. Thanks for your response.

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