Car sub Kicker round solobaric 12" for home theater?
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Hi gang, I was thinking of doing a diy sub project. Do any of yo have any experiance with using a 4 ohm car sub for H/T?
The Kicker S12C will handle up to 425 watts in a .88 cubic enclosure; if more power is avalable up to 600 watts the box size should be redused to .66 cubic feet.
I was thinking of buying a parts express 250 watt plate amp to power the sub. What do you guys think? would I be wasting my time with this or should I buy a ready made sub?
Using that small of a box works very well in car. In home use, you need something totally different. The S12c actually prefers a ported box indoors. Try a 3.8 cubic foot box with 2-14.25" long ports (f3 @ 25-26hz). I have two 12" Solo's for my HT subs. Powered at 230 watt ea., they do VERY well. Very clean, very deep, not boomy at all ;^) .
no offence or anything.. but IMO that is the dumbest thing ive ever heard of.. car subs for home theatre.. nothin against u.. just.. lol i think thats cheap and just dumb as hell. once again, nothin against ya.. just my 2 cents. i have kicker subs for one of our display cars, great stuff!
Actually i have had a car sub in my house for some time. Its quite functional. However you ave to remember that 8ohm amps dont like you connecting 4 ohm speakers. Youll need to find a very heat efficient amp to drive the sub. Other wise you will overheat and possible damage your amp. I wouldnt worry so much about damage these days as most home amps have enough built in protection to shut themselves off. But anyway the point is that yes you can do it, and yes its effective enough to work, but no it wont give you the same theatrical lows. Car subs are purely made for music and the home subs are purely made for theatre. I used a cheapy audiobahn in a dual ported box with about 300-400 watts going into and it it was fine for what i needed, but it would get a little boomy when watching a movie, but hey it was an ebay buy and it was cheap, so i didnt care i got what i paid for and its completely acceptable for what i need it for.
Hey bubuna if you have that Solo-baric already or can get it for a good price, go for it. In a ported config., they are great for home use. That plate amp is just the ticket.
Hey Slade, in the words of Tony Montanya "Say hellow to my leetle fren"
That there is a Cerwin Vega V-Max 15-DVC. Yep, a "car" sub. Only if you run the specs, it models out to be a very good home sub.
Misconception #1. Car subs don't play deep in home. This one has an f3 @ 25.5Hz. That's even before adding room gain. Theatrical lows anyone? Misconception #2. Car subs are boomy. This one has a system "Q" of .68. Nice and tight. Gotta love a big driver in a big sealed box. Misconception #3. Big car subs sound "slow". This one has a max group delay of 10.62ms @ 16.48Hz. Quick enough for 'ya?
This is what I use for HT now (useable output below 20hz). The twin Solo's are still in use (for music) as they have more punch in the 30-40Hz range.
Don't get me wrong. Not all car subs are suitable for home use, but my V-MAX and my Solo's are.
thats a nice sub there... blows my shity audiobahn outa the water.. i had to put the audiobahn in a ported to get the right volume, it was much beter in sealed but the living room is big and it just wasnt enough.. me want what you have **drool**
so how do you go about hooking up the amp if you use a car audio amp? You would need a 12volt power supply... where can you find one that puts out 300+ watts of power? I have heard that you can use a computer power supply... how hard is that to set up? THANKS
I have 2 rockord dvc hx2 15's in my home theater setup, custom built ported enclosures and 2 2 channel amps powering each with about 500 watts, does very well for me..I even built one for a buddy of mine that looks like an end table, with the woofer pointed at the floor , it is built of oak vennered mdf with sold oak rails and stiles and top , and even has fake drawers with knobs on the front of it, I put 50 lbs of sand in a dead space in it to help it stay on the floor, it ways 150 lbs. and it rocks.
Unregistered guest
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Jerry Flynn,
Do you have any pictures you could post of the sub/table sounds cool.