To disagree somewhat, it is about what you can spend and what you are expecting your system to sound like. I find that few people have a sense of what live, unamplified music sounds like. That is the first problem with your question.
There really aren't any solid state power amplifiers I know of that sound like a 3 watt or 8 watt Single Ended Triode power amp. Whether you want that sound and what it encompasses is your choice.
Depending on the budget, there are 150 watt tube amps that sound very much like 150 watt solid state amps.
The idea that reproduced music should sound as if it were all types of live music is, I think, easier to accomplish with tubes. System matching is more important with tubes however.
You have not drawn a distinction between pre amps and power amps which is another discussion for anyone who has used both. The idea of how tubes deal with a phono signal is different than how solid state deals with CD or SACD.
You have asked a question that is too broad for a reliable answer. George Bush might see this as a black and white answer but John Kerry would see the nuances that must be considered.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
George Bush might see this as a black and white answer but John Kerry would see the nuances that must be considered.
I don't suppose you watch Fox news channel do you? ;) Just saw a report on the Dutch television about Fox's self-claimed "objectivity". It was so shocking that I had to laugh.
John Kerry seems to look French, according to Fox. "John Kerry the first French president of the USA?" They even invited a French reporter who declared that the French are thinkers who think all day but don't do anything. "You don't want a philosopher for president" LOL
J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
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So where do I file The Reagan Philosophy?
Unregistered guest
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as a figure of speech?
J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
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Reagan was known for the philosophy of government that has been, until George Walker Bush, the model for contemporary conservative thinking. Doesn't that qualify him as a "philosopher" of sorts, at least? I believe Pat Buchannan, Limbaugh, Peggy Noonan, Hannity and others would think it would.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Doesn't that qualify him as a "philosopher" of sorts, at least?
Of course, I was just joking. I forgot the ;) (wink) I thought you meant So where do I file The Reagan Philosophy? as some sort of rhetorical question.
Unregistered guest
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By the way, have you ever watched Fox news? And what's your opinion about this channel? I was amazed how their reports are so obviously colored by (right-wing) opinion. It totally lacks any objectivity.
J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
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I've watched Fox News on occasion. It is not my first choice, I prefer CNN and lately have been watching CNN fn. After the financial shows go off at night they switch to an international braodcast that gives me more information than the American CNN. If you have Dish Network it is channel 206.
Mr. Vigne it doesn't require watching cnn (who would ?) or fox (which isn't RIGHT WING--OHHH SCARY!!!) to buy an amplifier either?... ... I have to explain why mr nuance, mr take any position which is politically expedient doesn't have a spine?
J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
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If we continue this way things will get quite nasty. I suggest we return to the original topic or none at all.
Unregistered guest
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which isn't RIGHT WING--OHHH SCARY!!!
Perhaps I used the wrong word. I didn't mean the likes of skinheads and other. Fox is conservative and that's so obvious that one must be blind not to see it...but the hell with it.
Do you always get "nasty" with people when they question your point of view or your statements ? Fox is conservative, nout I don't thing you know what real conservatives stand for.... and it is not expoused by fox news, that line is getting a bit stale .... by the way I have never had any tube equipment, though is it fair to say as many do that tubes are needed somewhere in the chain??
i look forward to learning more about tube amps but i will abandon this thread and seek knowledge elsewhere
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Do you always get "nasty" with people when they question your point of view or your statements ?
Do you mean my reply or J.Vignes?
just to make things clear: ...but the hell with it. I didn't mean that in a bad way.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
And it wasn't my intention to start a debate about politics. I just was amazed to find that a news chanel which uses phrases like "Fair and Balanced" and "We report, You decide" isn't objective at all. They openly favor George Bush over John Kerry. That's fine, everyone their own opinion, but don't claim to be "fair and balanced".