What DAC does the Sony DVP-NC685v use?


Bronze Member
Username: James0226

Post Number: 11
Registered: Oct-04
I am just wondering if anyone knows where to find out what kind of DAC a DVD or CD player uses, in particular the Sony DVP-NC685v?

I have heard that a Burr-Brown DAC is better, but have no idea where to find out, especially for this sony! I can't find it anywhere under the specs.

Thanks alot!


Silver Member
Username: Arnold_layne


Post Number: 196
Registered: Jun-04
DAC real specs are kept in secret by manufacturers. Because it's not only the brand but also the model. Can easily be 5$ difference per channel between cheap-o and state-of-the-art. So guess where they sometimes save...

Only way to be sure is to dismount and look. But then you might have problems with guarantee repair. Sometimes "modders" report on DACs in forums, but I haven't seen anything on this particular player.

Burr Brown has a good reputation but there are others too.

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