I am wondering if by using the digital outs of two different DVD/CD players hooking up to the same receiver, would there be a difference in sound quality? And if there is, what is the cause!?
I had thought that the sound quality of CD's coming out of the speakers are due to the DAC and nothing else (since CD doesn't require much complicated decoding, I thought). Is it possible that the quality of the "optic reader" can make such difference?
In fact, I did a test with my players and indeed, to my ears, one of the player sounded clearly inferior in sound to the others (all using the same optical connections)
Very curious for your inputs,
J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
Posted on
You are essentially using your players as transports at this point and as with high end transports each has its own sound. Differences can be attributed to the read systems and the amount of error correction, jitter and clock timing each has introduced into the 0's and 1's. The power supplies can influence the sound as can the stability of the transport. CD's have plenty of servo mechanisms and servos are notorious for correcting a problem after it has happened. Quite often the problem had solved itself before the servo does a correction and then overcorrection becomes a problem.
J. Vigne... There is also another aspect of that. Differences can also be attributed to the electronic system that is responsible for changing electrical representation of 0's and 1's (already read by laser) into optical in order to send it through optical cable. Probably that's the point.