Made the Plunge


Bronze Member
Username: Tsl90

Edmond, OK United States

Post Number: 24
Registered: Aug-04
It is official. I've signed over a few $K for a pair of B&W 603s, an LCR600 center, and a pair of CCM65 in ceiling rear channels, to be driven by a Rotel RSX 1056.

Someone tell me I didn't just waste that much money...

I am considering ordering a Hsu sub vs the ASW 300 or 600. Any suggestions?

What about ordering cables? Where's a good place to order reasonable speaker cable?

I'm installing my ceiling units myself. Any suggestions.

Please reply soon. I won't pick this stuff up for over a week. I need someone to help me ward off buyers remorse. My wife thinks I'm loopy.

Thanks in advance for the assistance.

Silver Member
Username: Bleustar

Pensacola, Florida

Post Number: 112
Registered: Jul-04
I think you will love the Rotel 1056 receiver and I think you should leave the buyer's remorse to your wife.
My wife thinks I'm loopy too and can't imagine why anyone would spend over $100 for an audio system.

Enjoy the upcoming bliss!

Bronze Member
Username: Dan_the_man

London, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 21
Registered: Jun-04
Maybe look at svs subwoofers?? I have a 20-39 pc+, just an awesome subwoofer. If i had to pick between the two you have mentioned though i would be leaning towards the HSU.

The 603's are awesome, WOW nice combo. I don't think this is a something you will regret! Good choices i wish i had your money lol.

Bronze Member
Username: Tsl90

Edmond, OK United States

Post Number: 25
Registered: Aug-04

The thing is now I do't have my money - the audio place does!

I'm definitely leaning more toward Hsu VTF-2.

Looking forward to getting things set up.


Silver Member
Username: Stone

West CoastUSA

Post Number: 102
Registered: Dec-03
Regarding speaker cables, I have been pleasantly surprised at the sound of home depots 12g cable. If you want to go with some higher quality cable Signal cable makes reasonably priced cables that get rave reviews from audiophiles. Signal's audio interconnects are handmade. 30 day return and lifetime warranty.

Bronze Member
Username: Frank_abela

Berkshire UK

Post Number: 70
Registered: Sep-04
I know nothing about the HSUs. I would recommend a decent sub like a REL Stampede. Whatever you do, get a good sub, don't skimp on it. The rest of the system sounds well matched, but the sub will really define the overall quality of the system. It's not just about bass, subs seem to affect all parts of the spectrum. I don't know why this is, but it's something I've observed over time.


Silver Member
Username: Petergalbraith

Rimouski, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 112
Registered: Feb-04
I have a Hsu STF-3 and I am not disappointed with it. Great on music.

Bronze Member
Username: Tsl90

Edmond, OK United States

Post Number: 26
Registered: Aug-04
Thanks again for all the info. Here are some other issues:

Speaker connections - I was going to do banana's on the receiver and spades or bare wire on the speaker. Any better ideas?

Sub-woofer cable - I will have to run this up the wall, through the attic, down another wall to get it where I need it. I'm guessing 30 ft of cable just to do that - maybe a little more. My plan was to put a box in the wall with binding posts for my rear ceiling speakers, and connector for the sub cable. I'll run the sub cable to another box in the wall near my anticipated possible locations. From there I can plug a 12ft cable into that box and reach just about anywhere. Sub cables are expensive for long lenghts like that, I had thought of using a high quality coax. Would that be horrible? What about bying 50ft of "sub cable" in bulk and putting coax or RCA connectors on it? If I did that what kind of cable should I buy (is it coax?)?

I've been looking at Parts express - is there a better place to order from?

Thanks again


Silver Member
Username: Petergalbraith

Rimouski, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 113
Registered: Feb-04
TPL, I personnaly use banana on the receiver end and bare wire on the speaker for these reasons:

1- I don't want too much exposed connections on the rear speakers. They are accessible to kids.

2- I hate screwing on speaker wires behind the receiver

3- I like to be able to easily switch speakers around on the receiver.

As for the sub, I use a 50-foot audio cable (with RCA connectors). Very cheap. Works well. If you are going to install a wall plate for the sub, I suggest that you play around with sub positioning first so you're sure of where it will end up being. Mine is behind the couch.

Bronze Member
Username: Tsl90

Edmond, OK United States

Post Number: 27
Registered: Aug-04
OK, not to be too much of an idiot - but how do I find "audio cable" that's not terminated?

I really have only a few areas available for the sub positioning wise. Some are very near the reciever which will be easy. The others are on the other side of the room - where I plan to put the wall plate. From there a cord should give me access to all the possibilities. I'm hoping behind my couch works out.

One other issue - do you solder your speaker cable to you bananas? That seems a good idea to me but I'm obviously new to this.

Thanks again for all the help.



Silver Member
Username: Petergalbraith

Rimouski, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 114
Registered: Feb-04

I don't know what you mean by unterminated audio cables. I meant I bought a 50' long audio cable (for $5, believe it or not). I was expecting it would hum or something since it was so cheap, but it's fine.

I do solder the speaker cable to the banana plug, which requires quite a bit of heat. I also have another type which screw on the wire.

Bronze Member
Username: Tsl90

Edmond, OK United States

Post Number: 28
Registered: Aug-04
I guess my audio cable issue is this. I know they sell RCA connectors that you can put on bulk cable. I assume they must sell bulk audio cable as well and that it is not simply a stranded or solid wire like speaker cable. So what is it?

Where did you get that price for a 50' cable? Sounds great.

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