I finally got my system last weekend, connected it on sunday and listened to it. I took heed of some advice and got a two channel amp C320BEE instead of a T743 (I will listen to music more than movies) along with a C521BEE CD player and PSB Image 4T speakers. Although, I have not listened to many HiFi systems, the only thing I can say is that the sound which comes out of it is divine. It is smooth, very natural and very enjoyable. I have not listened it more than total of 6 hrs yet (plan to do a lot this weekend) but until now I have enjoyed it very much. I have listened to Mozart's Horn concerto, Mozarts Piano concerto 20 and 21, Beethoven's Choral Fantasy, Vivaldi's Four Seasons, Pavarotti, etc along with Neil Diamond, Billy Joel, Elton John, Dire Staits, Pink Floyd and some Hindi music (I am from India). Frankly speaking all of them sounded very beautiful. My feel was that even in the middle of bass setting on the amp, the bass coming from the drums and vocal music was quite deep. I have listened to B&W 602 S3 speakers earlier and loved their sound. Image 4T is also wonderful, the mid range is very nice. I have to also play around with the speaker placement (room is 24 ft x 11 ft) to find the sweet spot. Overall as I understand, the the whole system will sound very nice after some "break in". If you guys have any suggestions please also let me know.
I would like to thank Johnny, John A, Hawk and also my dealer for giving me advice and suggestions for choosing this system. Now it is time to truly enjoy it. Thanks guys.