Def Tech Supercube II


New member
Username: Sethdero

Post Number: 1
Registered: 01-2004
I'm thinking about buying a Supercube II and wanted to get some feedback from those who have one.

Good idea to get one??

Unregistered guest
I just got one. I think it's nice. It's got several connection options, i.e. unfiltered LFE, Low Level and High Level Inputs. For the price this one's a bargain compaired to Velodyne's HGS or DD's. Performance wise, it works with my set of B&W 600 s3.

New member
Username: Lorrin

Post Number: 3
Registered: 02-2004
Can you say anything about how the Supercube sounds compared to Sunfire, Paradigm, or M&K subs? I'm hoping to find something that's priced and shaped like a Sunfire but sounds like a Paradigm :-)

Unregistered guest
I'm also on a lookout for sub-compact subwoofer. I am considering The Rel Q108E, MJAcoustics Reference 100 (available in Canada) and Velodyne SPL-800 Series II which is a bit expensive but is sold cheap at

Unfortunately, the Velodyne does not have magnetic shielding and you have to go up to the next model to get it and it's quite expensive for me. The Sunfire TrueSubwoofer Super Jr. was one of my choices but the spartan look and inability to be musical left much to be desired, not to mention that it moves around its space. Then I came across the DefTech Supercube II. I'm not sure if the Rel, MJAcoustics or the Deftech subs are magnetically shielded but that would definitely factor in my purchase.


Unregistered guest
I have a deftech supercube 1. I am thoroughly pleased with it. I have compared it to B&W ASW 675, Velodyne SPL 1000 Series II by bringing them home as loaners and testing them all out with my B&W CM series speakers.

I should tell you B&W sub is a joke - very boomy, did not go low and hmmm'ed in some cases. Velodyne 1000 also seemed less than adequate (you can get one on internet for $725).

The only word that came to my mind with deftech was "open". I felt like I was a part of music and action rather that listening to another speaker. I don't like the fact that deftech is more expensive than spl1000 but sound makes up for it.

Bronze Member
Username: Sssand2

Post Number: 28
Registered: Dec-03
Check out the review of the Rocket UFW-10 found at This may be something you are looking for. Here is the shoot out link: &view=collapsed&sb=5&o=365&fpart=1.
Secrets has also just reviewed this sub at:
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