buddy of mine doesn't really use it and needs some cash. thing still has the screen protector on it. i'll put up pics on request.
thing is pretty sweet. i'd buy it personally if i had the extra $ layin around... oh and i loaded it up for him with like 2k songs and a dozen or so movies.
I have that exact model(almost). I love it! My kids use it for traveling and you can use it as a DVR. Mine is the 30 gig and if you get the docking station (recommended) you have many input/output options. I used it last year to record football games I would normally miss. I can play them back on my tv or take it with me.
hah yeah Paul these things do all sorts of crap. i can walk with it around my house and play movies/music on it from my computer. i'd love to have something like it for my car...