Looking for HO alt for...


Silver Member
Username: Durski

Post Number: 324
Registered: Nov-06
97 honda accord 4cyl

Classmate of mine said he can get me a HO alt, brand new, for my old alt + $30 - $50... very skeptical, i think its one of those "I know a guy" kinda things, told him to get back to me with specs and brands but until then, anyone got a REAL one?

Silver Member
Username: Bonhamd

Northern, Michigan USA

Post Number: 501
Registered: Nov-07
that does not sound possible - $30-$50?

$30-$50 seems more like a used stock alt to me.

Silver Member
Username: Durski

Post Number: 327
Registered: Nov-06
Yeah that's what I was thinking, or maybe he takes the old alt and tries to amp it up a little bit, but from what I hear you gain almost nothing by doing that.

Gold Member
Username: Stateprop486


Post Number: 1117
Registered: Jan-08
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/94-97-NEW-HONDA-ACCORD-PRELUDE-CL-ALTERNATOR-160- AMPS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33573QQihZ003QQitemZ130205361442QQrdZ1QQsspagena meZWDVW

Silver Member
Username: Durski

Post Number: 330
Registered: Nov-06
Thanks a bunch State

I think ima have to snatch that one up, any recommendations for a battery? (If I need it, runnin stock everything right now)

Steppin up from 330rms to 1000 - 1200 rms. My lights dim at idle as is now, i know that's only gonna get worse when i upgrade

Gold Member
Username: Stateprop486


Post Number: 1120
Registered: Jan-08
haha i have stock electrical too and im runnin a zx1000.1, 1000watts @ 2ohms and never had any problems...my lights dont dim that much though but what ever u do ur lights will always dim.. I also finally did the big 3 upgrade today...but if ur plannin on runnin more watts later down the road then get the H.O alt. as for battery probably like an odessey or red top optima....
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