1st gen Kicker XPLs for sale 10"


New member
Username: Blackdouglas76

Post Number: 9
Registered: Oct-07
Anyone interested in two 1st gen Kicker xpl 10" subs. I shouldn't have bought them because they are 2 ohm and I have 4 ohm comps. I don't want my sound to be muddy. I will be glad to send a pic if anyone even thinks that they want them. This is not one of the subs, it is just a website I found with a picture of what they look like.

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.est.hi-ho.ne.jp/nasu/S120U1.JP G&imgrefurl=http://www.est.hi-ho.ne.jp/nasu/ATRAIAUDIOS120.htm&h=172&w=172&sz=11 &hl=en&start=7&um=1&tbnid=qmvpXHUUaq1fjM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=100&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dk icker%2Bxpl%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN

These subs have been boxed for many years in a room temperature setting. Were installed but sent back to Crutchfield. Came from outlet department there, so you know they cost a pretty penny when purchased. Can send them in original boxes, but do not have owner's manual with them.

I will be willing to trade for two Kicker Comps from 2006 to match the ones I have at 4 ohms. Just post me your best cash offer if you do not want to trade. I don't know how much they are valued at, but they were expensive back in the day. I would still rather have these than what you can buy in every day retail stores!


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Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 5210
Registered: Jul-06
Make sure you post over on www.caraudio.com also.They get a lot of traffic and it's likely that someone would take them off of your hands on that site rather than on here.They have a classified section just for buying,selling and trading but be careful there have been lots of scammers on there lately.
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