Hi, I have been searching and searching but can's seem to find someone out there who has put my question out there...here it is :
I have an HP pavillion desktop model # m9060n and I am getting a HD satellite receiver soon and want to record HD television content onto my pc with windows media center. My pc works currently recording from the basic satellite receiver. I imagine that I might need to upgrade my computer hardware to get the computer to record the HD content but I am not sure about that since I do not understand the specs or the limitations of all the hardware involved. Here are some of the relevant specs for the video that is currently on my computer :
I don't know if there is a way for windows 7 to spit out more info about the details of my current tv tuner card but I did notice that it has an Svideo input as well as a CATV and FM in puts but no HDMI input. The pc is connected to my TV with an HDMI connection.
I hope someone can steer me in the right direction.