Screen Went Black


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Username: Fitted

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-09
I have a presario v6000 and i was using it fine then i shut it off and then tried to start it up again and my screen went completely black i cant see anything on the screen i know its on because my lights turn on, on my keyboard but nothing at all on my screen can someone help me thank you

New member
Username: Fitted

Post Number: 2
Registered: Sep-09
Can someone help me

New member
Username: Dimyself

Irvine, CA USA

Post Number: 2
Registered: Oct-09
If you have an external monitor connection, try seeing if anything shows on an external monitor. If it does, you know your screen went bad.

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Username: Introublewpc

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-11
I am having a similar problem.
After 1 minute of using my laptop... it went 100% black.
I shut it off and restarted. It runs ok for a minute, but after 1 minute it goes black again.. I've restarted it from cold shut down 4 times now... same thing happens. always after 1 minute.

Any suggestions?
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