I have a fairly new home theater PC with an LG Blu-ray/cd/dvd drive. It failed to play a Blu-ray disk obtained through Netflix. I verified it was a bad disk when it wouldn't play on another Blu-ray player. Netflix sent another which now plays fine in the other Blu-ray machine. But now I can't get any Blu-ray disks to play in my HTPC. Is it possible that the bad disk messed up my HTPC Blu-ray player? The bad disk actually looked perfect. It didn't have any significant surface damage. What should I do to get things working again?
I don't think its very likely that the blu-ray disk messed up your drive, however, it is possible that the disk had corrupted update files on it. Sony (the makers of blu-ray and blu-ray software/firmware) likes to update their products with software updates embedded directly on their disks. If this is the case you'll need to uninstall the drive and reinstall it. This might be a little complicated, however, if you HTPC has system recovery check points setup on it, you should be able to roll the PC back before the disk was put into the drive. If all else fails, call customer support for the computer. Most current computer manufacturers have very good customer service policies.