Vista with geforce 6800


Bronze Member
Username: Dmg025

Post Number: 19
Registered: Jan-06
Ok, so i was just given a brand new dell xps 410 with a geforce 7300LE which is apparently pretty bad. I wanted to put my old geforce 6800 in and run benchmarks on that. when I installed the card and tried to boot nothing happened. no signal to the monitors what so ever and I got a system beep. i tried booting on the 7300, installing the drivers for the 6800 and then rebooting and still got nothing. this is very frustrating. Please help

windows vista
geforce 6800, 7300
1.86 duo core
2 gigs ram
both cards are 256 mb

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 12153
Registered: Dec-03
card may not be seated properly
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