The config.sys file is were information about your configuration of the comp is stored.What is wierd is you have tried to reformat and still have the same problem. I am just wondering but are you using a recovery partition or are you using a windows disk to do the format. Sounds kinda like a recovery partiton? Anyway if you are doing a full format on the drive and you keep having the same problem it may be a bad sector on the drive itself.
ive got that same problem also. At first I would always receive the pop up window about the System32. Then after awhile, System32 would actually open up and would display on my screen but, then another pop up will appear saying that the files are locked. Pretty annoying...
There's a possibility that the error your describing is a virus. Try flashing your BIOS and then doing a full format of your hard drive. At a last resort replace your hard drive. If that doesn't take care of it replace your ram along with your hard drive and flash your BIOS.
Messing with the BIOS is something a Pro should do! You mess that up, you will have to take it to be repaired. It is the heart of the mtoherboard.
They all got a virus and it messed up the operating system root files. They will have to reformat the operating system and re-install everything. Disk recovery will not do anything. Reformat is when you wipe the hard drive clean of any files, like a brand new hard drive. Then you put the operating system back on and install all the drivers again. And you will notice the differnet in speed once you format too because you have "unload" all the uncessary files that window creates.