Not sure if this is a network problem. I'm trying to access the internet from my wireless laptop via my desktop pc. I've purchased a Linksys model WRT54G wireless router and connected it to my DSL broadband modem and pc as instructed by the set-up wizard CD. However, during the set-up process, an error message indicates that an internet connection cannot be found. I'm following the set-up wizard instructions as directed, but cannot determine the problem. Any feedback/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure exactly but I could never get the Linksys router to work either. I have a Core duo Imac, Dell Laptop, and an xbox 360. So I took the linksys back and bought a belkin router and have had no problems at all. maybe its the DSL, maybe linksys sux!
i had a similar problem, contact your internet service provider and theyll guide you through all the setup over the phone. I also bought a D-Link wireless USB, works good.