About a month ago my Compaq 5000 decided that it didn't want to turn on anymore. I always leave my comp on and only restart it once a week or so. Well, one morning I wake up to find that it isn't on, and I find that odd. So I go try to turn it on, and NOTHING. So basically, I got lazy and didn't fix it right away. Today I looked through it and came to the conclusion that it must be the power supply. I went to Staples and bought an Antec 350 to replace the original. I have a decent knowledge of this stuff because I have built 3 comps... So I'm thinking I can do it fine. I hook it all up, plug it in, turn it on... Yay, it has power. Cd rom powers up, HD powers up, fan on Mobo powers up... still happy. Then I look up and my monitor just goes into standby mode. I tried it on my other comp and same deal. I tried another video card... same deal. I looked at everything inside and there are no burnt spots or smokey smells. Does anyone have ANY idea what this could be? I'm 99% sure I have it all hooked up right. I practically plugged it in as I was taking the old one out.
sorry it took so long for one of us to answer back. i have seen power supplies last over 13 years. that being said, theres usually only 2 reasons why a power supply would fail. either its fan screwed up and it overheated or (this happened to me) a power surge in your house burned out the power supply. a power supply is designed to burn out in the case of a surge so that the rest of your computer will not fry. sometimes though, it doesnt burn out fast enough and other stuff messes up too. first thing you should do is reset the BIOS by taking out the battery on the motherboard. if that doesnt work check your ram. that is most likely the problem. next check the video card and finally the motherboard. lemme know if you already fixed the problem and what it was. i'm curious to know.