I just bought a NEC DVDR/RW Model NO. ND-3550A. I tried installing it into my computer replacing the cdrw. I downloaded an installation guide from nec regarding this product and followed the steps there. It said to set the jumpers to the same as the drive I was removing. The cd drive was set to cable so I set the dvd burner to cable.
All I did was unplug the cables from the back of the cd drive remove it and plugged the cables into the back of the dvd burner. Was I correct in doing this or should I have done something else?
Anyways, after installing the drive when the system information comes up it still shows my cd drive as master and my dvd burner as secondary master. I don't know how to change this.
When you click on my computer it still says that drive d is the cd drive and then it shows drive e as the dvd-r drive. I can put a movie into the burner and dvd shrink will recognize it and I can even go as far as copying the dvd to my hard drive but when I put a blank dvd into the burner it doesn't recognize the dvd and if you click on my computer it shows drive e as a cd drive.
I am trying to install it on a EMachines W2040 running XP AMD Athlon Processor 2000+ 40GB Hard Drive 128MB Ram
I am trying to record on Memorex DVD+R 8x Media.
I know this is long but if anyone could help I would really appreciate it.
i dont really understand your problem but as for changing the priority of the drive, thats a very easy process. take both cd drives out of the computer and set the jumpers accordingly. the dvd burner to master and the cd drive to slave. then finally connect the dvd burner onto the ribbon cable connector where the cd drive was connected to and connect the cd drive to the ribbon cable connector where the dvd burner was.
My problem is that the computer is not recognizing the dvd burner as the master drive. I have totally removed the cd burner from the computer but when I boot it up it still shows the cd burner as the master drive and the dvd burner as the secondary master even though I do not have two different drives in the computer. I don't even want or need the cd burner in the computer. I am replacing it with the dvd burner.
I removed the cd burner, hooked up the dvd burner and set the jumper to master and connected the cables. The dvd burner will read dvd movies, I can play them on the computer and it will read any software discs that are inserted in the drive.
What I am having problem with is that I cannot copy music from computer with this burner, I am also trying to make back up copies of my dvd library for my kids and it won't let me do that either.
I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong in that the computer is still recognizing a cd drive that is not even in the computer to begin with.