KDS k780 monitor


New member
Username: Neil_mcrae

Surrey, B.C. Canada

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-05

I have a 17 inch KDS k780 monitor and would like to find another one exactly the same as it. Do you know if anyone's still selling them new? I live in Canada, so I would prefer starting off by trying to find a place in Canada that sells this monitor new. If there is none, do you know of any places in the U.S. that sell this monitor new and if there are none there either do you know of any places in any other country that sell this monitor new? I don't care how much I have to pay for it if I end up buying it from another country. And if I can't find this monitor new, I'll settle for a used one if this monitor can be found used. And note that I want one exactly the same as the one in this following screenshot (which is a screenshot of my current KDS k780 monitor) with the "VIEW" written on the right side below the screen and the KDS written on the left side instead of the KDS being written in the center below the screen as shown on the monitor in the screenshot below the screenshot of my monitor:



Also note that I want the round-screen KDS k780 monitor and not the flat one. At one point within the last few months I thought I was getting the exact same monitor that I have in my screenshot above for free, but a few days after that I got the monitor that I was suppose to get for free and it was a flat one. BTW, I am one of the few people who is actually against flat-screen TVs and flat-screen computer monitors. And I don't like it that the whole world is changing over to flat-screen and that there will soon never be anymore round-screen products made just like there are no longer any records or 8-track tapes being made for example.

I am also looking for these computer speakers and woofer. Again, try to find it new first but if that can't be found then I'll settle for them used if they can be found used. I don't know the make of the speakers and I don't know the model/part number, I no longer have the book for them or the box that they came in. Here are the screenshots of my speakers and woofer that I'm trying to find another set exactly the same:

one of the two speakers in this set

the woofer

Please reply if you know anything about these parts.

New member
Username: Neil_mcrae

Surrey, B.C. Canada

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-05
You can ignore the top half of my above message, I now have the monitor.
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