Can you record HD TV onto your computer harddrive?
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If I have a Comcast HD cable box and a video card for my computer that says it supports HD, and it has a DVI output, theoretically, couldn't I record HD onto my hard drive? If so, I would need some sort of device to get the HD signal from the cable box to the computer, where it could record the HD signal onto my harddrive. From there, I could set my card to dual output onto my TV and use the DVI output to send the signal from my comp to my TV. Does anyone know if this is possible? I have heard in other forums that it is, but I have seen no clear explanation of how to accomplish this...If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.
You have to get a TV tuner. However just figure out if you want a hybrid TV tuner or a normal one, because the Hybrid has good features such as it allows you to record a show while watching another one.