So i work for a company thats coming out with a new external HDD with some expanded capabilities. My question for yall is... of these names, which one do you like the best? Any opinions in general would be awesome. and...these are the names im stuck with, i didnt pick 'em, i dont really like them, i just have to figure out some community response.
and the names are.... moon, limo, bambu, gigabox, egg, den, digi, frontrow, nestor, the box, plato, and maxbox
MAXBOX. That sounds bada$$. Rellie thats the one. Sounds good. Good marketing name. ANd max. Thats so much better than ultra, and super. Dead 80's era words dont work worth a Cr%$ any more for advertising.
"Mr Data" or "Data Butler" or "Data Shuttle" "Harder Drive" "Jaguar" "Mamba"<-sounds fast and deadly... things ending in "tron" sound good... things ending in plex too but not so much...